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Skillswise - English. The 10 Best New Young Adult Books in May 2016.

The absolutely true diary of a part time Indian

Using news articles. Selection criteria Before reading First reading Second reading Language focus Follow up Sources Selection criteria It is important that you choose your news article wisely.

Using news articles

You should consider the following criteria. Appropriacy of topic Will your students be interested in the topic? Will it be upsetting for some students? Is it suitable for the age group? Before reading There are many things to do before students begin reading to generate interest, build confidence and to facilitate comprehension. Introduction exercises These are used to raise awareness of the topic, activate knowledge and current language.

Discussion questionnaire Students discuss questions related to the topic Quiz This can test their knowledge of the topic or people/places featured in the article Pictures Describing or discussing pictures that relate to the topic Pre-reading Activities These are activities that are directly related to the text, rather than the topic in general Vocabulary Sources. Läsförståelsestrategier. Att arbeta med läsförståelsestrategier är inget nytt för svensklärare, men tack vare det utvidgade kollegiet sprids många bra varianter för att förtydliga och synliggöra detta arbete.


Som språklärare har jag inte fått någon formell utbildning kring detta, så inspirationen för min del kommer från nätet. Jag har tittat på de jättetydliga filmerna som Susanne Nystedt har gjort, kollat in Josef Sahlins sida, kikat in på En läsande klass och läst Annika Sjödahls tydliga beskrivningar. Grunden för dessa strategier ligger hos Barbro Westlund och hennes bok Att undervisa i läsförståelse. Från denna bas kommer strategierna Att förutspå, Att ställa frågor, Att reda ut oklarheter och Att sammanfatta. Den femte strategin finns inte med i Westlunds bok, men förekommer bland annat i En läsande klass: Att skapa inre bilder. Det jag har gjort är att jag har gjort sammanfattningar av de olika strategierna med hjälp av Att förutspå – to predict att ställa frågor – to ask questions.

The boy in the striped pyjamas

To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This. I Googled Dr.

To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This

Aron’s questions; there are 36. We spent the next two hours passing my iPhone across the table, alternately posing each question. They began innocuously: “Would you like to be famous? In what way?” And “When did you last sing to yourself? But they quickly became probing. In response to the prompt, “Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common,” he looked at me and said, “I think we’re both interested in each other.” I grinned and gulped my beer as he listed two more commonalities I then promptly forgot. The questions reminded me of the infamous boiling frog experiment in which the frog doesn’t feel the water getting hotter until it’s too late. I liked learning about myself through my answers, but I liked learning things about him even more. I sat alone at our table, aware of my surroundings for the first time in an hour, and wondered if anyone had been listening to our conversation.

Much of Dr. It’s astounding, really, to hear what someone admires in you. CEF levels. 10 lifesaving websites for ESL teachers. Lisa has asked me for some recommendations regarding useful sites for EFL teachers and I’m happy to make a little compilation of the places I visit most often to find ideas, inspirations, betimes lesson plans if I feel exceptionally lazy (The Liberation of the Garden Gnomes by Peter Vahle is just shiny!)

10 lifesaving websites for ESL teachers

And share them with you. So, here we go – my ten favourite websites: Hope you’ll like my choice and give these sites a go. I must admit, my life as a teacher is WAY easier thanks to those wonderful people contributing there, but I also appreciate their influence when I see my own teaching style spiced up with different inspirations and ideas – I feel motivated to change, experiment, develop, to make my classes as interesting as I can. Enjoy the recommendations I’ve shared and if you know some interesting sites, please, share them with me as well.

Enjoy! Like this: Like Loading... BBC Schools. Storyline Online - Where Reading Is Fun! Free Ebooks. English news and easy articles for students of English.