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Important Things

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Marriage Isn’t Natural; Another Reason to Commit. Homeschool or Public School – What’s Worse? I was talking with a homeschooled friend the other day who was raised fairly similar to how I was, with a more structured and less impoverished environment, and we were sharing stories.

Homeschool or Public School – What’s Worse?

This and a few other things got me thinking. We both went on to higher education, got our masters degrees.

Sex Life

What love is not. Love is not what the movies and hit songs tell us it is.

What love is not

Love doesn’t hurt. If it hurts it’s something else. Fear. 51 Things That Will Make You Smile. Some days, it’s easy to smile.

51 Things That Will Make You Smile

What doesn't kill you - Neuroscience. One morning in August 1944, a German Doodlebug exploded in London, disturbing a butterfly and causing it to flap its wings.

What doesn't kill you - Neuroscience

No one seemed to notice the tiny breeze. A year later, on the morning of August 9, 1945, the wings of Bockscar lifted it into the air. The B-29, loaded with a five-ton atomic bomb named “Fat Man,” took off from Tinian, an island 1,500 miles southeast of Japan. The United States had dropped “Little Boy” over Hiroshima on August 6, immediately killing tens of thousands of people, but Japan had not yet surrendered World War II. Around 9:30 a.m., the weather scout plane Up an’ Atom reported a few clouds but decent conditions over the next target.

The most useful feel-good internet meme you’ll ever see. You’ve probably seen the graphic above [if you can't see it, it's here], and it maybe looked like something brilliant and life-changing when you saw it.

The most useful feel-good internet meme you’ll ever see

It is unlikely that it changed your life though. The stoics had this same roadmap figured out forever ago, and if it worked for them it’s because they knew what skills you needed to get to the big “Then don’t worry” at the center. And they practiced them. They didn’t think anything else in life was worthwhile. Polyamory. Polyamory (from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is typically the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships where individuals may have more than one partner, with the knowledge and consent of all partners.[1] [2]It has been described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy".[3][4][5] However, the meaning of polyamory is also an issue of ongoing debate.[4] For example, although polyamory is typically defined as a relationship practice or approach to relationships,[1][2][6] some believe that it should also be considered an orientation or identity (analogous to sexual orientation or gender identity).[7][8] Polyamory is sometimes used in a broader sense, as an umbrella term that covers various forms of consensual multi-partner relationships, or forms of consensual non-exclusive sexual and/or romantic relationships.


Terminology[edit] No single definition of "polyamory" has universal acceptance. Forms[edit] Polyamory Meetups near San Francisco, California - Polyamory Meetups - San Francisco. Breakup Parties. Anaïs Nin on the Meaning of Life & the Dangers of the Internet (1946) It’s the tone, not the content. The car was skidding sideways now, for me in slow motion, and I remember having time to decide what to do.

It’s the tone, not the content

I felt the wheels beneath me leave the road’s edge, into the air above the ditch and I knew we were dead. Time stretched even wider, and I put my hands calmly over my face and waited. Be Meditative. Meditation is great.

Be Meditative

It helps you get centered and more in touch with your body and mind. It’s an excellent mental workout. At the same time, a focus on meditation as the only solution to a stressful lifestyle or cluttered brain seems like misplaced energy. You Have Done Amazing Things. You Just Need Reminding. A few weeks ago, Rebecca Tracey from Uncaged Life wrote a blog entry on creating a reverse bucket list. .

You Have Done Amazing Things. You Just Need Reminding.

What Gen Yers don’t know about themselves. Now that I'm not the CEO of Brazen Careerist, I don't have to be the national cheerleader for Generation Y.

What Gen Yers don’t know about themselves

I fantasized about this moment for years: the moment when I'd write the post titled, 10 Things I Hate about Generation Y. But it's hard to hate people you hang out with all the time, and the truth is, I've spent the last ten years being a Gen Xer surrounded by Gen Yers. Observe The “Goldilocks Effect” In Action. “Young children seem to recognize that knowledge is an essential shared resource, like air or water.

They demand a fair share. They actively espouse the right to gain skill and comprehension in a way that’s necessary for them at the time. Often children seem to reject what they aren’t ready to learn, only to return to the same skill or concept later with ease. Five Reasons You Should Nap. Napping is a time honored past time for the young, the elderly, and those of us in really boring classes. However there are more than a few reasons that should have you setting yourself up with a blanket, a pillow, and two hours off. 1: What else are you doing? 6 tips for grocery shopping by bike. Design House's Stockholm Carrie Bicycle Basket This post was written by Britt Brouse, Tucson Velo’s newest contributor.

When I tell people I don’t have a car and rely mostly on my bike to get around, one of the first things they ask me is: “How do you go food shopping?” The answer is simple: with a little bit of restraint, planning and common sense! How to Raise a Child: 10 Rules from Susan Sontag. Two Humilities. A Light. The light bulb in my kitchen burnt out a few weeks ago. The Law of Attraction, for science-heads and Secret-haters. Five or six years ago the Law of Attraction was presented to the masses in the form of a bad film. The Words We Call Ourselves. Photo by Words have true power. Impressive Pigeons. Increasing Your Freedom With Simplicity. 10 Rules for Students and Teachers (and Life) by John Cage and Sister Corita Kent. By Maria Popova “Nothing is a mistake. Heading Out on Your Own — Day 1: Develop a Self-Reliant Mentality.

Alan Watts - Sex , Christianity And Religion. Recovery from Harmful Religion. The effects of authoritarian religious training can last a long time and run deep, seriously impacting your ability to enjoy life. Cost of Entry. There are some tree species that can live for thousands of years. Humans on the other hand generally have less than 100 years to play with. What others leave for you to keep. There are others.

You Must Go Do the Next Thing. Lesson 7 - College Location. Dean Ornish: Tips for Surviving Trying Times. College Loans Weigh Heavier on Graduates. Anatomy of Boredom. Top 10: Steps to a better brain - life - 04 September 2006. How to do the right thing, for sinners like you and me. Revisiting why incompetents think they’re awesome. Why You Should Smile at Strangers. How to become aroused by yourself (in 20 minutes or less) Calorie Calculator - Daily Caloric Needs. How Being Smart Makes You Dumb. » 7 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child.

PhD vs MD: difference? Elitism. Science Sunday. What you want is never a thing. We need every little catastrophe. The Attention Revolution: Unlocking the Power of the Focused Mind (9780861712762): B. Alan Wallace. 44 Ways to Ruin Your Financial Life By Age 30. 8 Personal Finance Lessons from Benjamin Franklin. 5 Ways College Accidentally Prepares You for the Real World. Ace Your Exams: Study Tactics of the Successful Gentleman Scholar. Loan Calculator. A Brief History of the To-Do List and the Psychology of Its Success. Why I quit Facebook.