Free Resources - Classical Comics. In order for you to experience our 3-tier approach to Shakespeare for free, here you can download sections from 4 plays (with 4 sections for The Tempest).
Presented as lineart, these documents are quick to download and simple to print. As an added bonus, not only do we offer brief teaching resource books to accompany each play, but we also provide a "No Text" version, featuring empty word balloons that you can fill in. To save these Adobe PDF files, right-click and select "Save Target As", storing them on your computer for viewing and printing (You will need the Adobe reader to open these .pdf files.
If you haven't already got it, it is free to download from - use the link at the bottom of this page)
Shakespeare for School I Language.
Plays and texts
10 Things I Hate About You + Shrew. Shakespeare. Shakespe. Shakespeareinlove. Shakespearean insults. Med Skam har du en ingång till klassiker. How Would You Die in a Shakespeare Play?
Shakespeare. Skip to content This lesson may be useful as an introductory lesson on Shakespeare.
Introduction In this lesson, learners are introduced to Shakespeare as the topic for the lesson and pool the knowledge that they already have about him with a mind map and quiz activities. They then practise question formation and speaking with an information-gap reading activity about Shakespeare's life and legacy and a theatre-themed 'Find someone who' activity.
Finally, they try to complete some famous Shakespeare quotes and consider what they might mean. There are lots more materials available on the TeachingEnglish website to do further work on Shakespeare and his plays with your secondary learners: You and your learners can also find out more about Shakespeare with these links: Aims To learn about Shakespeare To practise reading skills To practise question formation To develop speaking skills Age group Young learners aged 12+ or adults Level CEFR level B1/B2 Time 60 minutes approximately. Shakespeare - ESL. Introducing Shakespeare - Mia Smith. I engelskans kursplan finns i det centrala innehållet följande bitar med. • Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion även i talad, dramatiserad och filmatiserad form. • Sånger och dikter.
Continuing Shakespeare - Mia Smith. I ett tidigare blogginlägg berättade jag om hur jag introducerat Shakespeare till mina elever i år 7 och 8.
Arbetet har fortlöpt, och här tänkte jag presentera ytterligare några bitar. Shakespeare your way Den här uppgiften är den, enligt mig och många av mina elever, mest spännande inom det här arbetsområdet.
Shakespeare Lives short film collection. Shakespeare - Macbeth. Scotland is at war, and has just won a great battle.
Macbeth, a general in the Scottish army, is the hero of the battle. On his way home afterwards, Macbeth and his friend meet three mysterious witches. Somehow, the witches already know Macbeth’s name. They tell him that he is going to be promoted, and that he will be given more money, land and power. When they say ‘Macbeth – the future king’, Macbeth is confused, and doesn’t really believe the witches. Soon afterwards, Macbeth receives a message from Duncan, the king of Scotland.
Shakespeare - Hamlet. Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, has come back from university to find that his father, the old king, is dead.
His mother has married his father’s brother, Claudius, who is now king of Denmark. Hamlet is shocked that his mother has married so soon after his father’s death, and angry that she has married Claudius.
LearnEnglish Teens. Who was William Shakespeare?
William Shakespeare is known across the world as the writer of plays such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet, and as one of the most famous British people ever.
Sometimes known simply as ‘the Bard’, he lived over four hundred years ago – not bad for the son of a man who made a living from making gloves. Part of the fascination is that despite being so well-known we don’t actually have much information about him; even his name is spelt differently each time it appears, ranging from ‘Shak-peare’ to ‘Shaksper’. Over the years people have argued long and hard about whether he wrote the plays, although these days he’s generally accepted as the author of about thirty-eight plays, some of which were written in partnership with others.
He also wrote lots of famous poetry. Baptised on 26th April, 1564, his actual birthday isn’t known but conveniently England’s national day, St George’s Day, is the 23rd of April so over the years this is when his birth has been celebrated.
William Shakespeare. Drama - 60 Second Shakespeare - Shakespeare's plays, themes and characters - Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare our way - elevernas tolkningar - Mia Smith.
Som jag redan beskrivit har mina elever i år 8 och 9 fått lära känna Shakespeare i allmänhet och Romeo & Julia i synnerhet inom ramen för engelskundervisningen, upplägget har jag beskrivit i följande blogginlägg: och Mycket av upplägget är klassiska uppgifter, men den avslutande utmaningen är den som utmärker projektet, och den där eleverna fått möjlighet att ta ut svängarna lite extra.
Många av dem har gjort detta med bravur och jag vill visa upp några exempel på hur de valt att tolka uppgiften. De exempel jag visar upp är inte nödvändigtvis de bästa eller mest unika, men de representerar olika varianter av tolkningar och påvisar en bredd. Eleverna går i år 8 och 9 på Vallhamra skola och har alla givit mig sitt godkännande att publicera deras verk. Uppgiften gick ut på att välja en del av berättelsen om Romeo & Julia och göra en egen tolkning.
Shakespeare's Life, year 9 ⋆ Shakespeare's Life, year 9 ⋆ Shakespeare's Work, year 9 ⋆ A Theme Page about Shakespeare’s Plays and Language for intermediate level students, (A2.2 – B1), year 8-9 and above in Swedish Compulsory School.
Shakespeare for students