PLANET X, NIBIRU, ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS, NASA, MARS, EARTH. Interstellar - Mystery Space Machines. The Chinese Disks of Baian-Kara-Ula, UFO Casebook Files. In 1968 the russian scientist W.
Nibiru 2012 History. Giant Skulls. Were we on the Moon in 2309 B.C.? …and what about Mars?
2005 12 27 By Jonathan Gray | Image from: In 1926, Professor A. W. Vimana: The Ancient Anti-Gravity Flying Machine. What caused the sudden rush of these most powerful leaders of the Western World to go to Afghanistan, this report continues, was to directly view the discovery by US Military scientists of what is described as a "Vimana" entrapped in a "Time Well" that has already caused the "disappearance" of at least 8 American Soldiers trying to remove it from the cave it has been hidden in for the past estimated 5,000 years.
Vimāna Important to note about “Vimāna” technology is that this mysterious aircraft is the long-known mythological flying machine described in the ancient Sanskrit epics that existed prior to the last overturning of our Earth and were purported to have weapons eerily similar to today’s atomic bombs. A vimana is a mythological flying machine, described in the ancient mythology of India. References to these flying machines are commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare. Dr. Mysterious Skull Of Unidentified Origin. - This skull was discovered in the city of Plovdiv located within easy reach of the Rhodope Mountains, located in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, in May 2001.
The artifact has long remained hidden in the country's research laboratories. Finally it was time to present it to the public. It does not resemble a human skull and its appearance causes clear associations with alien skulls found earlier on many occasions in other parts of the world. Mankind's Forbidden History Holds the Answer for the "Missing Link" It is perhaps the most convoluted puzzle to ever exist, a timeline which pits some of today’s most dominant dogmas, whether scientific or th...
It is perhaps the most convoluted puzzle to ever exist, a timeline which pits some of today’s most dominant dogmas, whether scientific or theological, in an unrelenting war against one another. The history of human civilization and evolution. Today most would refute the Christian story of Genesis, dubbing it a fictional parable clouded by fantasy and nonsense. Infamous proponents of Evolution Theory or natural selection, such as Richard Dawkins, are keen on discrediting the creationist theory, yet even with the powerful backing of the science community evolutionists fall short to provide us with the proper narrative that explains our leap from Homo-erectus (our ape-like ancestors) to Homo-sapiens (modern man).
The missing link – our biggest conundrum. Today there exists many alternative theories that aim to explain mankind’s speedy evolution. Dr. Unlock your mind and soulNASA experts claim to have intercepted an intergalactic distress call. The signal was detected in January of 1998, however, it took months to decode the message.
Transcribed Version Of Press Release: NASA experts claim to have intercepted an intergalactic distress call from an alien civilization that had already peaked and was actually dying when saber-tooth tigers still roamed the earth. The 80,000-year-old SOS was received and digitally recorded in late January 1998. But only in recent weeks have radio astronomers and language experts found the key to the complex mathematics-based language that enabled them to translate the ‘frantic plea for help’. The world press has been suspiciously silent about the startling message, though lengthy scientific reports are scheduled for publication in two professional journals, Radio Astronomy and Universe. According to a highly placed NASA source in Houston, Texas, noted Russian space scientist Dr. Dr. China's Savage War With Space Aliens. (Before It's News) Some ancient writings of China that precede their calendar by as much as 300 years, suggest that regions to the north were invaded by extraterrestrial forces.
Ancient Aliens S01E01 - The Evidence Ancient Astronauts Photo Gallery. Img_4abf5c02c1ebc.jpg (JPEG Image, 540x384 pixels) Known Alien Races of the Galaxy. Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts. 12,000 B.C. - China's First Alien Encounter - ARE THERE ALIENS AMONG US ???? - Mystery Disks. Alien Connection One of the news stories finding its way across the World Wide Web of late is about a team of Chinese scientists traveling to the remote western province of Qinghai to investigate reports of a mystery pyramid that local legend claims is an ancient launch tower left by aliens.
According to the story released by China's state-run Xinhua agency, the mystery pyramid is located on Mt. Baigong in an extremely harsh and uninhabited part of the world. Those who have seen it say there are three caves with triangular openings on the façade. That the government of China would permit a public news statement about a scientific investigation of a possible alien/UFO landing-site suggests that the Communist Chinese government is relaxed about public consideration of alien life. Rumors of clandestine meetings by military personnel and alien visitors in the church-oriented United States (and various other countries of the world) have always been denied in official circles.
Dropa Stone Discs. The Dropa Stone Discs.
Dropas Crash 10,000 BC, Aliens, Alien Crash, Dropas, Ancient Astronauts, Alien Disc, Burlington UFO and Paranormal Center , Burlington Wisconsin, Wisconsin authors, Mary sutherland author of Living in the Light, UFO, Alien, extraterrestrials, Ancient Race. Egyptian Archaeologist Admits Pyramids Contain Alien Technology. UFO Aliens may have helped build Pyramids of Giza says, Cairo university archeologist Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010 had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.
On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen, was vague and replied “I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the pyramid that is “not of this world”. Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.
Actually ancient Egyptian writings very often talk of beings from the sky, the sky opening and bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom. Ancient Aliens - S02E08 - Unexplained Structures(HQ) Krill UFO Revelation. UFO-Phenomena: KRILL Papers A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES Contents: It's one of posts who gave in alt.alien.visitors a lot of discussions and flames.
If you don't know it, read it! The KRILL papers seemingly came out of nowhere and have stirred up a small hornets nest of speculation. Who is O. Who Are The Arcturian Aliens. Dogon People of Africa. Ancient Aliens in Africa: The Dogon people are one of the most fascinating sources of evidence for Ancient Aliens. The Dogon populate the central plateau region of Mali in Africa, there are said to be between 400,000 and 800,000 in this remote civilization. The Dogon culture has been known for its dramatic art, tribal customs, and most of all their cosmology. The controversy started in 1930 when French anthropologists recorded a strange legend from Dogon priests. Passed down through oral tradition, the Dogon told a tale of alien visitation from the Star System of Sirius. The alien race was referred to as the Nommos and was said to be an aquatic race of humanoid creatures (from their descriptions similar to Mermaids or Mermen).
The anthropologist recorded the story for what it was worth and went about their business. Project Avalon - Klaus Dona: The Hidden History of the Human Race. Click here for the PDF version of this interview (20 pages) Click here for the video presentation March 2010 **Ed note: Some transcripts contain words or phrases that are inaudible or difficult to hear and are, therefore, designated in square brackets.** BILL RYAN (BR): This is Bill Ryan here from Project Camelot and Project Avalon.