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Building a Svelte Static Website with Smooth Page Transitions. Editor’s note: We want to share more of the web dev and design community directly here on Codrops, so we’re very happy to start featuring Yuriy’s newest live coding sessions!

Building a Svelte Static Website with Smooth Page Transitions

In this live stream of ALL YOUR HTML, you’ll learn how image transitions with GLSL and Three.js work and how to build a static website with Svelte.js that will be using a third party API. Learn Ruby on Rails by Creating a Friends List App. Ruby on Rails is a web development framework that makes developing full stack web apps simpler and quicker compared to many other frameworks.

Learn Ruby on Rails by Creating a Friends List App

Ruby on Rails provides the basic structure needed to create web pages, web services, and databases. We've released a full course on the YouTube channel that will help you learn Ruby on Rails by building a friends list app. The course was created by John Elder from John has written two best-selling Ruby on Rails books and has created many video courses. In this course you will build an app that keeps track of your friend's contact information. Here are the topics covered in this course: Introduction and InstallationFirst Webpage and MVC OverviewApplication Partial Links and New PagesCRUD ScaffoldStyle App with BootstrapStyle Devise ViewsAssociationsStyle ModificationsFun With the ControllerGit, GitHub, and Heroku Watch the full course on the YouTube channel (4-hour watch). Testing UI - Next JS, Typescript, Jest and React Testing Library - DEV.

Intro As you know, React is just JavaScript.

Testing UI - Next JS, Typescript, Jest and React Testing Library - DEV

That means it can be tested just like any other JS application. There are lots of testing libraries and test runners out there, but I find that the best setup is Jest + React Testing Library. I use it on a daily basis at work and on my side projects. Worth mentioning that this is also a stack recommended by the React Team itself. The thing I love about RTL is the fact that it's focused on testing how your application behaves, not how it's implemented.

Python Zero to Hero #Beginners⚡ - DEV. As a 2+ years Python Programmer I would like to share some basics of Python, This Tutorial is for absolute beginners and who want to revise python in less time.

Python Zero to Hero #Beginners⚡ - DEV

This tutorial gives enough understanding on Python programming language. feel free to contact me if you have any silly doubt I will be super Happy to help you out. 600-101: Facebook Certified Community Manager Exam. Agorapulse lance Power reports : une solution complète pour vos reportings social media. Les professionnels du social media ont tous la même problématique à chaque début de mois : la gestion des reportings.

Agorapulse lance Power reports : une solution complète pour vos reportings social media

Pour faciliter la construction de rapports complets avec vos KPI personnalisés sur tous vos profils sociaux, Agorapulse a lancé un module dédié : Power Reports. Présentation de ce nouveau service qui va vous faire gagner beaucoup de temps. Power Reports facilite vos reportings. Essayer gratuitement Agorapulse et les Power Reports On ne présente plus Agorapulse qui fait partie des outils phares de gestion social media. Paramétrer des rapports automatisés en quelques clics Pour créer un rapport, c’est très simple, il suffit de choisir le nombre de profils que vous souhaitez analyser. Vous avez ensuite le choix des données que vous souhaitez faire remonter : données agrégées pour avoir un rapport sur l’ensemble de vos performances sur tous les profils sélectionnés, ou données individuelles pour avoir des données sur chacun de vos profils sociaux.

Sans titre. Python is a beautiful language to code in.

sans titre

It has a great package ecosystem, there's much less noise than you'll find in other languages, and it is super easy to use. Python is used for a number of things, from data analysis to server programming. And one exciting use-case of Python is Web Scraping. Sans titre. Prerequisites Before starting this tutorial, you'll need the following: A basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptA basic understanding of AMP’s core concepts (see "Convert your HTML to AMP" tutorial)A browser of your choiceA text editor of your choice Set up your development environment Step 1.

sans titre

Download the code Download the code for the tutorial, which is compressed as a zip file from the following URL: the contents of the zip file. Step 2. To test our sample Web Story, we need to access the files from a web server. After setting up your local web server, have a look at what our completed Web Story will look like by the end of this tutorial by accessing the following URL: IMPORTANT – Make sure the URL serves from localhost otherwise the Web Story might not load correctly, and you may encounter errors like "source" "must start with " or "//" or be relative and served from either https or from localhost. Sans titre. About The Author Kelvin Omereshone is the CTO at Quru Lab.

sans titre

Kelvin was formerly a Front-end engineer at He’s the creator of Nuxtjs Africa community and very passionate … More about Kelvin … In this article, we will learn how to write automated tests on web APIs with Postman. In order to follow along to this tutorial, you’ll need at least a fair amount of familiarity with Postman. One of my favorite features in Postman is the ability to write automated tests for my APIs.

In case you don’t know what Postman is or you are entirely new to Postman, I will recommend you check out the Postman getting started documentation page and then come back to this article to learn how to automate testing your API with Postman. APIs or Web APIs pretty much drive most of the user-facing digital products. Postman allows you to manually test your APIs in both its desktop and web-based applications. Why You Should Automate API Tests Steps To Automating API Tests / — the home of the API.