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Pousser ses filtres SIEVE en ligne de commande et sans mot de passe (avec Kwallet) – Fiat Tux. Easily translate your Symfony app through a simple user interface. Why this POC ?

Easily translate your Symfony app through a simple user interface

In many Symfony projects, you have to support multiple languages for your users. In most of the case, you have a default locale in which you work 90% of the time but there comes a time when you have to translate all your translation keys in all the supported languages of your application. You know the stuggles of this. A deployment is required each time your Product Owner wants to change Validate by Submit or when you have to deploy a hotfix because you thought that Green was writed Verre in French.

That's why I developed this POC. How it works All the translations are listed in a table filterable by translation domain and/or locale. For each translation, you can see the key, the text translated in the default locale and an input in which you just have to type the translated message in the chosen locale. 7 Questions entretien embauche. Les 12 principes du manifeste agile – Artisan Développeur. Le manifeste n’est plus tout jeune.

Les 12 principes du manifeste agile – Artisan Développeur

The Best-Practice Anti-Pattern. I've run into a situation where an idea I've come up with is referred to as an anti-pattern.

The Best-Practice Anti-Pattern

I'm actually under the impression it's a best-practice and the current way of doing things is counterproductive. This issue is in regards to Redux-Observable and its automatic dispatching of actions. It's been almost 2 years since I started using Redux-Observable. Over that time, I've solved out a lot of hard problems and gotten used to the crazy ways you have to write complex observables. Learning Some Computer Science will Make You a Better (And More Expensive) Engineer - Qvault. Software Engineering !

Learning Some Computer Science will Make You a Better (And More Expensive) Engineer - Qvault

= Computer Science Software engineering is the process of analyzing user needs and designing, constructing, and testing end user applications that will satisfy these needs through the use of software programming languages Techopedia Computer Science is the science that deals with the theory and methods of processing information in digital computers, the design of computer hardware and software, and the applications of computers.

Computer scientists are not necessarily software engineers, and unfortunately many software engineers don’t necessarily know much about computer science. Software engineers are focused on building products, and writing maintainable code and architecture. Git Tricks: Avoiding merge when dealing with remote conflicts. The pursuit of simplicity. Taking Control of Your Git History: The Importance of Git History · Matija Marohnić. This post is part of the series "Taking Control of Your Git History": Git is an indispensable tool for recording the history of our source code.

Taking Control of Your Git History: The Importance of Git History · Matija Marohnić

This history increases in value the older that project gets; it is a unique archive of collaboration and hard work that describes how the project became what it is today. I wanted to write about the short and long term value of committing code, but I don’t want this series of posts to be just another set of Git commands, I want to explain why we’re doing this before we start geeking out. Let’s start by examining the quality of the development documentation in our project, and by “development documentation” I mean the one that’s intended for people developing that project.

Chances are that it’s not so great, and that’s ok! Everything You Need to Know About API Pagination. As consumer expectations ramp up, API performance has never been more important than it is today.

Everything You Need to Know About API Pagination

It’s a well-known statistic that 53% of web users will abandon a web page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. These expectations don’t necessarily line up with the technical requirements of an API. A good idea with bad usage: /dev/urandom. Last week, I wrote twoarticles pointing out issues with unofficial porting efforts of LibreSSL.

A good idea with bad usage: /dev/urandom

In these articles, I highlighted some issues that I currently see going on with some of these projects. In the second article, I called attention to poor arc4random_buf() implementations being created, specifically saying: "Using poor sources of entropy like /dev/urandom on Linux, or worse, gettimeofday(), and using them to generate long-lived keys. " ES6 object.assign() method Explained With Example. This article is a detail explanation of the ES6 object.assign() method.

ES6 object.assign() method Explained With Example

This article will help you to explore your object in JavaScript in a more manageable way. object.assign() method introduces in the ES6(ECMAScript2015) which copies the all enumerable own properties of one or more object into other. GNOME : « nous voulons envoyer un message à tous les Patent Troll logiciels: nous allons nous battre », la Fondation réagit après avoir été traînée en justice. Lorsqu'il est bien géré, le shadow IT peut profiter à votre organisation. Quelques pistes à explorer pour transformer ce phénomène en avantage concurrentiel. Compétences clefs pour développeur(euse)s. Surprisingly Effective Ways To Reduce App Maintenance Cost. You need to be very clear that application development and maintenance costs are much different from each other.

Surprisingly Effective Ways To Reduce App Maintenance Cost

You need to come up with the right set of parameters and costing structure to build your application. Once the development phase is over, the app maintenance phase starts. Most of the businesses out there have to go through the constant struggle of keeping up with the app maintenance cost as the market and technology trends keep on changing. Surprisingly Effective Ways To Reduce App Maintenance Cost. Moveable : déplacez, déformez, redimmensionner les éléments de votre page Web à l'aide de cette bibliothèque JavaScript. How to Escape Callback Hell with JavaScipt Promises. What's callback hell and what the hell are Promises??

How to Escape Callback Hell with JavaScipt Promises

To dive into those questions requires some basic understanding of the Javascript callstack, so I'll go into brief detail about that first and then navigate you through and out of callback hell. Nature of the Beast JavaScript is a single threaded language - meaning it has a single callstack and it can only execute one line of code at a time.. The callstack is basically a data structure which keeps track of what the program should run next. Git Under the Hood: Internals, Techniques, and Rewriting History. Ransomware : comment Fleury Michon a évité de se faire charcuter. De notre envoyé spécial à Monaco. Scrapestack, un outil pour scraper des pages web et récupérer des données. Scrapestack, un outil conçu par apilayer, permet d'explorer des pages web pour en extraire des données. How we failed, then succeeded, at migrating to TypeScript - Heap. Over four years ago, Heap began to use TypeScript in place of CoffeeScript.

Despite a broad preference for TypeScript among engineers, migration was slow and there was no clear path to a 100% TypeScript codebase. In fact, if the goal was to switch entirely to TypeScript, we were moving in the wrong direction. Yes, we were adding TypeScript code, but we were adding CoffeeScript at a faster rate. TypeScript and CoffeeScript target the same Node.js runtime, which you’d expect to help ease the transition, but despite the widespread desire to shift we hadn’t built up much momentum and we weren’t trending towards a future without CoffeeScript.

Mise en ligne d'Automario - LinuxMario's typewriter. En ce début d’automne, un tournant majeur dans mes activités informatiques vient de se produire. Le sens du dévidoir D2SI Blog. Les bases de la Blockchain. On entend beaucoup parler de la Blockchain comme étant l’une des futures révolutions technologiques, au même titre que l’intelligence artificielle.

Pour autant, le concept est encore souvent mal compris, tant par le grand public que par les férus de technologies que nous sommes. Alors, qu’est ce que c’est ? La fabrique du consentement. La manipulation qu’elle soit individuelle ou de masse n’est pas un concept fictif, mais une réalité scientifiquement prouvée et utilisée depuis des années. Optimizing images for the web - an in-depth guide. Table Of Contents Calculating JPG image file sizeOnline image optimizationAutomated solutionsImage loading optimizationUsing CDNWebP image formatOptimization for higher pixel density screensConclusion - Optimization priority Unoptimized (non-minified) images are one of the main causes of poor website performance, mainly on the initial (first) load. Depending on the resolution and image quality, you might end up with images that take up more than 70% of your total website size.

It's very easy for unoptimized images to end up on a production site and slow down its initial load considerably. Build a Dependency Graph Profiler in JS - Bits and Pieces. Understand dependency graphs in JavaScript Breaking our app utilities and UI components into files brings modularity to our project. This helps us keep code organized in separate, reusable files, which improves code maintainability. Each file in the module system exposes its API to the public by using the exports or export keyword. Then, we can reference them by using the require or import keyword. Gérer ses fichiers de configuration avec git, de manière élégante - Qanuq. Un serveur de mail complet et moderne - CitizenZ. Des scripts Shell pour déployer en une ligne. La reconnaissance faciale débarque en France et vous n’y échapperez pas - Médias / Net.

Comment réussir sa stratégie de content marketing. GNOME 3.34 est maintenant géré avec systemd, le système d'initialisation controversé, et apporte ainsi quelques changements. Tips to write better Conditionals in JavaScript. Simplifiez vos applications avec le composant Workflow de Symfony. Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur PHP 7.4. Preparing For A Client Demo. Essential Tips on How to Become a Full Stack Developer — Soshace.

Pourquoi Javascript est-il si populaire ? Un nouveau contrôleur de mémoire pour le noyau Linux promet des économies de mémoire significatives, notamment au niveau de la RAM, pour toutes les plateformes Linux. Quelles sont les habitudes à avoir pour parvenir à mettre sur pied d'excellents logiciels ? Voici une liste inspirée du livre « 66 façons dont les experts pensent » Why software developers (quite honestly) hate Agile - Build a Dependency Graph Profiler in JS - Bits and Pieces. Our favourite Spotify Playlist for Coding. Comment je suis devenu développeur web nomade - Human Coders Blog. Commenter son code, c'est douter de son talent ? Using Ansible to clean Docker Registry - mkst - Medium.

Video: How to choose your next job ? Avoid “MISMATCH” ! Big Giant Vue Apps. [DSCTF 2019] CPU Adventure – Unknown CPU Reversing – Robert Xiao. Open Source: From Community to Commercialization - Andreessen Horowitz. Mastering the Linux Command Line : programming. Custom Timing : attendez la prochaine frame – quand vous utilisez la User Timing API · Boris Schapira. Onetech by Onepoint. Think Like A Coder, Ep 1 : programming. L’algorithme d’échange de clés Diffie-Hellman - Antoine Ansel - Medium. Google fait évoluer la balise meta "robots"