Aliens and UFO's. The " Nancy " interview FULL reptilian Aliens UFOS abductions. Hour Long Alien Creepy Documentary (2012) UFOs Aliens The Great Deception pt 1 8. Alien Species -OR- Evil Demons 1. Alien Abductions Stopped By the Name of Jesus Christ. Fatima Secrets & UFO Demons Brother Michael Dimond Coast to Coast am UFOs Aliens The Great Deception pt 8 8. UFOs Aliens The Great Deception pt 7 8. UFOs Aliens The Great Deception pt 6 8. UFOs Aliens The Great Deception pt 4 8. Ancient Alien/UFO. Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 5. Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 4. Ancient UFOs Jacques Vallee Part 1. Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 2. Ancient UFOs - Jacques Vallee Part 3. Ancient Giants and Cosmic Wars - April 20, 2011. Valley of the Giants Gary Stearman. 2012 - Deception or Fact? With DR. Lynn Marzulli. UFOS - The Alien Gospel - Aliens are Demons. Alien invasion? That's OK with most Americans. Not only do more than 80 million Americans believe that UFOs exist, many are not afraid of an alien drop-in, according to a new study.
As part of its new "Chasing UFOs" series, the National Geographic Channel conducted a poll to assess Americans' views on the paranormal. The study found that 11% of those polled firmly believed they'd spotted a UFO. In addition, most of those polls said they would regard a minor alien invasion as only a minor inconvenience. And most expect the visitors to be "E.T. "-type friendly, according to a news release on the study. Researcher and Teacher of God's Word From Creation to the End Times.
EXPOSED- Demons imitating Aliens1/3. Alien Agenda and the Mark of the Beast. Demons Masquerading as 'Aliens' - Messengers of Deception - Is Your House Built On Rock? Jacques Vallee 1979. Jacques Vallee: Implications of UFO Phenomena (excerpt) - Thinking Allowed w/ Jeffrey Mishlove. Jacques Vallée discusses his new book. UFOs and Alien Beings. Written by Michael Gleghorn Michael Gleghorn addresses issues related to reports of UFO and alien sightings.
He considers the various possible causes before closing with a biblical, Christian perspective pointing out these reports are often presented like false gospels. At the end of the day, even an alien cannot take away from the importance of faith in Christ. This article is also available in Spanish. A Tale of Two Hypotheses It seems that almost everyone is interested in reports of UFOs and alien encounters. First, however, it's essential to note that most UFOs (unidentified flying objects) become IFOs (identified flying objects). If residual UFOs are not hoaxes, hallucinations, or some natural or man-made phenomena, then what are they?
The interdimensional hypothesis agrees "that some UFOs are real phenomena that may exhibit physical . . . effects. (1/2) Atomic Anti-Christ- Occult NASA Secrets of Parsons & Oppenheimer. Jacques Vallée Talks About The UFO Phenomenon, Remote Viewing & Alien Abduction. Demonic Alien Agenda 1/20. Demonic GATEWAYS OPENED AREA 51 UFOS ALIENS GREYS !! CONSPIRITUS 8.13.
2012 - Biblical Prophecy About Iran vs Israel Discussed !! UFO ALIEN DECEPTION !! FALSE ALIEN ATTACK !! GOD OR satan !! CHOOSE WISELY !! UFO's messengers of salvation or deception? UFO’s Messengers of salvation or deception?
The UFO phenomenon has increased steadily over the last 50 years. It has become ingrained in our culture. Mankind has become increasingly aware that we just may not be alone. In the 1950’s only 3½ % of the US population believed in UFO’s while there was books being written of sightings with contact and a few abductions. A 1987 poll revealed 50 % believed in the existence of UFO’s and many claimed to be contacted via mental telepathy. Essentially there have been infrequent sightings that go back further in history than the 40’s. There has been to many people on the inside that know something unorthodox has been taking place. The search for life outside the parameter of Earth began with Tesla who built an enormous transmitter(150 ft. tall) sending electromagnetic waves to Mars.
Almost unanimously scientists now believe we may not be alone. Alien Species -OR- Evil Demons 5. Alien Species -OR- Evil Demons 3. Fatima and UFO Demons - June 5, 2011. Demonic Alien Agenda. UFOs: A Demonic Conspiracy. [[NOTE BY FSR EDITOR: There are still a surprisingly large number of people who seem to take all UFO reports with complete equanimity and, as it were, refuse to see anything "nasty" anywhere in it.
Then, on the other hand, there are others, like Subdeacon Paul Inglesby and Cyril Marystone and Father Thomas Kulp, the author of this article, who take the opposite view and hold that every single case, without any exception whatsoever, is something straight out of Satan's bag. And, finally, there are also a few of us who think that the truth of the matter probably lies somewhere in the middle, and that by the very nature of things, there are bound to be some "*Goodies*" (i.e. the ANGELIC FORCES) somewhere around.
We shall have to go on probing all possible aspects of the question until we begin to feel that we can see a bit more clearly. Father Thomas Kulp is a priest of the Orthodox Church, and lives in the State of Wisconsin, USA, with his wife and seven children. As Fr. EVIL ALIENS. Alien Species -OR- Evil Demons 4. ALIENS ARE DEMONS EXTRA PART 2 / 2 (FINAL PROOF) ALIENS ARE DEMONS PART 1 / 2. ALIENS ARE DEMONS EXTRA PART 1 / 2. ALIENS ARE DEMONS PART 2 / 2. Alien Species -OR- Evil Demons 6. EXPOSED- Demons DECEIVING Mankind as Spirit Guides-UFOs 3/3. EXPOSED- Demons of THE NEW AGE and the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE 2/3. Aliens Come From Hell. Ancient Aircraft & Spaceship Evidence. Aliens and Armageddon P.1. Aliens and Armageddon Part 2. Islam, Aliens, and Armageddon.
The Enemy Within - A Global Conspiracy. UFO's-Aliens Pt.1- Prelude To The Great Deception-Matthew 24:24. UFO's-Aliens Pt.2- Prelude To The Great Deception-Matthew 24:24. LA Marzulli - Luciferian Dialectic and Return of Nephilim. L.A. Marzulli - Aliens and the Great Deception inteview on Coast to Coast AM. Lam, Aleister Crowley, Grey Aliens, Jack Parsons. Updated September 2009 The Author is not an expert on Satanism or Crowleyism, nor is a member of any such groups or affiliated with any such groups.
Report Preface This report presupposes two very outlandish things: that there are "aliens", and that some people (occultists) have "magickal powers. " UFO Disclosure A Global Deception Conspiracy 1 of 3. UFO Disclosure A Global Deception Conspiracy 2 of 3. The Real Story Behind Aliens_ Ufos_ Demons_ Illuminati & Satanism.
TRUE Demonic/Alien Abduction~!??? L.A. Marzulli's Blog. The "V" Series - End Time Alien Deception? The Alien Preparation Continues 2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Corinthians 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
On March 30th, ABC brought back its series “V” a remake of a 1980′s television series of the name about the arrival of aliens (who are reptilian but have disguised themselves to look human) to Earth. What is the Alien Gospel? "The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.”
Psalm 115:16 With the fast pace of modern life, we don’t take a lot of time to think about fallen angels. Most believers have a very narrow understanding of them. According to the Bible, fallen angels were angels who were kicked out of heaven for their rebellion against the headship of God, and they continue to try to usurp His authority. Researcher and Teacher of God's Word From Creation to the End Times. Evolution is the bedrock of the end-times deception.
The two subjects are seemingly unrelated to each other. However, it is evolution that so strongly set the stage for the events that are beginning to happen in the last days. Charles Darwin Before Charles Darwin’s book Evolution of the Species, it was not respectable to be an atheist because one still had to answer that thorny question of how did we get here. The Nephilim 1/9. Giants in the Bible. David slaying the giant Goliath – “And there were giants in those days, and after that..”
Numbers 13:31But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we. 32And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. 33And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. The Coming Strong Delusion: UFOs & Alien Deception. Alien Abductions Stop In Jesus' Name - CE4 Research Testimonies. The CE4 Research Group Testimony – 17 The Terror That Comes in the Night There is a book by David J.
UFOs Aliens The Great Deception pt 2 8. Aliens and Man: could it be true? Alien Abductee Under Hypnosis - WTF SCARY!!! ET. Nephilim Annunaki and the Sumerian giant skeletons. Shocking video of alien autopsy in Russia in 1969 UFO OVNI. (autpsia a alien en rusia en 1969) Alien Races 2 - Weird Creatures. Aliens with giant skulls in Brazil & Russia and other places. Strange life signs found on meteorites. WASHINGTON, D.C. - A NASA scientist reports detecting tiny fossilized bacteria on three meteorites, and maintains these microscopic life forms are not native to Earth.
If confirmed, this research would suggest life in the universe is widespread and life on Earth may have come from elsewhere in the solar system, riding to our planet on space rocks like comets, moons and other astral bodies. The study, published online late Friday in The Journal of Cosmology, is considered so controversial it is accompanied by a statement from the journal's editor seeking other scientific comment, which is to be published starting on Monday.
The central claim of the study by astrobiologist Richard Hoover is that there is evidence of microfossils similar to cyanobacteria — blue-green algae, also known as pond scum — on the freshly fractured inner surfaces of three meteorites. He is not the first to claim discovery of microscopic life from other worlds. Hoover's research may well meet the same fate. "Dr. UFOs. Wikileaks Video Of Roswell Grey Alien. Alien Species -OR- Evil Demons 2. (2/2) Atomic Anti-Christ- Occult Secrets of Jack Parsons & Oppenheimer. Out of the Blue - Full HD UFO Movie. Angels, Demons, Nephilim and Aliens PT1. The 'Prometheus' Movie: The Alien Gospel Deception. Worship the Creator, not the creation. “Prometheus” , a movie by legendary director Ridley Scott, is going to be a blockbuster hit in summer 2012. The movie, about a team of scientists and astronauts who go on a top-secret journey to contact an alien race, has drawn much of its inspiration from the “Alien Gospel”, also known as the “Ancient Astronaut Theory” which states that aliens at some point in the distant past, created humanity and are responsible for the advanced knowledge held by ancient civilizations.
This type of theory, which is being promoted heavily in movies and television, completely denies God and helps to prepare the world for a Satanic deception. Aliens/Extraterrestrials are Really Demon Spirits! Are there really extraterrestrial and UFOs visiting planet Earth or are they really demon spirits masquerading as extraterrestrials? Are extraterrestrials and UFOs real? Let's examine these questions in detail. A poll taken by Fox News of Americans show that 39% of men, and 30% of women say they accept the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) (source). Fifteen years ago a survey was performed by CNN to mark 50 years of an alleged UFO sighting in Roswell, NM. The results of that poll are as follows: 1. 80% of Americans thought the government hid knowledge of extraterrestrials 2. 54% believed intelligent life was outside the Earth 3. 44% said if they met an extraterrestrials they would be friends (26% believe they would be enemies) 4. 39% expected aliens not to look humanoid(source).
In Canada ,3 million people have said they have seen UFOs. There is even a UFO Religion. Sir John Dee Enochian Demons Look like Alien Sir John Dee Astrologer Aleister Crowley ET Friend Lam. UFO Demons & Fatima Secrets. ABC's "V" Season 2: Alien Deception Continues. The Alien Agenda: Mingle themselves with the seed of men In the first article about the ABC series “V” we went through many details to explain how the show promotes the idea of alien beings coming to Earth as the “saviors” of the planet and how this idea, which is also promoted by many figures in the New Age Movement, is one of that is very spiritually dangerous and can lead to much confusion in the church.
As stated before, I do not believe in extra-terrestrial beings but the Bible is clear that fallen angelic and demonic beings do exist, have interacted with humanity in the past and will do so again in the future. Now in its second season, some of this blog’s initial predictions about the show have come to pass. The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men In our initial article we referenced the Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of the fallen angels of Genesis 6, who came to Earth, took human women as wives and had children with them: