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Useful dev: Angular CLI: HTTPS on Windows. SEO OpenGraph. Angular: How keep user from lost his data, by accidentally leaving the page before submit. What we want to achieve?

Angular: How keep user from lost his data, by accidentally leaving the page before submit

When user fill in many details in a form, and then click back, or close/refresh the tab, we want to tell him that there is unsaved data in the page, if he really want to leave. and let him leave only if he confirm the message. show message like this: So, How to make it happen? Assuming we have UserFormComponnet, and we have a method called hasUnsavedData():booleanthat indicates whether unsaved data appear in the page. Of course, in Angular? We need to split the problem into 2:1. when user close/refresh the tab2. when navigation changed (click back/forth) angular has 2 different ways how to handle the tow: Handle close/refresh the tab Need to register window:beforeunload and show a message if user has unsaved data.

Handle navigation changed. Angular components: How to talk to your children and listen to what they have to say. Angular 2+ Google Maps Components.


Rxjs - Subscribe to both route params and queryParams in Angular 2. Sharing Data Between Angular Components - Four Methods. Angular Docs. Comment créer une application Angular avec le rendu côté serveur ? Angular est un framework utilisant le langage de programmation TypeScript.

Comment créer une application Angular avec le rendu côté serveur ?

La version 5 a été mise en ligne en novembre 2017, avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités et corrections de bugs. Cette dernière version est accompagnée de l’outil en ligne de commande Angular CLI, mais aussi de nouveautés attendues et réellement plébiscitées par la communauté, comme la gestion du rendu côté serveur. Un des problèmes récurrents que l’on peut rencontrer lorsque l’on met en place un site web avec une librairie moderne (Angular, React, Vue.js, etc.) est que, de manière générale, les robots ne pourront pas lire votre site.

La raison est simple, la plupart des robots ne savent pas à quel moment votre page sera entièrement générée par Javascript. Comment architecturer un projet Angular ? Nous avons traduit pour vous l’article Medium de notre formateur contributeur : comment architecturer un projet Angular ?

Comment architecturer un projet Angular ?

Il y a un an, je publiais Comprendre les modules Angular (NgModule). Cet article se focalisait sur un point technique : la portée, pour comprendre quand importer un NgModule. Vous devriez le lire d’abord, mais il n’expliquait pas comment organiser ses propres modules. Comprendre les modules Angular (NgModule) Nous avons traduit pour vous l’article Medium de notre formateur contributeur : comprendre les modules Angular.

Comprendre les modules Angular (NgModule)

La première structure de base que vous croiserez dans Angular, ce sont les NgModules. Mais c’est aussi la plus subtile et la plus complexe, à cause de différences de portée. La documentation officielle a mis à disposition toute une foire aux questions à propos des NgModules, et malgré tout cela reste compliqué à enseigner lors des formations que j’anime, cela perturbe les débutants, alors j’ai décidé de tout résumer dans cet article. Pourquoi des NgModules ? Javascript - Angular 2 - How to pass URL parameters? Angular 2 - What is equivalent to Root Scope?

OpenClassrooms. Angular Docs. Basic Types · TypeScript. For programs to be useful, we need to be able to work with some of the simplest units of data: numbers, strings, structures, boolean values, and the like.

Basic Types · TypeScript

In TypeScript, we support much the same types as you would expect in JavaScript, with a convenient enumeration type thrown in to help things along. The most basic datatype is the simple true/false value, which JavaScript and TypeScript call a boolean value. let isDone: boolean = false; As in JavaScript, all numbers in TypeScript are floating point values. These floating point numbers get the type number.

Let decimal: number = 6; let hex: number = 0xf00d; let binary: number = 0b1010; let octal: number = 0o744; Another fundamental part of creating programs in JavaScript for webpages and servers alike is working with textual data. Let color: string = "blue"; color = 'red'; You can also use template strings, which can span multiple lines and have embedded expressions. This is equivalent to declaring sentence like so: Awesome Angular – Apprendre Angular en partant de zéro !

Angular/angular-cli: CLI tool for Angular. Creating a web app in 5 minutes with Angular 5 and Materialize CSS. There are several front-end frameworks out there, each one with its pros and cons and based on different design paradigm.

Creating a web app in 5 minutes with Angular 5 and Materialize CSS

In this guide, I pick one of the most popular front-end framework based on the material guidelines, which offers several nice and fancy components that allows you to create a modern, good looking with enhanced UX web application. The same I used for my wedding site. We're going to create a wedding page with a story and information sections using a fancy component called parallax (you can take a look at this post to see parallax in action). The results look like the following image, The complete sources of this project can be found here For this project, we'll be using angular 5 and materialize CSS as the primary packages.
