> Aned303
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Language strategies. Stress. Yearbook. USA for Teachers. USA - 50 States for Students. English from the beginning. USA (New York)
Famous People. Me, Myself & I. Sports. Survival - The Age of Enlightenment. The Age of Enlightenment. Lera Boroditsky: How language shapes the way we think. Nå högre i engelska. Writing prompts. Connect What You’re Studying in School With the World Today. Making It Relevant: Helping Students Connect Their Studies to the World Today. But you can also do them, individually or in sequence, to help students generate ideas for the challenge.
Submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Jan. 16, 2018, and students are welcome to work in groups of up to five. Here are all the rules, along with the submission form, and here is the rubric. And if you’d like to think more about weaving these kinds of connections into your own curriculum, you might watch our on-demand webinar, “Ripped From the Headlines and Applied to the Classics: Pairing Often-Taught Literary and History Texts With Times Articles and Multimedia.” Questions? Warm up with a game. Photo To help students get the idea, you might play one of two games we’ve developed — either Literature Quote Bingo or World History Standards Bingo.
In the first, students match quotations from famous literary works to the world today. For extra credit, students might try to find something in a recent issue of The New York Times that relates to the quote or standard in each box. 1. 2.
The Learning Network.
Halloween. Hurricanes and Floodings - Text types. Social media. Hurricane Harvey. Shakespeare. Great talks - inspiration. Blogs and Vlogs. Early River Valley Civilazations. Australia. USA election. Indigenous Peoples. WW1. WW2. Notting Hill. Twine 2.0 Tutorial. A Total Beginner’s Guide to Twine 2.1. I’m (still) obsessed with Twine.
I love that it makes it easy for regular people to make interactive stories and videogames. I love that it publishes to standard web formats like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I love that it’s been embraced by outsiders and badasses of all stripes. Maybe most of all, I love that it gives English undergrads a really good reason to learn some coding and programming. Here are some guides I’ve put together for my students in ENGL 563, “Introduction to Digital Humanities,” to get them started with Twine. For now, I have four guides: Note: If you’re looking for my older guides to Twine 2.0, they now live here. This guide explains what a passage is in Twine and how to create links between them.
Download PDF Version: Getting Started with Twine The concept of a passage Twine games are made up of “passages” — discrete chunks of texts. Making links To make a Twine game, all you need to know is how to make links between passages. Remembering the basics Hiding the sidebar. A guide to Twine. Insomniac's Liz England demystifies the the tool designed for telling interactive stories [The following article was written by Insomniac game designer Liz England and was originally published on her personal website www.lizengland.com.
For more about the tool itself, visit the Twine website.] A lot of developers (and some gamers) are kind of aware there’s this tool called “Twine” out there that makes web games, but don’t really know much about it. They don’t know why it’s popular and what it’s used for – most people by now have heard of Depression Quest, at least, but that’s the extent of their knowledge.
A Quick Twine Tutorial: Hypertext and Interactive Fiction. By Allison Parrish Download Twine here.
This tutorial is about Twine 1.4.
Engelsk. Teachingenglish.org. Engelskspråklig litteratur og kultur. Writing a Literary Essay An important competence aim for this course is to write essays or articles on literary or cultural issues, and the evaluation of this competence will be a dominating element of your final assessment.
Your text can be a hand-in, a part of a full-day test or the written exam. In all cases ... Alice Munro Canadian author, Alice Munro, is a master of the short story.
Bedömning. Advent Calendar - Christmas Activities worksheet. B1 Lessons - ELT Connect. Would You Push The Button? Lesson – The Box In this B1 lesson, students are introduced to commonly used adjectives + prepositions such as, fascinated by & keen on to describe emotions and then review the First Conditional while watching clips of the thriller movie, The Box and predicting what will happen if the couple push the button!
California Distance Learning Project. Main. What is a list of high school stereotypes. The second Big Ideas video series on Growth Mindset. Vocabulary-for-essays. Sök - Göteborgs universitet. Realia möter digital läsförståelse. Vill du också veta hur du ska planera för och bedöma kunskapskravet för “realia” där eleven ska diskutera företeelser och jämföra med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper?
Då Mia Smith och jag började reflektera över hur olika fokus engelsklärare generellt la på bedömningen fick vi en tanke att skapa en planering som bygger på Skolverkets olika material.
Giving an opinion. By Kieran Donaghy.
Free books online reading. ThisIsEngland. How to learn from mistakes. Engelska (åk 6-9)
Bedöma förmågor via nätet. English for students. Nasjonal digital læringsarena -
Lessonstream.org by Jamie Keddie. English Tests, Test your English. Visitlondon.com Your Official London City Guide.
Reading. Listening. Writing. Speaking. Vocabulary. Grammar.