UDL Toolkits: enseñando a todo estudiante d Model of the Internet Inquiry Process This toolkit was made possible by a grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Grant Award #H324N010005. What is the Internet inquiry toolkit? The Internet Inquiry Toolkit is a resource for language arts, content area, and special education teachers (grades 5-10) who recognize that finding information on the Internet has become an essential literacy task for today's students.
Digital Writing, Digital Teaching - Integrating New Literacies into the Teaching of Writing » Blog Archive » Quick Quote in MEA Voice Just today, a colleague of mine was telling me that I need to be better at self-promotion. So, here goes… Future teachers (college students now) use blogs and wikis to share their own writing—so they can someday help their own students do the same. “Teachers are teaching the digital generation,” explained Troy Hicks, assistant professor of English Language and Literature at Central Michigan University, where he instructs preservice teachers. (MEA Voice, February 2009, p. 10) Earlier this year, I was interviewed by a reporter for the MEA as a part of their special issue on teaching with technology.
Informatievaardigheden / Onderzoek in zes stappen RSG Magister Alvinus - Lesmateriaal - Wikiwijs Bron: Reid, J., Geleijnse, B. & Tol, J.M. van (2003)Fokke en Sukke hebben geen idee. [Soest]: Catullus In het hoger onderwijs is informatievaardigheden één van de competenties die studenten moeten bezitten. Daarom willen we jullie nu alvast helpen om informatievaardig te worden. Met deze instructie leer je: Matrix of NETS, AASL standards, and activities The definition of information literacy has become more complex as resources and technologies have changed. The continuing expansion of information demands that all individuals acquire the thinking skills that will enable them to learn on their own. AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Correlate Mike Eisenberg's and Bob Berkowitz' Big6™ Skills with the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner developed by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students to organize an introduction to research on the Internet. Also look at national and state curriculum standards compiled by Education World® and the Common Core State Standards Initiative. 1 Task Definition
Little Known Ways To Power Your Google Search Home » Data Visualization » How to be a Google Power User New round here? Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed. It’s a familiar frustration for most of us: You type your precise, specific search terms into Google, and expect to find what you need on the first page. Alfabetización Informacional del sitio web »SCONUL siete pilares de la alfabetización informacional In 1999, The SCONUL Working Group on Information Literacy published “Information skills in higher education: a SCONUL position paper” (SCONUL, 1999), introducing the Seven Pillars of Information Skills model. Since then, the model has been adopted by librarians and teachers around the world as a means of helping them to deliver information skills to their learners. In 2012 the model was updated and expanded to reflect more clearly the range of different terminologies and concepts which we now understand as “Information Literacy”. In order for the model to be relevant to different user communities and ages, the new model is presented as a generic “core” model for Higher Education, to which a series of “lenses”, representing the different groups of learners, can be applied. In the 21st century, information literacy is a key attribute for everyone, irrespective of age or experience.
Reflections on Creating "The Digital Writing Workshop" on Prezi The Presentation This Prezi moves through a series of ideas from the book, beginning with the cover, and then through three sections that (roughly) cover the ideas of being digital, crafting digital writing, and teaching in a digital writing workshop, followed by a photo from the classroom of my friend and colleague, Aram Kabodian. Depending on how much time I have, how many questions I want to entertain while talking, and the overall goals I have for the audience I am presenting to, I flex my speed and delivery of the presentation. On the first "section" (for lack of better term), I show the book cover. I can tell some anecdote about the writing of the book, and I always focus on how the principles of the writing workshop—choice and inquiry, conferring and response, author's craft, publication, and assessment—are the primary components of the cover, not the fingers typing on the keyboard.
Middelbaar onderwijs – Profielwerkstuk – Nederlandse Vereniging voor Verouderings Onderzoek Enkele jaren geleden is het profielwerkstuk (PWS) verplicht gesteld op alle middelbare scholen in Nederland. Een belangrijk onderdeel van het PWS is het doen van onderzoek. Dit is voor wetenschappelijke instituten een gouden kans. De bakermat voor de wetenschap ligt immers in het voortgezet onderwijs. Leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs hebben echter weinig of geen ervaring met het zelf verzinnen en doen van onderzoek. Want hoe bedenk je onderzoek? Mitä tapahtuu, kun googlaat? Lue tämä ja seitsemän muuta tietoa hakukoneista Datakeskus Suomessa mahdollistaa kyselyn käsittelemisen paikallisesti. Jos googlehaun tieto kulkeutuu Kuopiosta Haminaan, se taittaa lyhyemmän matkan, matka taittuu nopeammin ja voi kuluttaa vähemmän energiaa. Tuolloin reitti on myös luotettavampi kuin merikaapeleiden tai ulkomailla sijaitsevien solmukohtien kautta.
Guidelines on Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning by Jesús Lau Final Draft These guidelines have been compiled by the Information Literacy Section (InfoLit) of IFLA with the aim of providing a pragmatic framework for those professionals who need or are interested in starting an information literacy program. The guidelines will aid information professionals engaged in educational programs, i.e., basic and higher education, in their efforts to meet their current information needs. However, most of the concepts, principles and procedures can be applied with minimal adaptation to any library setting. Information professionals working in all types of libraries should have as one of their main institutional goals the facilitation of users’ efforts to acquire information competencies.
Digital Is...what exactly? Here at the Digital Is website, we aim to collect and create resources, stories and reflections on what it means to write, teach, and learn today. We invite thoughtful educators from schools, universities, libraries, museums, and youth-serving institutions to join us in this effort. For all of us, this is a moment when new digital tools and Internet environments have given writers/learners a rich set of new opportunities to compose, create, and publish. As these new tools take their place alongside our beloved older tools—our pencils, our journals, our print publications—the National Writing Project seeks to host a place for educators and writers to stop and reflect on what it all might mean for our work as educators. Please join us.
Course: Information literacy - the digital library - Examples: These are suggestions, listen to your mentor / teacher, find other examples! But when you write - be consistent! Articles from journals: Guthrie, E.(1998) Psychological stress and burnout in medical students. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) ACRL is the source that the higher education community looks to for Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks on academic libraries. ACRL develops Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks to help libraries, academic institutions, and accrediting agencies understand the components of an excellent library. These Standards, Guidelines, Frameworks, and model statements are reviewed and updated by the membership on a regular basis. The ACRL Guide to Policies and Procedures contains complete information on the creation and review of ACRL Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks. ACRL’s Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks are provided as a free resource to the academic library community. Your donation to the ACRL Advancement Fund, which supports initiatives that strengthen ACRL’s influence in higher education and its ability to create diverse and inclusive communities in the association and the profession, assists us as we continuing to provide these important resources.