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PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations. School Libraries Adapt During Covid-19 - Children's Books Daily... With the move to blended learning/home-based learning in Term Two, I have been adapting some of what I do in library lessons to deliver it in such a way that students are still reading and responding to quality literature during this time.

School Libraries Adapt During Covid-19 - Children's Books Daily...

School libraries have been adapting to changing learning environments for some years now and are well placed to be flexible, innovative and supportive of the school community in these uncertain times. When students return to school we will continue with library lessons which look at information retrieval, research skills, copyright, creative commons and all manner of literary and literacy work. But right now? Right now what I want to give to my students is opportunities to escape into a great book, and a balance between online/offline reading and learning.

St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School Libraries offer a number of subscription based services for reading digitally at home, including Wheelers ePlatform and Story Box Library. Read+Write+Create+Share. Australian libraries responding to COVID-19. What's happening in your library?

Australian libraries responding to COVID-19

Share your news with others via this page so we have a complete picture of how libraries are responding to the pandemic. Send information to On this page Are you an ALIA Member seeking financial assistance? Apply for the support from the ALIA Relief Fund Do you want to keep up with your Professional Development and stay connected with your colleagues? ALIA relief fund The ALIA Board has given approval to set up a Relief Fund, specifically to help Members who are experiencing a reduction in income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Video Conferencing Etiquette. Coronavirus: A Book for Children. OWLS. Watching teachers scramble for resources and ways to adapt along with seeing firsthand how students struggled when they were abruptly pushed out of schools and into online learning shifted us into high gear to build this vast pool of resources.


We hope that you find many things here that help you. We tried all items we loaded to make sure they were free, functioning, and valuable. I am passionate about using multi-modal texts and real world lenses in as many way as possible as an educator. I hope through using these resources, you become equally convinced that both are critical for engaging diverse learners and driving the development of a life-long love of learning. Curating and loading all of this would not have been possible alone. The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources. The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections In the blink of an eye, once-crowded museums sit empty.

The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources

We’re preparing ourselves for social distancing and potential quarantine. This is the time for museum technology to step up and fill the void. The potential of online collections, virtual tours, and social media campaigns have always been there, but now the opportunity for impact is incalculable. Access to endless open content. If you’re a museum tech enthusiast looking to be part of the conversation, join one of MCN’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

This list will be continually updated with examples of museum and museum-adjacent virtual awesomeness. Every resource is free to access and enjoy. Image: V21 Artspace Art and Culture Museums History Museums Natural Science Museums. Here's the Entire List of Authors and Illustrators That are Doing Online Story Time. The School Library Is Still Open! Ten Ways to Change Our Physical Spaces into Virtual Libraries. Okay, school librarian friends.

The School Library Is Still Open! Ten Ways to Change Our Physical Spaces into Virtual Libraries

These past few weeks have been tough, am I right? We’re used to being on our feet, engaging with staff and students, and acting as school leaders. And now we’re home, at our desk (or, if you’re like me, under a blanket on the couch with a dog), on a computer for too many hours. In our buildings, we have invested our careers developing physical spaces that promote equity and access, and suddenly we’re isolated from our patrons and tasked with building a virtual school library in a very short time. What do our school libraries look like now?

Here are ten ways to ensure that our school libraries are still “open.” Build a virtual desk. As we continue to move forward in these difficult times, we need to remember that libraries have always been the bedrock of a free society, the backbone of a troubled people, and the voice for the disenfranchised. Author: Angie Miller Angie Miller is a 7-12 school librarian in Meredith, NH. Amazingeducationalresources. Picture Books Read Aloud Videos for Lesson Use. I am at our public library right now and it is deserted.

Picture Books Read Aloud Videos for Lesson Use

Wisconsin was ordered to close their schools this coming week as more and more cases of Covid-19 pile up. The world is upside down. As we prepare to switch to online learning, I have been thinking of the power of the read aloud. How having the social connection through shared books can bring us together. How doing a read aloud in this stressful time can calm us. Kate Messner has a post that details which publishers have given limited permission to read their books aloud following their guidelines, see the post here.