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Photographs. Sans titre. Weird, Wonderful Photos From Another Era. 50 Insane Photos From The Polar Vortex That Will Give You Shivers. The Inutility of Art in Daily Life Objects. Gli occhiali da sole più famosi della storia del cinema. The 20 photographs of the week. Artanddesign. Europe's most densely populated square kilometres – mapped. Saul Martinez Photojournalist - The Other War - (La Otra Guerra) This Woman Gave Birth On The Floor In An ER Hallway, And The Pictures Are Breathtaking (Warning: Graphic Content) Museum of Illusions in Vienna: Pictures. Bobby Doherty Minimalistic Food Photography. Why Your Vacation Photos Are More About You. They are one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Why Your Vacation Photos Are More About You

But for many tourists visiting the Pyramids of Egypt, these ancient marvels are a mere backdrop to the real stars of the show: themselves. Over the last ten years, tourism photography has increasingly become a vanity project. Ugliest Dogs in the World. Each year, one lucky pooch is crowned with the dubious title of "World's Ugliest Dog" at the annual Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California.

Ugliest Dogs in the World

It's both an honor and a burden, of course, recognizing that these canines have their fair share of superficial flaws — but also are lovable pets in their own right. Beauty, after all, is in the eye of the owner, and these owners have found a proud way to display just how much they adore their four-footed companions. The trophy-winning pet for 2017 was Martha, a Neapolitan mastiff with droopy, bloodshot eyes and sagging jowls, while other years' champions have included the blind Chinese crested Sweepee Rambo and and wizened, whiskered Yoda. Winners of Nikon Small World 2017 - The Atlantic. Atlas sonore des langues régionales de France. DOGS in CARS. Barack Obama Farewell: Images of Obama and Kids. Photos of the Week: 3/4–3/10 - The Atlantic.

40+ Historical Pics Of Kids Playing Reveal How Much Technology Has Changed Our Childhood. 23 jeunes photographes français à suivre absolument - Les Others. Update : cet article date un peu, et on a promis d’écrire la suite, mais vu que tous les photographes présentés ont publiés de nouveaux projets, on s’est permis de vous le poster une dernière fois.

23 jeunes photographes français à suivre absolument - Les Others

En attendant, n’oubliez pas de nous suivre sur notre compte Instagram pour découvrir de nouveaux photographes au quotidien. a faisait un moment qu’on voulait vous proposer une sélection de nos photographes préférés et on ne pouvait trouver une meilleure occasion que notre premier photo contest pour le faire. Dans la vie, et surtout dans l’art et la culture, il y a des questions auxquelles on ne peut pas répondre.

Des photos de villes sous la pluie ressemblent à des peintures à l'huile - 2Tout2Rien. C’est une série de photos de villes sous la pluie qui ressemblent à des peintures à l’huile par Eduard Gordeev.

Des photos de villes sous la pluie ressemblent à des peintures à l'huile - 2Tout2Rien

Problem loading page. The world is a little more beautiful when you know how to capture it, and photographers from all over the globe use their camera as a paintbrush to fill the canvas of life with breathtaking masterpieces.

Problem loading page

Social media platforms like Instagram are tailor-made for shutterbugs to put their work out there and inspire the next generation of artists. The problem isn’t that there aren’t enough talented photographers – the real issue is finding the standouts among countless amateurs and professionals. That’s why we’re here – we’ve combed through hundreds of the top photographers online to bring you the absolute best of the best from around the world. This Man Took A Polaroid Every Day For 18 Years Until The Day He Died, And It’ll Break Your Heart. Jamie Livingston is sadly no longer with us, but his incredibly intimate photography project will ensure that he’ll never be forgotten.

This Man Took A Polaroid Every Day For 18 Years Until The Day He Died, And It’ll Break Your Heart

Show Full Text The project began on March 31st 1979, when the native New Yorker (and then college student) took a single photograph. He then took a picture every day for the next 18 years, a tradition he maintained right until the day he died in 1997. Armed with a Polaroid SX-70, Livingston went about documenting every facet of his daily life, from friends, family and relationships, to his job as a filmmaker and photographer and the everyday happenings on the streets of New York. A PHOTOJOURNALIST AND WAR PHOTOGRAPHER'S BLOG: Children's Most Loved Toys. In the past fifteen years I have worked in 112 countries, often covering conflict, crisis and disasters.


The majority of the countries I have worked in have been extremely poor and one thing that always amazes me is people’s ingenuity. Combine that ingenuity with the imagination of a child and you will often find that the poorer the country, the more interesting the children’s toys are. 10 des installations artistiques les plus spectaculaires de 2016 - 2Tout2Rien. Voici une série des installations artistiques les plus spectaculaires de 2016, des oeuvres d’art créatives d’intérieur ou d’extérieur.

10 des installations artistiques les plus spectaculaires de 2016 - 2Tout2Rien

18 Photos qui te montrent le monde sous un autre angle. Spectacular rooftops around the world – in pictures. Parisian Spirit through its Shop Signs. Photographer recreates pics he took nearly four decades ago—with the same people. The most elementary fact of our existence—time passes, implacably and forever—is always the one that surprises us the most.

Photographer recreates pics he took nearly four decades ago—with the same people

You probably see the note hit several times a week in your social media: “Return to Cookie Mountain came out ten years ago??” “Third Rock from the Sun is twenty years old!! No way!” Well, yes way. Heartbreaking photos of the Polish refugee camps in Iran during WWII. During World War II thousands of Poles who had been sent to Siberia after the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland managed to leave the Soviet Union with theAnders’ Army.

Heartbreaking photos of the Polish refugee camps in Iran during WWII

They ended up in Iran, India, Palestine, New Zealand, British Africa, as well as in Mexico. A-Polish-boy-carries-loaves-of-bread-provided-by-the-Red-Cross In 1939, following German and Soviet attacks on Poland , the territory of the Second Polish Republic was divided between the two invaders. Eastern Poland was annexed by the Soviet Union, and soon afterward Moscow began a program of mass deportations .

The Year in Pictures: 2016. La soirée « Vanity Fair » des 50 Français les plus influents du monde. What do you want for Christmas? 30 Captivating Historical Photographs That You Need to See. The best old photos are the ones you can look at for hours at a time. We here at Bright Side have gathered a few of them here, for your enjoyment. Salvador Dali and Coco Chanel Using a bear to treat back pain, Romania, 1946 Setting a new world speed record, 1948. 30 portraits nus de la femme tunisienne de 1900 d'une beauté exquise.

18 Photographies de Mondes Imaginaires Incroyables. Photographe et artiste suédois, Erik Johansson est un magicien du photomontage. This 747 Pilot Shoots Incredible Photos of Storms and Skies. Top 25 des œuvres de street art hommages aux victimes du 13 novembre et à Paris. Top 14 des blagues étrangères sur les Français (et les clichés qui vont avec) Les Français sont prétentieux. 30 Scènes Féeriques que vivent vraiment les Photographes Animaliers. Photo : 23.000 clichés de la collection Albert-Khan disponibles gratuitement sur internet. Les Archives de la Planète, la plus grande collection mondiale de photos couleurs sur plaque de verre du début du XXe siècle, consacré à la diversité des peuples du monde entier Les Archives de la Planète, c'est la plus grande collection mondiale d'autochromes, ces fameuses premières photos couleurs sur plaque de verre.

Au début du XXe siècle, grâce au banquier philanthrope Albert Kahn, des opérateurs photographiques ont parcouru le monde pour le documenter. 70.000 clichés au total, dont 23.000 sont gratuitement disponibles sur internet depuis le 1er juin. Un travail titanesque du Musée départemental Albert Kahn, pour découvrir des merveilles. Athletes on the Field and in the Moment - Australian Swimmer Matthew Dunn, 1993. These Are the Best iPhone Photos of 2016. PHOTOS. Spencer Tunick, l'homme qui dénude les foules. La mode normale et contre-culturelle de différentes époques. Annalisa Hartlaub s’est mise en scène dans des autoportraits où elle s’habille à la mode classique et de la contre-culture de différentes époques.

C'est hypnotisant de voir la cuisson de gâteaux et de pâtisseries. Comment les gares parisiennes se partagent la France. Inside Costa Concordia – in pictures. Life Before the Taliban: Afghanistan in the 1960s. Afghanistan was not always the war-torn land of today. Back in 1967, university professor Dr. Bill Podlich went to Afghanistan for two years. He was accompanied by his wife, Margaret, and two teenage daughters, Jan and Peg. While working with UNESCO at the Higher Teachers College in Kabul, he traveled around the country and took many pictures. This was while Afghanistan was still a kingdom, and the Westernized cities provided a stark contrast to the rural areas. The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop. Nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced.

Today Bright Side has collected for you works in which the combined efforts of mother nature and photographic artists have captured magic moments showing the wondrous diversity of modern life and the natural world. This is what happens if you throw hot tea into the air in Arctic. 100 photographies d’une puissance rare refont surface en couleurs pour vous plonger au cœur de l’Histoire. Bien que la photographie soit un art que l’on maîtrise depuis près de deux siècles, nous ne savons capturer des clichés en couleurs que depuis le XXe siècle.

Désormais, des artistes savent colorer les anciennes photographies, cela donne un résultat fabuleux. SooCurious vous dévoile 100 clichés du passé en couleurs qui nous plongent dans l’Histoire. Portraits of Famous Photographers with Their Iconic Photographs. Photographer Tim Mantoani is the man behind one of the great photo projects and books of our time. 27 Incredible Views You'd Only See If You Were A Bird.