How to Move from Google Drive to OneDrive. 321 FREE Educational Technology Tools for Teachers. The 82 Hottest EdTech Tools of 2017 According to Education Experts. If you work in education, you’ll know there’s a HUGE array of applications, services, products and tools created to serve a multitude of functions in education.
Tools for teaching and learning, parent-teacher communication apps, lesson planning software, home-tutoring websites, revision blogs, SEN education information, professional development qualifications and more. There are so many companies creating new products for education, though, that it can be difficult to keep up - especially with the massive volumes of planning and marking teachers have to do, never mind finding the time to actually teach! So how do you know which ones are the best? Well, as a team of people passionate about education and learning, we decided to do a bit of research to help you out.
We’ve asked some of the best and brightest in education for their opinions on the hottest EdTech of 2017. Their recommendations include a host of free, paid and free-trial options. 1 . No wonder they were voted into the top spot! 9 herramientas online de pizarras virtuales -Infografía- - ClassOnLive. Las pizarras virtuales son un recurso muy utilizado en la actualidad (no sólo en el ámbito educativo) debido en parte al auge de Internet y a la necesidad de trabajar de forma colaborativa con equipos de trabajo deslocalizados o a través de plataformas de e-learning.
Las pizarras virtuales posibilitan una buena coordinación y una comunicación efectiva, ya que permiten crear mapas conceptuales o mentales que simplifiquen o recojan las ideas más importantes de una reunión. No obstante, no sólo pueden ser muy interesantes para empresas y organizaciones. Su uso más frecuente es el formativo o educacional. Free Interactive Guides to Help You Make The Best of Mac and iPad in Teaching. **Mas de 100 recursos y herramientas para integrar las Tecnologías digitales en el aula Compilado por Raúl Santiago: Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: The Ultimate EdTech Chart for Teachers and Educators. February 7, 2017 Below is a chart we have been working on during the last few weeks.
It features a number of key websites and online resources arranged into different categories. We did not cover all school subjects but we will be adding more resources to the list in the future. Our purpose is to provide teachers and educators (and students) with a repository of EdTech websites that can potentially help them with the teaching of their content areas. The great thing about this work is that it is curated by teachers for teachers. It only contains what we believe are resources with a direct relevance to the education community. You can download this chart in PDF format from this link. Sources: 38 Herramientas TIC para profesores que debes conocer. Las nuevas tecnologías han supuesto un nuevo mundo de posibilidades al que pueden sacar mucho provecho los profesionales de la educación.
Hoy os presento 38 herramientas TIC para profesores y docentes que necesitas conocer. Top 200 Tools for Learning 2016. 8 nuevas aplicaciones gratuitas para gestionar el aula durante el próximo curso - EDUforics. 150 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos con tics. Tecnologias educativas (para aprender... para formar) IKTen MINTEGIA BG04. ESKOLA 2.0ren BALIABIDEAK: IKT-etatik IET-etara. Teacher Tools.
PBL tools. Apps for Tablets. Top 100 Free Education Sites. Last year, Help Teaching brought you our Top 100 Free Education Sites.
Since technology and new websites are always being discovered we decided to update our list with some awesome new websites and new categories. Oh, and did we mention that they’re all free? No time to go through the whole list? Just use “Quick Links” section to jump straight to the section that interests you and bookmark this article for a reference later. 10 Awesome Education Sites Whatever the grade-level or subject area, these websites have something to offer. Power My Learning gives parents, teachers, and students a way to find some of the best free learning activities online. has gained recognition with its Hour of Code initiative.
Google is something most teachers know about, but many haven’t taken the time to explore all of their awesome free resources for education. Kidblog offers a simple, safe blogging platform for teacher. FunBrain helps students learn through fun games related to math and reading. 20 Free Educational Tools: Videos, Guides, and Printables! Free educational tools—what could be better?
Anytime, anywhere, teachers like to have plenty of resources to pick from to help them create great classroom experiences to engage their students. We’ve got some wonderful content-packed free educational tools for teachers to explore. They’re online and ready to be discovered! There are slideshows, printables, lesson plans, downloadable content and guides, videos, and much more. The sites listed below offer lots of stuff for all subjects and grades, so dive in and see what you can dig up. 20 Terrific Free Educational Tools Who doesn’t love free educational tools, especially teachers? General Sites EdTech Teacher—a professional development resource that offers a wide range of high-quality content and resources for every kind of teacher.
Internet4Classrooms—a long comprehensive list of tons of free content—everything from games and flashcards to assessment and planning tools. CocinandoClases: #+50 PÁGINAS WEB, BLOGS DE INTERÉS EDUCATIVO. CocinandoClases: #QuickTIC, 10 microherramientas de la WEB (con posibilidades en el aula) que dominarás en 3 minutos...
Tras la entrada del catálogo de herramientas TIC para uso en las aulas, he decidido poner la atención en otras que, sin ser completas aplicaciones de aprendizaje, destacan por simples, originales, útiles para momentos puntuales y, sobre todo, extraordinariamente sencillas de usar.
Es increíble comprobar como en la red hay cabida para utilidades de todo tipo. Basta con bucear (en esto Google es un experto) y salir a la superficie con la herramienta que deseabas o necesitabas. Aquí presento diez ejemplos aunque, como siempre, esta lista puede ir aumentando con aportaciones vuestras o nuevas necesidades: Propuesta en el catálogo de herramientas TIC, permite hacer grupos o equipos al instante copiando una lista de alumnos en la caja correspondiente e indicando número de grupos e incluso proponiendo nombre para los mismos. Existe, con el mismo propósito, alguna alternativa más en la WEB como TEAM GENERADOR o RANDOM TEAM GENERATOR "La siguiente tarea durará exactamente 7 minutos".