Inheritance and the prototype chain. JavaScript is a bit confusing for developers experienced in class-based languages (like Java or C++), as it is dynamic and does not provide a class implementation per se (the class keyword is introduced in ES6, but is syntactical sugar, JavaScript remaining prototype-based).
When it comes to inheritance, JavaScript only has one construct: objects. Each object has an internal link to another object called its prototype. Essential JavaScript Links. The Two Pillars of JavaScript — JavaScript Scene. Before we get into this, allow me to introduce myself — you’re probably going to wonder who I think I am before this is over.
I’m Eric Elliott, author of “Programming JavaScript Applications” (O’Reilly), host of the feature-length documentary film-in-production, “Programming Literacy”, and creator of the “Learn JavaScript with Eric Elliott” series of online JavaScript courses. I have contributed to software experiences for Adobe Systems, Zumba Fitness, The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, BBC, and top recording artists including Usher, Frank Ocean, Metallica, and many more.
Once Upon a Time I was trapped in the darkness. A Simple TODO list using HTML5 WebDatabases. On November 18, 2010, the W3C announced that Web SQL database is a deprecated specification.
This is a recommendation for web developers to no longer use the technology as effectively the spec will receive no new updates and browser vendors aren't encouraged to support this technology. Many major browsers including Chrome, Safari, Opera and nearly all Webkit based mobile devices support WebSQL and will likely maintain support for the foreseeable future. Introduction Web Databases are new in HTML5. Web Databases are hosted and persisted inside a user's browser. This tutorial is also available written using "IndexedDB", the replacement offline storage technology. The example code in this article demonstrates how to create a very simple todo list manager. Perfection Kills. What you should know about JavaScript regular expressions. Regular expressions in JavaScript may not always be intuitive.
I aim to provide some clarity by providing examples about things I have found myself getting stuck on. This post covers a few topics including state in regular expressions, regular expression performance and various things that have tripped me up. regular expressions are stateful Regular expression objects maintain state. For example, the exec method is not idempotent, successive calls may return different results. JavaScript — The weird parts. Writing code for humans. Are you bad, good, better or best with Async JS? JS Tutorial: Callbacks, Promises, Generators. Tutorials Round-Up: Ajax, CSS, PHP and More. Advertisement Coding or designing a page, it’s always nice to have some basic templates you can quickly modify or adapt to your needs.
However, at least once you have to know, how to create this “universal” template. In this case tutorials prove to be an ultimate solution, particularly if you just want to get an idea how something works and where to start from. In fact, you don’t have to re-invent the wheel all the time – you can use existing solutions, modify and improve them and publish them as well – just the way other people did it for you. Impressivewebs/frontend-feeds. Learn JavaScript: — JavaScript Scene. There are so many JavaScript resources available out there, it’s hard to understand how much of it overlaps and how much is redundant.
Not to mention the process of weeding out bad information. Most JavaScript learning resources neglect two of the most important topics in JavaScript: prototypal inheritance and functional programming. RequireJS made ridiculously easy, in just 10ish minutes - Yazin - 0xTech. Understanding RequireJS for Effective JavaScript Module Loading. Modular programming is used to break large applications into smaller blocks of manageable code.
Module based coding eases the effort for maintenance and increases reusability. However, managing dependencies between modules is a major concern developers face throughout the application development process. RequireJS is one of the most popular frameworks around for managing dependencies between modules. This tutorial examines the need for modularized code, and shows how RequireJS can help. Read JavaScript Allongé. A Pull of the Lever: Prefaces “Café Allongé, also called Espresso Lungo, is a drink midway between an Espresso and Americano in strength.
There are two different ways to make it. The first, and the one I prefer, is to add a small amount of hot water to a double or quadruple Espresso Ristretto. Like adding a splash of water to whiskey, the small dilution releases more of the complex flavours in the mouth. “The second way is to pull an extra long double shot of Espresso. Foreword by Michael Fogus. Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers. Airbnb/javascript. Resources for Staying on Top of JavaScript - Tuts+ Code Article. Last year, I wrote about and recommended some great resources for getting good with andJavaScript.
A year is a long time in Internet terms and I figured now was a good time for a refresh. JavaScript continues to explode in terms of adoption and being fully embraced, not only in the browser but also on the server. So it's about time we revisit the list and update it with good places to stay current. With JavaScript's continued adoption rate, there's been an explosion of books but from what I've seen, only a small percentage are offering new and interesting reading material.
Here are the ones I've enjoyed so far: I'm keeping this one on the list because I honestly haven't seen a new book that so thoroughly covers the JavaScript language like Nicholas' does. There's no argument that leveraging good design patterns helps in building maintainable code. One of the consistent issues developers face with JavaScript is the concept of object-oriented programming. Dr. Don't let the name fool you. jQuery Anti-Patterns and Best Practices - Tuts+ Code Tutorial.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, JavaScript was a hated language.
In fact, "hated" is an understatement; JavaScript was a despised language. As a result, developers generally treated it as such, only tipping their toes into the JavaScript waters when they needed to sprinkle a bit of flair into their applications. Despite the fact that there is a whole lot of good in the JavaScript language, due to widespread ignorance, few took the time to properly learn it. William Malone { Articles } Javascript Interview Questions. Dos and Don’ts in JavaScript. A few best practices for when you’re learning the language With every programming language, there’s a list of do’s and don’ts and JavaScript is no exception. Some of these best practices are there for your protection (like always always always using semi-colons!) , some to make your code more readable and less error-prone, and some to increase the efficiency of your code.
If you search for “best practices JavaScript” you’ll find lots of great information on the topic. You’ll also find a few disagreements (for instance, always use comma separated variable declarations vs. never use comma separated variable declarations). JavaScript’s Apply, Call, and Bind Methods are Essential for JavaScript Professionals. Prerequisite: — Understand JavaScript’s “this” With Ease, and Master It. — JavaScript Objects — Understand JavaScript Closures (This is an intermediate to advanced topic) Duration: About 40 minutes. View Source...learn to create the web. Native HTML5 Drag and Drop. Introduction. HTML Audio/Video DOM Reference. JavaScript Kit Advanced JavaScript Tutorials. Lynda.com search. Highest Voted 'javascript' Questions - Page 2.
JavaScript Developer Center. Yahoo! Language centers have been deprecated. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us in General Discussion at YDN forum. JavaScript.