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- Free Online Course Search - 33 Universities Have Partnered With Coursera. Khan Academy. Udacity - Free Classes. Awesome Instructors. Inspiring Community. CK-12 Foundation - Student. Carreras, Posgrados, Maestrías, Diplomados, Educación virtual, e-learning, Colombia. Oferta Educativa - Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA - Colombia. Texts : Free Books : Free Texts. The Rosetta Project items from The Long Now Foundation.

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The Rosetta Project is a global collaboration of language specialists and native speakers working to build a publicly accessible digital library of material on the nearly 7,000 known human languages. The collection currently contains nearly 100,000 pages of material documenting over 2,500 languages, as well as a growing multimedia collection of modern and historical language recordings. The Rosetta Project is one exploration of The Long Now Foundation’s 10,000 Year Library. The Rosetta Disk, a very long-term backup of the collection, is a hand-sized nickel disk microscopically etched with thousands of pages from the collection and readable with 600 power optical magnification. The writing on the disk can last and be legible for thousands of years. Audio in the Rosetta Project Collection Video in the Rosetta Project Collection The Rosetta Project website has more information on the Rosetta Digital collection and Rosetta Disk. Endangered Languages Project.

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Proyecto CDPedia - Wikipedia OffLine - Python Argentina

Toda la información incluída fue obtenida de Wikipedia durante Diciembre del 2012, y es una foto del contenido on-line en un momento dado. Te sugerimos acceder a la información directamente en la Wikipedia Web si es que necesitás información actualizada de uno de los temas. Importante: la CDPedia es Software Libre, te recomendamos (y te agradecemos) que copies estos discos y archivos, y los regales a tus amigos, familia y conocidos. Inciclopedia. La Frikipedia. Diez webs para descargar libros gratis de forma legal. 10 sites where you can read books online. Los 10 mejores lugares para descargar libros gratis en la Internet. 1.

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There are well over a million free ebooks and audiobooks at the sites listed within these pages. There are 3 pages that separate sites on the format of the ebooks, Kindle, ePub and Online Reading. There is a main page for both ebooks and audiobooks that lists all the sites carrying each. Guía para descargar Libros Digitales. Biblioteca Nacional. Colombia. World Digital Library. Welcome to Open Library (Open Library) Scholarly Internet Sources. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Categories. Coming to you from the Canadian Maritimes ( Halifax), Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is an educational blog dedicated to curating, reviewing and sharing EdTech tools and mobile apps.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Categories

The purpose is to help teachers and educators effectively integrate digital technologies into their day-to-day teaching, learning and professional development. For any questions regarding our website or the content we publish, please contact EdTech admin, editor and blog owner, Med Kharbach at: Med Kharbach is a doctoral researcher and a former teacher with 10 years of classroom teaching experience. Med's research interests include: language learning, linguistics, Internet linguistics, critical linguistics, discourse analysis, new (emerging) literacies, and educational technology.

Here is how to cite any of our blog posts in APA style : Nominet Trust 100. Social investment for social impact. List of search engines. Wikimedia list article By content/topic General * Powered by Bing ** Powered by Google *** Metasearch engine.

List of search engines

Red Capital de Bibliotecas Públicas - Colombia. BDCOL - Biblioteca Digital Colombiana. Sistema de Bibliotecas, SINAB - Colombia. Actividad cultural del Banco de la República - Colombia. Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia - ICANH. Fonoteca - Colombia. Revistas culturales y científicas (colombianas) en la red. Universia. Estudios Internacionales. BECAS. Deep_Web. Mentalidad “Hacker”: un paradigma diferente de educación. Dime qué software usas y te diré quién eres. Aaron Koblin, agudo infovisualizador, en ‘Artfully visualizing our humanity’ (charla TED2011), sostiene que “así como la cultura del siglo XIX fue definida por la novela, y la del siglo XX por el cine, la cultura del siglo XXI estará definida por la interfaz”, es decir por el software.

Dime qué software usas y te diré quién eres.

Lo que divide a nuestro presente inmaterial de nuestro pasado tangible es el uso masivo del software. _Programming. ManuaIs_Guides_Tutorials_Tips. "El problema es que la información no es el entendimiento." “Esa vulnerabilidad de las cosas valiosas es hermosa porque la vulnerabilidad es una marca de existencia.”

"El problema es que la información no es el entendimiento."

Simone Weil. Humano. Via Kesa. Kesa. Ciberciudadanos_Netizens.