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Wiccan, Pagan, New Age Store - Woodbine Herbs - Metaphysical Supplies & Apparel. Herbal Grimoire Herbs have been in use for thousands of years.

Wiccan, Pagan, New Age Store - Woodbine Herbs - Metaphysical Supplies & Apparel

Their uses range from healing, rituals to magick, their are many books available that can help you acheive your intent. I have tired to include information such as herb name, magickal properties, oils, aromatherapy use and also called. The information on these pages comes from a variety of sources as well as years of practice. This is by no means a total list of herbs available. Pagan-hierarchy.gif (GIF Image, 2197x1921 pixels) Turok's Cabana. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ® Central on-line resources for the Golden Dawn System of Magic. Hoodoo & Santo Candle Interpretations. Interpretations of Candles(used In the Hoodoo & Santerian tradition) This is a system to monitor effectiveness of candles used in magickal workings.

Hoodoo & Santo Candle Interpretations

These generally refer to the burning of 7 day religious candles(in glass & not). There are various ways to interpret them , but these are the most common according to C. Magia D' La Luna. Welcome to our Online Herb, Bark, and Root Library You'll find botanical information regarding Magickal, Medicinal, Wildcrafting, Growing, and Scientific Fact...along with a little history and mythology for interest.

Magia D' La Luna

I am your librarian, Morgana, and I am a wildcrafter and cultivator of many of these plants, so I will add the following notes when applicable: **WC** Denotes Wildcrafters Notes For My Fellow Gatherers **GT** Denotes Growing Tips for Domestic Horticulture People have enhanced their lives with herbs for nearly 5000 years. Webster's Dictionary defines "Herb" as follows: "A plant, or plant part valued for medicinal or savory qualities. " Just click on the letter of the Herb you wish to learn about in the herbal site map below Always remember to hold your mouse cursor over photos for additional information, and See Additional Links Below for Wildcrafting & Formulation Pages For Formulations, Term definitions, and Recipes Click Above Pic.

The Lilith Library - Mythology, Archeology, Fables, Historical Facts, Lore and Trivia. Necronomicon - NEW SINISTER REVELATIONS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY. About The Goddess. Dark_goddess.jpg (JPEG Image, 481x700 pixels) - Scaled (95%) Women in Greek Myths - The Famous Chicks. Real Magick - The Occult Library of Articles and Information on the Magick, Wicca, Paganism and other Esoteric Knowledge. Free Wiccan Pagan Information Resource - Lady of the Earth.

Book of Green Shadows - The Last Wizards. Common Wiccan Beliefs. By Lady Bridget, © 1998 These beliefs are common to most Wiccans, though perhaps not all.

Common Wiccan Beliefs

In general, however, if a person is calling himself a Wiccan, then he or she subscribes to nearly all of these concepts. An it Harm None, Do What Thou Wilt This is also known as the "Rede", which translates into "rule", and is the rule by which Wiccan's live. "Harm None" also includes yourself, as well as other living beings, and indeed the planet itself. Threefold Return and Karma The Law of Threefold Return basically states that whatever you do returns to you threefold, good or ill. Responsiblity for Your Own Actions Here again is the same theme, you have the sole responsibility for your words and deeds.

Reincarnation As you probably guessed from the previous paragraph, most Wiccans believe in reincarnation in some form. Hein's Goddesses. Religion & Ethics - Wicca. Satan.jpg (JPEG Image, 614x204 pixels) Witchcraft supplies and Wiccan tools. The original witch store. Carnivalia - Main Menu. Peacock_daze.jpg (JPEG Image, 413x519 pixels)

Wicca. The Triple Goddess. Definition of Gnosticism. The doctrine of salvation by knowledge.

Definition of Gnosticism

This definition, based on the etymology of the word (gnosis "knowledge", gnostikos, "good at knowing"), is correct as far as it goes, but it gives only one, though perhaps the predominant, characteristic of Gnostic systems of thought. Witch. By Doreen Valiente Hear now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, When dark was our destiny’s pathway, That now we bring forth into the light.


Mysterious water and fire, The earth and the wide-ranging air. A question of intelligence. A new academic study suggests that religion is declining as people become more intelligent.

A question of intelligence

But is that too simplistic a view? The study, by Professor Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University, points to the low incidence of believers among academics and scientists. To those of us who value reason and science, the idea that religion and intelligence are incompatible has an attractive logic. But we need to treat this with a degree of caution. Black Sun Journal » Insulting Dawkins with Religious Metaphor. Insulting Dawkins with Religious Metaphor Another logically depraved and self-defeating opinion piece from the Dawkins-bashers, this time from Ron Ferguson of the UK Herald.

Black Sun Journal » Insulting Dawkins with Religious Metaphor

If you can stomach it, I think you’ll agree this is just about the lowest example of the ‘art form’ thus far: It’s not often one has a ringside seat for the second coming of the messiah. It was a thrilling event, well worth the entry price. Oh, yes, and I’m worried about the mental health of a Scottish columnist and broadcaster who seems to have become unhinged in these apocalyptic times.

Living with Magick — Home. I Am An Atheist: Rights and Responsibilities. As a moral atheist you have a number of rights and responsibilities.

I Am An Atheist: Rights and Responsibilities

These include (but are not limited to): Have no gods.Don't worship stuff.Be polite.Take a day off once in a while.Be nice to folks.Don't kill people.Don't cheat on your significant other.Don't steal stuff.Don't lie about stuff.Don't be greedy. Remember, theists may condemn you for living by this code because you are doing it of your own free will instead of because you're afraid that if you don't a supreme being will set you on fire. Witchcraft: The Eight Sabbats part 2 of 8. Aleister Crowley. Queen - Who Wants to Live Forever -Ah My Goddess. O Mother Goddess. Mists of avalon - magic rain valerie dore music video. Quotes for the instant paradigm shift. The Sabbats of Wicca. Learn Wicca / Wicca 101 / Faerie Tradition Because witches honor nature, they have eight festivals, or Sabbats, that mark the year as it turns through its seasons.

The Sabbats of Wicca

The following is basic information about these Sabbats, and includes both standard Wiccan information as well as my personal Sabbat lore and experiences, in other words, what I perceive the Sabbats to be. Samhain happens near Halloween and is when the Wiccan year begins. My altar cloth is black, because we are in the time of year that is dark. On my altar is the harvest, our "dead Lord" whose life is in the crops and "sacrificed" when the crops are killed to become our food. Yule or winter solstice happens near December 21, which is the longest darkest night of the year. Cantrap - Your site for spells, magical technique, magical theory, and divination.