Åse Gelfgren
Vanliga fel och hur man undviker dessa.
Facebook. Är dumheten farligare än ondskan?
Av Andreas Magnusson 2020-04-10 Kan det vara så att de människor som drar det här landet allt längre mot ett auktoritärt förbudssamhälle med lagar och kommunala förbud i själva verket inte vill oss illa?
Kanske är vår tids största fiende inte ondskan utan dumheten. I boken ”Motstånd och underkastelse” kan man läsa brev och dagboksanteckningar från den tyske teologen Dietrich Bonhoeffer. En knapp månad innan krigsslutet avrättades Bonhoeffer i koncentrationsläger. Han hade varit engagerad i en kupp att störta Adolf Hitler. Bonhoeffers texter är skrivna i fängelse och i ett avsnitt skriver han om dumheten. Det finns en tydlig koppling till vår egen tid. Många av oss hamnar i diskussioner med SD-anhängare och till sist vill vi liksom bara skaka om dem och skrika ”men fattar ni verkligen inte?!”
Och nej. En del har jämfört det med att spela schack med en duva. Så här formulerar sig Bonhoeffer när han jämför dumheten med ondskan: ”Dumheten är en farligare fiende till det goda än ondskan.
ClassroomScreen. Hi there!
I'm a teacher in the Netherlands and I wanted to use a simple tool with all my favorite digiboard widgets to help my students focus more on their work. I could not find such a thing, so I decided to make it myself.
Tretton noveller - Ljud & Bild. Novellens konst är svår att utöva – åtminstone om den ska utövas med finess och konstnärlig spets.
Men snart sagt vad som helst går att göra inom ramen för denna korta och ofta underskattade genre. I den här antologin – som är en ljudets antologi, inspelad för Litteraturbankens räkning av Ingrid Elam – får vi tretton ypperliga prov på den bredd som novellen kan uppvisa.
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Using Linkers. Sports. After watching this, your brain will not be the same. Stirred Up - Don't judge a book by it's cover — 2:16...
Gratis kunskapsspel för barn. Realia. Music. This EFL lesson plan is designed around a video by Art&Graft commissioned by the Barbican arts centre, London and the theme of music.
Students practise the adjectives to describe emotions, watch a short video, talk about music and discuss quotations about music. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 60 minutes. Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files. One account.
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"Åttan är värst!" Ungdomspanelen om att tackla skolstarten - Streama TV4 Play. Strandcamping in de duinen - Camping De Zuidduinen. Camping in Zuid-Holland aan de kust en dichtbij Leiden Heerlijk wandelen door de duinen, zwemmen in de zee of genieten van een goed boek.
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Radio Sweden. Old Computers: 06/09/2011, Behind the News. Steve Jobs is a name that you might not know but it's pretty likely you've seen his products.
He's the co-founder of Apple and recently stepped down as the company's boss. And he played a big role in making computers what they are today. But what were they like in the early days?
Värdegrunden. All Things Topics - Home. Movies Listening Lesson with Audio and Quiz for ESL. Learning English - 6 Minute English. English Worksheets. Vocabulary. Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English. ► Level 1. Drunk, violent, promiscuous... a U.S. view of British youth as seen on the cover of Time Magazine. By EMILY ANDREWS Last updated at 10:20 29 March 2008 British youth are violent, drunken and out of control, a leading American magazine concludes today.
Last minute lessons and resources
Learning English - Talking Sport. SmallTalkActivity 1. The 8 Minutes That Matter Most. I am an English teacher, so my ears perk up when writers talk about their process.
I've found the advice handy for lesson planning, too.
Mysteries. English news and easy articles for students of English. Learn Languages for Free with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Speeches and short films. Of the Jack O’ Lantern - Halloween. People have been making jack-o’-lanterns at Halloween for centuries. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed “Stingy Jack.”
Learn Languages for Free with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. By Kieran Donaghy. English news and easy articles for students of English. Listening skills practice.
Roligt glosförhör. Vocabulary exercises. Holes - en övning gjord av asegelfgren på Beginner & elementary exercises. Grammar - Self-Assessment. Verb Tenses Interactive Grammar Game for ESL - Jeopardy Quiz Game. Practice different Verb Tenses (Present simple tense, present progressive, past simple, past progressive, present perfect, future tenses and more) using this ESL Jeopardy Quiz Game. This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage students in a classroom grammar review for elementary ESL, EFL Learners.
Grammar videos. Cheat Sheets for Writing Body Language.
Translate emotions into written body language We are always told to use body language in our writing. Sometimes, it's easier said than written. I decided to create these cheat sheets to help you show a character's state of mind. Obviously, a character may exhibit a number of these behaviours. For example, he may be shocked and angry, or shocked and happy.
Writing Prompts: Prompts and motivation to create something out of nothing. 5 Must-Do’s For Outstanding Essay Writing — Study Advice for Parents of High School Students - The Study Gurus.
Ten steps for writing an essay. Rather than worrying about an essay for weeks, suggest to your child to read through these 10 points, get in some early preparation and have the self-belief that they can do it. Read the essay question carefully Highlight key words. Use the dictionary to check the meaning of any unfamiliar words. Identify the task words that indicate what needs to be done, eg ‘discuss', ‘explain', ‘compare'.
Pw ConnectivesMat. Creative Story Prompt Cards by @DigiColEd – @UKEdResources.
Crime. Human Rights. Animals. The five strangest habits of the Swedes - Sweden's news in English. The Local's Oliver Gee has just left Sweden after four years, and reflects on what he found to be the five oddest habits of Swedish people. Swedes are an interesting bunch.
Famous Biographies & TV Shows - Colin's trip to america. British People Attempting Their Best American Accent. Pilgrims in America Video - The Mayflower. Halloween. Robinson Crusoe.
Reading on the web.
The absolutely true story. Shakespeare.