Origin of SUN-day. What was the origin of Sunday worship?
Many christians believe it was the disciples who started keeping Sunday instead of Saturday, but from our earlier study we have shown that the disciples were still keeping the 7th day Sabbath as instituted by God at creation. So how did Sunday worship really originate? NMAI Tzolk'in or Tzolkin - DSC03826. Cherub. Virgin and child with cherubim A cherub (/ˈtʃɛrəb/;[1] also pl. cherubim; Hebrew כְּרוּב, pl.
כְּרוּבִים, English trans kərūv, pl. kərūvîm, dual kərūvāyim Latin cherub[us], pl. cherubi[m], Syriac ܟܪܘܒܐ), is a winged angelic being who is considered to attend on the Abrahamic God in biblical tradition. Babylon: Assyrian composite creatures. Left: Bull with eagles wings and human head. Right: Lion with eagles wing and head. cf the Cherubim & Seraphim, and other creatures in Daniel. Ram: Assyrian battering ram. Assyrian God Ninip Clipart. Assyrian - Akkadian Calendar Recreation, IBSS Gift Shop. Sumerian Star Chart Recreation: Sodom & Gomorrah Tablet?, IBSS Gift Shop. Sumerian Star Chart Recreation (resin cast).
About 5 3/8 inches round. A recreation of a Sumerian star map or "planisphere" recovered from the 650BC underground library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, Iraq in the late 19th century. Long thought to be an Assyrian tablet, computer analysis has matched it with the sky above Mesopotamia in 3300BC and proves it to be of much more ancient Sumerian origin. Antikythera mechanism. The Antikythera mechanism (Fragment A – front) The Antikythera mechanism (Fragment A – back) The Antikythera mechanism (/ˌæntɨkɨˈθɪərə/ ANT-i-ki-THEER-ə or /ˌæntɨˈkɪθərə/ ANT-i-KITH-ə-rə) is an ancient analog computer[1][2][3][4] designed to predict astronomical positions and eclipses.
It was recovered in 1900–1901 from the Antikythera wreck, a shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera.[5] Although the computer's construction has been attributed to the Greeks and dated to the early 1st century BC, its significance and complexity were not understood until the 1970s when it was analyzed with modern X-ray technology. Technological artifacts approaching its complexity and workmanship did not appear again until the 14th century, when mechanical astronomical clocks began to be built in Western Europe.[6] The mechanism was housed in a wooden box approximately 340 × 180 × 90 mm in size and comprised 30 bronze gears (although more could have been lost).
Origins and discovery[edit] Mysteries of computer from 65BC are solved. A 2,000-year-old mechanical computer salvaged from a Roman shipwreck has astounded scientists who have finally unravelled the secrets of how the sophisticated device works.
The machine was lost among cargo in 65BC when the ship carrying it sank in 42m of water off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera. By chance, in 1900, a sponge diver called Elias Stadiatos discovered the wreck and recovered statues and other artifacts from the site. The machine first came to light when an archaeologist working on the recovered objects noticed that a lump of rock had a gear wheel embedded in it. Closer inspection of material brought up from the stricken ship subsequently revealed 80 pieces of gear wheels, dials, clock-like hands and a wooden and bronze casing bearing ancient Greek inscriptions. Remarkably, scans showed the device uses a differential gear, which was previously believed to have been invented in the 16th century. Antikythera Mechanism. Dylon Whyte's Current Thoughts: Mystery of the Antikythera Mechanism Solved! Persona Manifesto of Dylon Whyte Artist, Actor, Author, Auto-Didactic, Academic, Activist, A$$Hole, Philosopher and Warrior-Poet Q.
Is ~IT~ true that you like to be addressed as The Bay Khan Caesar? A. Yes. Q. A. Jubilee Calendar. By John P.
Pratt Reprinted from Meridian Magazine (17 Nov 2004) ©2004 by John P. How Does the Mayan Calendar Work? The Mayan Calendar Explained The Mayan calendar has a long and deep history.
But its premise is quite simple. Maybe not as simple as our Roman calendar, however. What Does the Mayan Calendar Really Tell Us? The Mayans were amazing astronomers and mathematicians, without the use of telescopes they could accurately predict solar eclipses and fully understood the movements of the stars and planets.
The Mayan Wise Men had an obsession with Venus and could calculate its average rotation with an error of only one day in 6,000 years. The Mayan used three calendars,the Haab', Tzolk'in and the Long Count. The Haab' was a 365 day calendar which measured the solar year. It was used for economic,accounting and agricultural purposes. Each day had its own hieroglyph and number. Huge 2012 timeline breakthrough. Using this timeline theory, there would need to be a catalyst to offset the wars and bombings that would "re-happen" on a scaled reality structure.
My perception is that there will be some form of "novelty" during these times, not necessarily meaning that a war or an outbreak of a disease will occur. The cycles repeat, but the events may not neccesarily happen again. So when we reach the infinity line does everything continuously renew itself? Azteccalendar.jpg (JPEG Image, 1339x1378 pixels) Islamic Astrolabes and the Calendar. Islamic Astrolabes and Astrology. Heart of Hinduism: The Hindu Calendar. The Year The Hindu calendar is based on lunar months corresponding to the phases of the moon. In one year there are twelve months of 29.5 days, accounting for a total of 354 days.The shortfall means that the date of each festival moves back 11 days each year. To rectify this, an extra leap month is added about once every three years.
Chinese Calendar's Story of Origin. June 4, 2008 – 8:15 am Chinese calendar is also called as lunisolar calendar which includes the essentials of a lunar calendar with the basics of solar calendar. This calendar is not only followed in China but also in several other Asian cultures. Sometimes, even the western culture referred this calendar. Hebrew Calendar. By John P. Pratt Reprinted from Meridian Magazine (26 Oct 2007). ©2007 by John P. Pratt. Insertcalendarancientisrael.jpg (JPEG Image, 975x1168 pixels) How to Read a Hebrew Tombstone. Jewish tombstones with Hebrew inscriptions have an added value to genealogists, in that they not only show the date of death and sometimes the age or date of birth, but they also include the given name of the deceased's father. This permits you to go back one more generation. Here are a few helpful pointers if you cannot read Hebrew.
Remogrifying the Calendar « theAbysmal. From theAbyss to theAbysmal check here instead: theAbysmal from theAbyss. TheAbysmal Calendar « theAbysmal. Gregorian Kalendar. Roman Calendar - Zone 4454. Roman Fasti. Some 200 fragments of Roman calendars have been found so far, and they are collectively known as Fasti. There is a common style and format reflected in all of them, but there are also many differences, particularly regional differences. Some beautiful examples have been found in nearly complete condition with the original colors still visible.