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StumbleUpon. Scientists debunk 'junk DNA' theory to reveal vast majority of human genes perform a vital function - Science - News. The genetic “control panel” of the human body that regulates the activity of our 23,000 genes has been revealed for the first time in a scientific tour de force that could revolutionise the understanding and treatment of hundreds of diseases.

Scientists debunk 'junk DNA' theory to reveal vast majority of human genes perform a vital function - Science - News

Scientists have once and for all swept away any notion of “junk DNA” by showing that that the vast majority of the human genome does after all have a vital function by regulating the genes that build and maintain the body. Junk DNA was a term coined 40 years ago to describe the part of the genome that does not contain any genes, the individual instructions for making the body’s vital proteins.

Now, this vast genetic landscape could hold hidden clues to eradicating human disease, scientists said. Hundreds of researchers from 32 institutes around the world collaborated on the immense effort to decipher the hidden messages within the 98 per cent of the human genome without any genes and was thought, therefore, to have no function. Breakthrough study overturns theory of 'junk DNA' in genome.

Long stretches of DNA previously dismissed as "junk" are in fact crucial to the way our genome works, an international team of researchers said on Wednesday.

Breakthrough study overturns theory of 'junk DNA' in genome

It is the most significant shift in scientists' understanding of the way our DNA operates since the sequencing of the human genome in 2000, when it was discovered that our bodies are built and controlled by far fewer genes than expected. Now the next generation of geneticists have updated that picture. The results of the international Encode project will have a huge impact for geneticists trying to work out how genes operate. The findings will also provide new leads for scientists looking for treatments for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and Crohn's disease that have their roots partly in glitches in the DNA. Until now, the focus had largely been on looking for errors within genes themselves, but the Encode research will help guide the hunt for problem areas that lie elsewhere in our DNA sequence.

Darwinism and Materialism: They Sink or Swim Together. Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design By Stephen C.

Darwinism and Materialism: They Sink or Swim Together

Meyer (HarperOne, 496 pages, $28.99) Recently the Discovery Institute’s Stephen Meyer published Darwin’s Doubt, a book that raises many questions about the theory of evolution. Alex Callinicos: Darwin, Materialism and Evolution (June 1996) Why information can't be the basis of reality. Can Engineers and Scientists Ever Master "Complexity"? Is Scientific Materialism "Almost Certainly False"? When it comes to science, ours is a paradoxical era.

On the one hand, prominent physicists proclaim that they are solving the riddle of reality and hence finally displacing religious myths of creation. That is the chest-thumping message of books such as The Grand Design by physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow and A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence Krauss.

A corollary of this triumphal view is that science will inevitably solve all other mysteries as well. On the other hand, science's limits have never been more glaringly apparent. Newrepublic. DARWIN, MATERIALISM AND EVOLUTION. Issue 71 of INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM, quarterly journal of the Socialist Workers Party (Britain) Published June 1996 Copyright © International Socialism.


Human Genome Far More Complex, New Research Finds. Why ENCODE Is a Significant Defeat for Darwinism. A week ago the Wall Street Journal (news department) published an article in line with what has appeared here at ENV.

Why ENCODE Is a Significant Defeat for Darwinism

Headline: “‘Junk DNA’ Theory Debunked.” Today, the paper published a letter by someone called Tom Shillock in Portland, Oregon. Opening two sentences: Tom Bethell, Author at Evolution News. "What Is the World Really Like?" Darwinism, Materialism, and How They Relate. John Searle, the eminent professor of philosophy at U.C.

"What Is the World Really Like?" Darwinism, Materialism, and How They Relate

Berkeley, once said that "there is a sense in which materialism is the religion of our time. " Sometimes called naturalism, materialism here has nothing to do with greed or a lust for riches. It is the name of a philosophy — the belief that physical matter is all that exists. Alex Rosenberg of Duke University’s philosophy department has put it nicely: What is the world really like? Mind and Cosmos. Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False is a 2012 book by Thomas Nagel, Professor of Philosophy at New York University.

Mind and Cosmos

Summary[edit] In the book, Nagel argues that the materialist version of evolutionary biology is unable to account for the existence of mind and consciousness, and is therefore at best incomplete. He writes that mind is a basic aspect of nature, and that any philosophy of nature that cannot account for it is fundamentally misguided.[1] He argues that the standard physico-chemical reductionist account of the emergence of life – that it emerged from a series of accidents, acted upon by the mechanism of natural selection – flies in the face of common sense.

Nagel's position is that principles of an entirely different kind may account for the emergence of life, and in particular conscious life, and that those principles may be teleological, rather than materialist or mechanistic. Reception[edit] Dmatter slides.

Popularização da Ciência

René Descartes. Notabilizou-se sobretudo por seu trabalho revolucionário na filosofia e na ciência, mas também obteve reconhecimento matemático por sugerir a fusão da álgebra com a geometria - fato que gerou a geometria analítica e o sistema de coordenadas que hoje leva o seu nome.

René Descartes

Por fim, foi também uma das figuras-chave na Revolução Científica. Descartes, por vezes chamado de "o fundador da filosofia moderna" e o "pai da matemática moderna", é considerado um dos pensadores mais importantes e influentes da História do Pensamento Ocidental. Inspirou contemporâneos e várias gerações de filósofos posteriores; boa parte da filosofia escrita a partir de então foi uma reação às suas obras ou a autores supostamente influenciados por ele. Espinoza, o herói da liberdade intelectual. Ao longo dos séculos, periodicamente a comunidade portuguesa de Amsterdã recebeu diversos pedidos para que revisasse a condenação por heresia que impôs ao filósofo Baruch Espinoza.

Espinoza, o herói da liberdade intelectual

David Ben-Gurion, quando foi primeiro-ministro de Israel, fez um apelo público para ‘alterar a injustiça’ feita contra Espinoza. Mas foi só em 2012, no entanto, que a congregação de Amsterdã, por insistência de um dos seus membros, formalmente assumiu que era hora de reabilitar o filósofo diante da congregação que o havia expulso. Bruno Latour, a veteran of the ‘science wars,’ has a new mission. PARIS—French sociologist of science Bruno Latour, 70, has long been a thorn in the side of science.

Bruno Latour, a veteran of the ‘science wars,’ has a new mission

But in the age of “alternative facts,” he’s coming to its defense. Latour, who retired last month from his official duties at Sciences Po, a university for the social sciences here, shot to fame with the 1979 book Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts, written with U.K. sociologist Steve Woolgar. To research it, Latour spent 2 years at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, acting as an anthropologist observing scientists at work. In 1987, Latour elaborated on his thinking in the textbook Science in Action. Marx escreveu sobre meio ambiente? BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time - Philosophy. The World As I See It – An Essay By Albert Einstein. “How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people — first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy.

A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving… “I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves — this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth.

“My political ideal is democracy. Download 135 Free Philosophy eBooks: From Aristotle to Nietzsche & Wittgenstein. Just wanted to give you a quick heads up that we've recently spun out a collection of Free Philosophy eBooks (from our larger, more diverse collection of 600 Free eBooks). Right now, you will find 110 classic works on the new list -- foundational texts written by Aristotle, Descartes, Hegel and Kant, not to mention Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein and Nietzsche, too.

The list will keep growing at a steady clip. But if you see any crucial texts missing, please let us know, and we will try to get them added ASAP. Of course, we're looking for works in the public domain. You can generally download the Free Philosophy eBooks to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone and other devices. 25 Of The Most Thought Provoking Quotes From Plato. Bertrand Russell’s 10 Rules for Living. The great philosopher’s wisdom condensed into ten solid principles on which to live your life Bertrand Russell, one of 20th century’s most important and enduring thinkers, previously gave us this beautiful summary on what matters most in life.

If that meditation answers the what, then these guidelines help us answer the how. Published in 1951 as part of an article on liberalism for The New York Times Magazine, the ten rules dictate Russell’s guidelines that he, as a teacher, believed he should advocate. Mario Sergio Cortella. Leandro Karnal. YogicQuotes. Philosophical Terms and Methods. Ad hoc You call something ad hoc when it's introduced for a particular purpose, instead of for some general, antecedently motivated reason. So, for instance, an ad hoc decision is a decision you make when there's no general rule or precedent telling you what to do. Philosophers sometimes accuse their opponents of making ad hoc hypotheses (or ad hoc stipulations, or ad hoc amendments to their analyses, etc.). These are hypotheses (or stipulations or amendments) adopted purely for the purpose of saving a theory from difficulty or refutation, without any independent motivation or rationale.

They will usually strike the reader as artificial or "cheating. " 10 Philosophers Summed Up in a Single Sentence. Certainly, there is much to be gained by laboring over the complexities that pervade most philosophical writing. However, the act of reading such texts is almost always accompanied by head clutching and eye rubbing. Guide to Popular Philosophers « Debate Central. By David Weeks Ancient Greek philosopher, credited for the development of the foundations of the Western philosophical tradition.He forced his students to question their beliefs and problems and develop their own solutions by using a dialectic method of inquiry.

(later known as the Socratic Method)His most famous student was Plato, although he resisted being called a teacher, and refused to take money for what he did.He refused the label teacher, because he believed that he did not transmit knowledge to passive listeners. Instead, by asking questions that lead people to realize their own ignorance, he represented a new approach. In his early writings, Plato conveyed the spirit of Socrates’ teaching by presenting reports of his master’s conversational interactions, providing us with our only accounts of Socrates’ thought.Explained the difference between Forms and Ideas. Prominent historian and psychologist, but the political influence of his work cannot be underestimated. Relações, consumo e globalização: 9 pensamentos de Zygmunt Bauman que vão chacoalhar sua mente. The Perimeter of Ignorance. Friedrich Nietzsche (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Google Ngram Viewer. Locke versus Hobbes.

The Grolier encyclopedia contrasts Locke and Hobbes as follows: Timeline of Philosophy. I Watch Therefore I Am: 10 Of The Best Philosophical Films. Source: | Original Post Date: April 15, 2015 – Quotations. René Descartes. Michel Foucault. Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Hipermodernidade. Gilles Lipovetsky. Gilles Lipovetsky. 50 filósofos contemporâneos. PENSADORES POSMODERNISTAS. Internet, vaso de Pandora? - iG Paulista. Neil deGrasse Tyson vs Lawrence Krauss Debate on Nothing. Physicists and Philosophers Debate the Boundaries of Science. Scientific method: Defend the integrity of physics.

Why science needs to break the spell of reductive materialism. Global Development Professionals Network. OPENSCIENCE - ROTEIRO PARA UMA INVESTIGAÇÃO ABERTA. O terrível custo sobre o qual ninguém fala de ter um doutorado. There is a culture of acceptance around mental health issues in academia. Nietzsche - Human, All Too Human (Full BBC Documentary) BBC Humano Demasiado Humano - Friedrich Nietzsche: Além do Bem e do Mal (1999) Especial Nietzsche - Viviane Mosé - Café Filosófico (Exibido dia 29.03.2009).avi. Documentários sobre Nietzsche, Heidegger e Sartre que você deveria assistir. Revolução científica. Antonio Nobre: "É urgente que a colaboração surja nas ciências e tecnologias" A HISTÓRIA DOS NÚMEROS PRIMOS - Documentário (2007) Iain McGilchrist @ Schumacher College: Things Are Not What They Seem. Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion. A teoria do valor tupinambá - 31/05/2015 - Ilustríssima.

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Golden mean (philosophy) Normal science. Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions - outline. Kuhn_Structure_of_Scientific_Revolutions.pdf. Thomas Kuhn: the man who changed the way the world looked at science. Discurso sobre o Método. David Hume. Crítica da Razão Pura. A inovação pelos pares veio para ficar « Página 22. Rupert Sheldrake. Wikipedia: Captured by Skeptics. Skeptical About Skeptics. Palestra Rupert Sheldrake 2012 Leg. PT- BR.

Neil deGrasse Tyson's list of 8 books every intelligent person should read. Ciência brasileira adere ao ‘padrão salame’ de produção e avaliação científica. Darwin e a prática da 'Salami Science' A doença da "normalidade" na universidade. Produção científica e lixo acadêmico no Brasil - 06/01/2015 - Opinião. Thomas Kuhn. A Função do Dogma na Investigação Científica - Barra, Tozzini, Miranda, Couso e Brzowski. 80 links para quem trabalha com palavras. Significado de Kaput. Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid.