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Scheffers28-4.pdf. Turning Students into Good Digital Citizens -- THE Journal. 21st Century Literacy | In Print Turning Students into Good Digital Citizens Schools have always been charged with the task of producing good citizens. But how has our definition of a "good citizen" changed over the ages? By John K. Waters04/09/12 Video Exclusive: Cultural anthropologist Michael Wesch at Kansas State University discusses the tools today's students need to be good digital citizens. In today's world of near-ubiquitous connectivity, in which ordinary people have almost instantaneous access to unlimited stores of information and the ability to interact with anyone, anywhere, anytime, what does it mean to be an effective citizen?

Ask a K-12 educator these questions and chances are the answers will have something to do with teaching proper behavior and setting appropriate prohibitions. 'A Day-to-Day Skill Set' In his work, Kahne focuses on the connection between students' participation with digital media and their levels of civic engagement. Impact Studies - SLIM - CISSL. The School Library Impact Measure (SLIM) is a toolkit that enables you toassess student learning through guided inquiry in the school library.

It consists offour instruments that elicit students’ reflections on their learning at three points intheir inquiry process. The toolkit will enable collaborating school librarian –teacher teams to chart changes in students’ knowledge and experiencesthroughout the process. Inquiry LearningThe school context for using the SLIM toolkit is an inquiry unit. An inquiryapproach to learning is one in which students actively engage with diverse andoften conflicting sources of information and ideas to discover new ideas, to buildnew understandings, and to develop personal viewpoints and perspectives.

SLIM Handbook SLIM Reflection Instruments and Scoring Guidelines SLIM Scoring Sheet Kuhlthau, C., Heinstrom, J, & Todd, R. Todd, R. Todd. Shibboleth Authentication Request. Information Literacy: Building Blocks of Research: Overview. Building Blocks of Research:Overview of Design, Process and Outcomes What is Information Literacy? Information Literacy is a transformational process in which the learner needs to find, understand, evaluate, and use information in various forms to create for personal, social or global purposes.

Information Literacy shares a fundamental set of core thinking- and problem-solving meta-skills with other disciplines. Authentic cross-disciplinary problems which include observation and inference, analysis of symbols and models, comparison of perspectives, and assessment of the rhetorical context, engage students in developing mastery information literacy over time. Select a building block... Information Literacy A problem-solving process for: Student Skills and Strategies The student uses habits of mind: Student Outcomes The student is a learner: independent disciplined planful self-motivated metacognitive flexible adventurous Curriculum and Teaching Design The learning design provides: The Laptop Fallacy. Note: This article first appeared in School Libraries Worldwide, Volume 4, Number 1, 1998, 59-72. This paper will also appear as a chapter in a forthcoming Australian book on Information Literacy edited by James Henri and Karen Bonanno.

It is republished here with permission of School Libraries Worldwide and Charles Sturt University. This article begins with a brief overview of the concept of literacy. It then focuses on a series of definitions that deal with an expanding notion of literacies, and finally refocuses on information literacy. Introduction Information literacy! A plethora of writing and lectures about conceptualising, developing, and implementing information literacy fills whole conferences and whole books, and indeed adds significantly to the information traffic on the Internet. From where did this term emanate to occupy so much discussion?

Is it a concept or a process? Holloway (1996) would agree with Lincoln (1987) and Henri (1995) that the label (information literacy? InfoLiteracyFramework.pdf. Graphic Organizers. Herring and Tarter ( Information literacy models. Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS) Home - Big6. Untitled Document. The PLUS model This model of the information skills process is called the PLUS model and seeks to incorporate the key elements of previous models while adding emphasis on thinking skills and self evaluation. PLUS incorporates the elements of Purpose, Location, Use and Self-evaluation. As can be seen from the above diagram, the PLUS model is not necessarily a linear model although some students may progress from Purpose to Self-Evaluation without a problem. However, for many students, information literacy is often problematic and they may have to step back from time to time, for example to redefine their Purpose if they are overwhelmed by information at the Location stage.

The range of skills included in the PLUS model include : Purpose • cognitive skills in identifying existing knowledge • thinking skills such as brainstorming or concept • skills in formulating questions • skills in identifying information resources Location • selection skills in assessing the relevance of information resources. Carol Kuhlthau. In the first stage, initiation, a person becomes aware of a gap in knowledge or a lack of understanding, where feelings of uncertainty and apprehension are common. At this point,the task is merely to recognize a need for information. Thoughts center on contemplating the problem, comprehending the task, and relating the problem to prior experience and personal knowledge. Actions frequently involve discussing possible avenues of approach or topics to pursue.

In the second stage, selection, the task is to identify and select the general topic to be investigated and the approach to be pursued. Feelings of uncertainty often give way to optimism after the selection as been made and there is a readiness to begin the search. Thoughts center on weighing prospective topics against the criteria of task requirements, time allotted, personal interest, and information available. Kelly describes the emotional experience of constructing meaning from new information. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. References. Carol Kuhlthau. Guided Inquiry opens the inquiry process at Initiation, immerses students in background knowledge at Selection, guides in exploring interesting ideas at Exploration, enables identifying an inquiry question at Formulation, supports gathering to address the question at Collection, intervenes for creating and sharing at Preparation, and assesses throughout the inquiry process and evaluates at the close.

Let’s take a closer look the Guided Inquiry Design Framework. Guided Inquiry Design Framework The Guided Inquiry Design process begins with Open the inquiry to catch students’ attention, get them thinking, and help them make connections with their world outside of school. Next is Immerse, which is designed to build enough background knowledge to generate some interesting ideas to investigate. Now let’s look at each phase in the inquiry process and think about how to design student learning in each phase. Open: Invitation to Inquiry Open Minds Stimulate Curiosity References Kuhlthau, Carol. Shibboleth Authentication Request. SLMR_CriticalInvestigation_V9.pdf.

The Big Six Information Skills As a Metacognitive Scaffold: A Case Study. Sara Wolf is an Assistant Professor of Educational Media at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama; Thomas Brush is Associate Professor of Instructional Systems Design at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana; and John Saye is Associate Professor of Secondary Social Studies at Auburn University. Several information problem-solving models exist for teaching and reinforcing the research, problem-solving, and writing processes.

The Big Six information skills model (Big6) is one that is primarily aimed at kindergarten through twelfth-grade students. This model is intended to foster the acquisition of research, problem-solving, and metacognitive skills through the cooperation of both school library media specialists and classroom teachers. While a strong anecdotal record exists supporting the use of Big6, empirical research support is less evident in library and education literature. Information Problem Solving Each of the six steps has two subskills. . [ Back to Top] Metacognition Scaffolding.