Rückzug: Müde Bürger. ZEITmagazin: Herr Kocka, ist der Trend zum Rückzug ins Private, der nun vor allem die Jüngeren erfasst hat, ein neues Phänomen?
Jürgen Kocka: Sicher nicht. Es gab in der Geschichte immer wieder Zeiten des Rückzugs eines großen Teils des Bürgertums und der aktiven Kleinbürger und Arbeiter ins Private. Eigentlich immer nach Phasen des Umbruchs, nach einer großen öffentlichen Anstrengung und einer Überspannung der politischen Idee. Das war in den fünfziger Jahren so, nach der politischen Katastrophe der Diktatur, des Weltkriegs, der Zerstörung.
Und es war in abgeschwächter Form nach der Reichsgründung 1871 so, vor allem aber nach der gescheiterten Revolution von 1848/49. Entschleunigung: Die Welt ist mir zu viel. Es ist wahr, das Jahr 2014 war kein leichtes.
Kein rosiges, kein kuscheliges. Es war ein tosendes, Angst machendes, in Teilen der Welt ein grausames Jahr. Sixth form cancels all morning lessons to help sleepy students. A private school is to start lessons for sixth formers at 1.30pm because teenagers "have a biological disposition to going to bed late and struggling to get up early".
Hampton Court House in East Molesey, Surrey, believes that the change from the conventional time of 9am, with classes ending at 7pm, will be more productive and less stressful for its students. The staggered start will also mean that the pupils can avoid rush-hour traffic. Headmaster Guy Holloway said: "There is now more and more scientific evidence to support what many parents and teachers have known for years. "The fact is that many teenagers do not sleep sufficiently during the week and this can, and often does, have a significant impact on teenage cognition and mental and physical health generally. " Transparency.jpg (1820×1200) How to Completely Delete Facebook From Your Life. If you're seriously considering deleting your Facebook account, you're not alone.
Start typing in the letters "dele" into Google and you'll see "delete Facebook account" as a top suggestion. Whether it's to alleviate privacy concerns or avoid digital distractions, more people are trying to figure out how to fully disconnect themselves from the social network giant that we live and breathe. For those ready to call it quits, you're in for a surprise — it's more difficult than you think to erase yourself permanently. With its ever-changing privacy policies, becoming Facebook-free requires more steps than just hitting the delete button and saying goodbye.
Life Hacks: Institute of Hacking. Science & Environment - The psychology of the to-do list. Your mind loves it when a plan comes together – the mere act of planning how to do something frees us from the burden of unfinished tasks.
If your daily schedule and email inbox are anything like mine, you’re often left a state of paralysis by the sheer bulk of outstanding tasks weighing on your mind. In this respect, David Allen's book Getting Things Done is a phenomenon. An international best-seller and a personal productivity system known merely as GTD, it’s been hailed as being a “new cult for the info age”. Advice on quitting your job and travelling for a year : Adventure. Most of us see the world in snippets at a time – a long weekend here, a two-week vacation there.
But when wanderlust grows beyond what those trips can contain, a longer journey might be in order. Embarking on a six-month or year-long adventure often can mean taking a leap of faith and leaving key responsibilities behind, like arranging for an extended leave of absence or resigning from a job. But those that have done it say the experience is more than worth it. We sought out some of those brave, inspirational souls on the question-and-answer site Quora.com, asking: “what should I know if I want to quit my job, leave everything behind and travel for a year?” From the logistics of planning such a trip to the difficulty of managing others’ expectations and re-entering the workforce, the Quora community chimed in with their most useful advice. Related article: Navigating the minefield of travel, love and money.
Unboxed - If You’re Open to Growth, You Tend to Grow. Declutter! One room at a time. A Bowl Full of Lemons. Life. Organized. Free Your Stuff. Sparen im Alltag: täglich mit Kleinvieh das Sparschwein mästen. Bild mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Zufall2010 Manchmal wünsche ich mir, ich wäre einer dieser verkniffenen Typen, die sich selbst den Schimmel auf dem Brot nicht gönnen.
Da ich das in diesem Leben nicht schaffen werde, fange ich klein an. Glücklicher werden: Wie Sie negative Emotionen loswerden. Die „Givebox“ – ein nachhaltiges Konzept, das Freude am Nehmen und Geben bereitet! Das Prinzip ist einfach: Anwohner können gebrauchte Gegenstände zum Verschenken in der Box abstellen und andere herausnehmen.
Bereits in einigen Städten wie Berlin, Hamburg oder Frankfurt fordern die Boxen mit der Aufschrift „Sharing is Caring“ zum nachhaltigen Teilen nicht mehr benötigter Gegenstände auf statt diese kommerziell zu verkaufen oder zu entsorgen. Und so geht‘s: Jeder kann Kleidung, CDs, Bücher, Dekoartikel usw. in der Givebox abstellen und ebenso kann sich jeder an den aussortierten Artikeln bedienen. Gegenstände, die nach zwei Wochen keinen neuen Besitzer gefunden haben, müssen allerdings wieder abgeholt werden, damit stets genug Platz für neue Dinge ist und die Box nicht zur Müllhalde verkommt. Sunday Planning – design finch.
I recently read a statistic that said every minute invested in planning will save you ten minutes down the road.
I can personally attest that not only does a little planning ahead help with time management, but it also saves money and reduces stress. Don’t we all want more help in those areas? Um, I sure do! No matter how busy I am, I try to set aside about an hour on Sunday afternoons to prepare for the week ahead. Since today is Sunday and I’m in the process of doing my weekly planning, I felt inspired to share the tasks that keep me organized. Sites/default/files/printable/notebook_food_menu_planner_weekly_list.pdf.
Tools2/free_printable_too_many_to_dos_form_template.pdf. Tools2/free_printable_to_do_itinerary_form_template.pdf. Tools2/free_printable_laundry_list_of_to_dos_form_template.pdf. What is a 'Do It Day'? I have a 'Do it Day' once a month and I commented on it this week, saying that this was what I was going to do.
As a result a number of people contacted me asking me to explain what it was. Free Weekly Planner : ) Here's a little somethin' somethin' I've been working on this week to help get more organized.
I'm using it to keep track of work and housekeeping goals each week. Somehow having goals written down on a cute little chart makes them seem more attainable. DailyPagePrintable.jpg (750×1100) Menu Planner. (This post also at Petit Elefant.) As a graphic designer, no new thing I do or try will stick unless it involves some good design. I recently committed to planning meals weekly and keeping the family to a food budget. So what I felt would really help me out was a place to display what meals I had to eat, and what ingredients I had in my fridge that needed to be eaten before they went bad.
Like my huge block of gorgonzola from Costco for example. I developed this. This is a meal planner that I am proud to display in my kitchen. Www.mommytracked.com/files/downloads/download3.pdf. Downloads/theprojectgirl.com-mealplanner.pdf. This Awesome Urn Will Turn You into a Tree After You Die. You don't find many designers working in the funeral business thinking about more creative ways for you to leave this world (and maybe they should be). However, the product designer Gerard Moline has combined the romantic notion of life after death with an eco solution to the dirty business of the actual, you know, transition.
His Bios Urn is a biodegradable urn made from coconut shell, compacted peat and cellulose and inside it contains the seed of a tree. Once your remains have been placed into the urn, it can be planted and then the seed germinates and begins to grow. You even have the choice to pick the type of plant you would like to become, depending on what kind of planting space you prefer. I, personally, would much rather leave behind a tree than a tombstone. Trainingsplan für Anfänger: So gelingt das Lauftraining. Productivity. #53 – How to detect bullshit. By Scott Berkun, August 9, 2006.
The Official Time-Waster's Guide v3.0. Hirnhilfen für Brain-Bodybuilder - futurezone.ORF.at. Litemind. Time Management, Productivity, & Project Tracking Software (Mac/ Weekis - week planner, todo list, task manager. Why Change Is So Hard: Self-Control Is Exhaustible. 29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When I’m Trying to Avoid R. You don’t always have to work hard to be productive. Productivity can simply be the side effect of doing the right things. So here’s a list of 29 semi-productive things I do online when my mind is set on avoiding ‘real work.’ Check delicious popular tags like ‘useful,’ ‘tutorials,’ ‘tips,’ ‘howto,’ ‘advice,’ ‘entrepreneurship,’ etc. for interesting, educational articles to read.Watch one of the thousands of educational videos streaming at TED.com, Academic Earth and Teacher Tube.Read an online book list and find a new book to grab next time I’m at the library.