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09640.160 OS. Focus on Justice: Talks @ Pulitzer Online Series
The Pulitzer Center announces our summer 2020 Talks @ Pulitzer Series Focus on Justice.
COVID-19 forced the postponement of our 2020 Justice Conference. Yet we believe it is important to keep these Justice issues at the forefront of our reporting and our conversations. Starting in June, we will be offering an online series to spark discussion. Scroll down to view the list of conversations scheduled involving journalists, playwrights, directors, artists, advocates, policymakers and individuals who speak to their lived experiences with incarceration. It costs $13 million per year to hold each of the 40 prisoners at Guantánamo Bay.
Giving Students' Agency in the Classroom - Google Slides. Student as Designer (Inquiry Based Learning)
Questioning Resources. Developing Critical Questions. What is Inquiry-Based Learning?
Building Relationships with Students & Staff – Monica Genta. College of Education. The 1619 Project Curriculum. Reading Guide: Quotes, Key Terms, and Questions. The questions and guides above can be used by students on their own, in small groups, or with their entire class.
For more ways to connect The 1619 Project to your classes, click here. Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.1Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
Reading Guide: Quotes, Key Terms, and Questions. The 1619 Project Curriculum. Book Breaks. Gilder Lehrman Book Breaks features the most exciting history scholars in America discussing their books live with host William Roka, followed by a Q&A with home audiences.
Programs take place on Sunday afternoons at 12 p.m. ET. Student Question Submission Middle and high school students (age 13 and up), submit your questions for one of the historians being featured on Book Breaks. If your question is chosen, it will be announced live on the program and in recognition you and your teacher will each receive a $50 gift certificate to the Gilder Lehrman gift shop!
Submit your question here.
Inside the Vault Archive. Ch04.indd. Your password has expired and must be changed!
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Standards for the assessment of reading and writing. Advocacy Articles - IEPs - Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for Success by Barbara Bateman. Writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) For Success by Barbara D.
Bateman, Ph.D., J.D. Secondary Education and Beyond Learning Disabilities Association 1995. c3 framework for social studies rev0617. Accommodations & Modifications - Teaching Students with Visual Impairments. Friend Co teaching Models. The Science of Well-Being. Sejda helps with your PDF tasks. Www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/lastdays/firstdaysstoryproject. How an oil shortage in the 1970s shaped today's economic policy. Oil producers in the United States pumped an average 8.7 million barrels per day last week, according to the department of energy.
LBJ and the Great Society. CrossTown 2.5.20 Taking Informed Action HyperDoc. Primary and Secondary Sources in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam 1987 l 2of2. Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam 1987 l 1of2. 1975 - South Vietnam - Last US Evacuation Flight Out of Da Nang as City Falls to North - 29/3/75. Assessment Through the Student's Eyes. Response: Ways to Use Questions Effectively in the Classroom. Managing Instructional Time. Engagement & Motivation. 6 New Interview Questions You Must Prepare For. How to Write an Elevator Pitch: A Step-by-Step Guide - Skillcrush. New Teacher? Start Here! – Samantha in Secondary.
Getting ready to enter the teaching profession can be so exciting, but also overwhelming.
As a blogger and a veteran teacher, I am often asked to offer advice for new teachers. I developed a set of rules that I think are extremely helpful when entering the teaching profession. You can download these as a handy printable at my Teachers Pay Teachers store for free.
Pear Deck for Google Slides. Pear Deck for Google Slides. Engagement & Motivation. Classroom environment. SS Standards 9 12. UDL: The UDL Guidelines. The Robber Barons’ Bum Rap. Harlem Renaissance - Ch. 24 Multiple Choice Test. Immigration Nation. EdTPA Support - NCE Portfolio. Welcome to the National Louis University edTPA support web page.
Here you will find important information and how-to guides that will help you successfully navigate the edTPA's technology requirements. Remember to relax and take it one step at a time! You will need a .pdf viewer to open some of these documents. Click here to download it free of charge. edTPA Submission Instructions. Tech Paper 29: Table 1. Nativity of the Population and Place of Birth of the Native Population: 1850 to 1990. Isabel Wilkerson: The Great Migration and the power of a single decision. 8 Essential Skills for New Teachers.
Enjoy your first three pieces of content for free.
Subscribe for unlimited access. Have questions about subscribing? Click Here to learn more. This summer, Teaching Channel will be helping beginning teachers countdown to their first year of teaching. We'll walk you through the steps you'll need to take before the first day of school. Before getting a classroom of my own, I spent two years student teaching in the classrooms of veteran teachers. Often times we learn from master teachers, but it can also be helpful to see what the beginning teacher experience looks like.
Response: The Best Teaching Advice Is...
(This is the first post in a three-part series) The new "question-of-the-week" is: What is a one-to-three sentence passage have you read—in a book, online, magazine, etc.
Socratic Seminar rubric. Socratic seminar response sheet. Fishbowl Discussion Activity. Kwl comprehension strategy handout. Starting Strong with "Transformative," Simple Think-Pair-Share. In order for my students to progress to successful pop-up debates, and to drastically increase the quantity of speaking they'll do during their time in my room, I need to start with the simplest possible training ground for verbal communication: two people having a conversation. Toward that end, the first week of school finds me teaching Frank Lyman's classic Think-Pair-Share routine, and the rest of the weeks of school have me using it for roughly 80 percent of the student speaking that will happen in my room all year. [1] I'll start the argument for this simple, powerful strategy not with my own words, but with those of two greats of our profession, Harvey “Smokey” Daniels and Nancy Steineke.
Resources for educators of kids in grades 4-12. CPP Learning Protocols. US Immigration since 1850: A Statistical and Visual Timeline. Isabel Wilkerson: The Great Migration and the power of a single decision. : Cartoon of the Day. Othello. Dost thou mock me? With this attention-grabbing cartoon, Thomas Nast intended both to generate opposition to President Andrew Johnson's lenient Reconstruction plan and to gain support in the fall 1866 elections for Republican congressional candidates who endorsed a more radical Reconstruction policy. At center stage, the artist applies a Shakespearean motif, as he often did, to cast Johnson as the evil Iago plotting against the heroic and innocent Othello, the Moor (African). Nast portrays the main black character as a wounded Union veteran who is being denied his just and earned place in American political life. Posters on the wall behind the two men remind viewers of the president’s past promises, vetoes of Reconstruction legislation, and pardons of former Confederates.
President Johnson announced his Reconstruction plan soon after he became president, following Lincoln's assassination, and implemented it during the summer of 1865 when Congress was in recess. Robert C.
Freedom Now: The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi - Part I: The Meaning of Freedom - The Choices Program. What is Interactive Read-Aloud?
*Effective reading instruction involves a combination of powerful instructional settings.
Watch Episodes. Reconstruction and its Aftermath, a part of the African American Odyssey exhibition, is about the difficulty free blacks faced during the reconstruction period.
Guided Readings: Reconstruction. Reading 1. ELA For ELL: Six Part Video Series. We're excited to present a six-part video series showcasing an exemplar unit focused on ELA instruction for middle school English Language Learners.
History Teaching Institute.
The Reconstruction Era. Social Studies. Using color coded e rubrics full. Using color coded e rubrics full. Incorporating Content and Language in Assessment. Every teacher struggles to find enough time to fit all the crucial language skills and content knowledge in her curriculum.
Building rubrics democratically full. Make Learning Awesome!
Home - Socrative. Learner access to assessment full. SS Standards 9 12. Teaching Resources For Students And Teachers. Videos, Teaching Strategies And Lesson Plans For Teachers: Teaching Channel. Edutopia.
WatchKnowLearn - Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students. TeacherTube Educational Videos. Free Reading Passages and Literacy Resources. For the Teachers – Resources for Effective Teaching. English news and easy articles for students of English. Instructional Content Platform. Lessons Worth Sharing. Home - National Constitution Center. Home. Edpuzzle. VideoNot.es – Online Tools for Teaching & Learning. Common Sense Media: Age-Based Media Reviews for Families.
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine. LIBERTY! . Teacher's Guide . The Reluctant Revolutionaries. Coming of the American Revolution: Lessons. Teaching the American Revolution and Founding of the American Republic on the Web. Revolution & Independence.