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Apollo 11 in Real Time. Présentation du Gigascope, le révélateur de détails. Every successful relationship is successful for the same exact reasons. When I got married nearly three years ago, at the wedding reception I asked some of the older and wiser folks who were attending for a few words of advice from their own relationships to make sure my wife and I didn’t shit the (same) bed.

Every successful relationship is successful for the same exact reasons

I think a lot of newlyweds do this—ask for relationship advice, I mean, not shit the same bed—especially after a few cocktails from the open bar they just paid for. But then I figured that with access to hundreds of thousands of smart, amazing people through my website, I could go one step further. Why not consult my readers? Why not ask them for their best relationship/marriage advice? Why not synthesize all of their wisdom and experience into something straightforward and applicable to any relationship, no matter who you are?

Why not crowdsource THE ULTIMATE RELATIONSHIP GUIDE TO END ALL RELATIONSHIP GUIDES™ from the sea of smart and savvy partners and lovers who come to The response was overwhelming. Broken objects Japan. Mots étrangers intraduisibles en français. Lexicography. #Hollande qui s'en va alors celle-la, je l'adore □□□ 1 / 998001. Cher parent, voici la lettre que je voudrais pouvoir t’écrire - Coaching, soutien psychologique, développement personnel, hypnose à PARIS. J’ai besoin de te détester pour le moment, et j’ai besoin que tu y survives.

Cher parent, voici la lettre que je voudrais pouvoir t’écrire - Coaching, soutien psychologique, développement personnel, hypnose à PARIS

J’ai besoin que tu survives au fait que je te haïsse, et que tu me haïsses. J'ai besoin de ce conflit, même si je le hais. Peu importe ce sur quoi nous sommes en conflit : heure du couvre-feu, les devoirs, le linge sale, ma chambre en désordre, sortir, rester à la maison, partir de la maison, ne pas partir, la vie de famille, petit(e) ami(e), pas d'amis, mauvaises fréquentations. Peu importe. 16 Mind-Blowing Illusions That Will Trick Your Brain. Bright Side gathered some truly fascinating evidence of how easily our eyes can be tricked.

16 Mind-Blowing Illusions That Will Trick Your Brain

How many colours do you see in this image? The blue and green spirals are actually the same colour — green. There is no blue colour in this image. The brown and ’orange’ squares in the centre of the top-facing sides of these two cubes are actually the same colour. Look carefully at the chessboard. La perception de la sexualité dans la religion protestante. I.

La perception de la sexualité dans la religion protestante

45 Life Tips Every Man Needs To Know. Of course you don’t need to be told how to be a man.

45 Life Tips Every Man Needs To Know

But just in case, here’s a list of the most manly words of wisdom you will ever need: #1. Buy high quality tools, so you only have to buy them once. source #2. Source #3. Source. The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop. Nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced.

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop

Today Bright Side has collected for you works in which the combined efforts of mother nature and photographic artists have captured magic moments showing the wondrous diversity of modern life and the natural world. Businessinsider. Business Insider It's easy to focus on everything that's going wrong in the world.


If the media coverage of ISIS and Ebola has shown us anything, it's that we're easily seduced by fear-mongering. But Dr. Max Roser wants to remind us the world is getting better. That's why Roser, a fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, created OurWorldinData, a website that tells the visual story of how the world is changing. "We are far away from an ideal world — we should work to end poverty, to end hunger, to end war — but in all of these aspects we are making progress," Roser wrote in an email to Business Insider.

Roser hopes people will find his work encouraging and energize them to make positive change. Learn Something sur Twitter : "This is how a protein (kinesin) moves within your body...

Interesting to know

Taille et complexité de l'univers. Humour. JB Bullet. After Seeing These Photos, I Will Never Look At Earth The Same Again! Unreal! #1 Volcanic Lightning - Sometimes, when a volcano explodes, it releases a powerful amount of energy into the atmosphere.

After Seeing These Photos, I Will Never Look At Earth The Same Again! Unreal!

This sudden jolt can result in strong reactions that ultimately produce lightning from within an eruption! Uploading... #6 Morning Glory Clouds - Not even scientists can figure out what causes this wonder of the world. So, when you see one, just appreciate it for its overall awesomeness! Unreal. The Fallen of World War II. Splitscreen: A Love Story. Spurious Correlations. Les 33 plus beaux lieux abandonnés dans le monde. 9 May 2014 Bien des endroits à travers la Terre ont, autrefois connu la civilisation.

Les 33 plus beaux lieux abandonnés dans le monde

Spurious Correlations By Tyler Vigen. 100 Years of Fashion In Only 100 Seconds. This Is Incredible! Petite histoire du ticket de métro parisien.

Space shuttle and horses

Mais qui s'en préoccupe vraiment ? The miracle of life. Dare-Change. Heartwarming Thai Commercial - Thai Good Stories By Linaloved. Pedro Ivan - ¡Que manera de entregar a su hija! Une plume, un équilibre, une vie. Voix d'outretombe : les derniers mots de condamnés à mort exécutés au Texas. Je veux d'abord dire à ma mère de ne pas pleurer, il n'y a aucune raison de pleurer, tout le monde meurt.

Voix d'outretombe : les derniers mots de condamnés à mort exécutés au Texas

L'heure vient pour tout le monde, ne te fais pas de souci pour moi. Je suis fort. A ma famille : mon vieux, mes gamins, papa est désolé. J'aime chacun d'entre vous. Je vais vous attendre. Aux victimes, je suis vraiment désolé pour tout ce qui est arrivé, je ne suis pas la personne malveillante que vous pensez. The Battle We Didn't Choose. Text of Reyhaneh Jabbari's will in a voice message to her mother. Details Saturday, 25 October 2014 06:33 NCRI - Reyhaneh Jabbari, the Iranian woman who was hanged today (October 2,2014) by the Iranian regime’s henchman after 7 years imprisonment had released her will in a Voice recording of Reyhaneh Jabbari heartbreaking message to her mother. In a heart-rending message to her family in April, first addressing her mother Sholeh, 26-year-old Reyhaneh Jabbari tells of how she trusted the law, but has faced death for the crime of defending herself against an agent from the Iranian regime’s intelligence who tried to abuse her.

The English translation of Reyhaneh Jabbari's will provided by National Council of Resistance of Iran - NCRI. (Below is the link to translation to other languages) Blog d'un condamné. J’ai demandé à une infirmière pour rencontrer D…. Une requête qui lui a semblé particulièrement étonnante. Il y a peu de contact entre les malades. Mais D… n’avait pas de visite à ce moment-là et il a accepté. J’ai été amené dans sa chambre et nous avons pris le temps de discuter. En écrivant ces lignes, je pleure.