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About « Live Projects Network. Live Projects are also referred to as “Design Build Projects”, “Live Build Projects”, “Real Projects” and “Service Learning”.

About « Live Projects Network

They are often connected with participatory, collaborative, inter-disciplinary, professional training, and construction / technology education. They are also a pedagogic means to extend the institutional confines of the design studio. They are organised by educational institutions and also independent organisations (normally with links to educational institutions) such as charities and N.G.O’s. Our definition of a “Live Project” “A live project comprises the negotiation of a brief, timescale, budget and product between an educational organisation and an external collaborator for their mutual benefit. If you have any comments on this working definition, we would be very interested to hear them. London venues for my public speaking courses — speaking infront. Two day courses — speaking infront. The course really works with beginners as well as people who might have done a day with me before.

Two day courses — speaking infront

You have the chance to absorb and practise what you have learnt on the first day and work with it on the following day. It's all about learning the new fundamental skills and re-thinking what we need for public speaking. Beginners is a strange term here as I get some people who have been speaking for a long time but are doing the wrong stuff and still feel grim. So it really means people who haven't learnt the new approach that I teach. On the course:• You will learn to feel more comfortable in front of an audience, be able to think on your feet and become more at ease when you speak.• You will understand what happens currently that gets in the way when we speak.

Talk to me if you want to know more and to find out if the course is suitable for you. Renovating Bristol's empty homes for refugees. Properties standing empty and dilapidated in Bristol have been brought back to life to provide badly-needed homes for refugees in the city.

Renovating Bristol's empty homes for refugees

Described as a ‘life transforming project’, the innovative solution to safeguard buildings and meet accommodation needs has seen social enterprise Ashley Community Housing (ACH) pay for extensive renovations in exchange for peppercorn rent. A number of future tenants worked on the three council-owned properties, enabling them to gain skills that can boost employment opportunities in the construction sector. Bristol City Council has granted ACH 10-year leases at peppercorn rents as part of a wider bid to bring empty buildings back into use and combat the growing housing crisis. “I feel very privileged to have been involved in such a life transforming project, which has had a huge impact on peoples’ lives,” says Saed Mohammed, ACH’s property manager.

See more of ACH’s work: A peak inside one of the newly renovated properties. What is Placemaking? - Project for Public Spaces. What if we built our communities around places?

What is Placemaking? - Project for Public Spaces

As both an overarching idea and a hands-on approach for improving a neighborhood, city, or region, Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, Placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, Placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.

With community-based participation at its center, an effective Placemaking process capitalizes on a local community’s assets, inspiration, and potential, and it results in the creation of quality public spaces that contribute to people’s health, happiness, and well being. What is Placemaking? - Project for Public Spaces. Regeneración urbana para combatir las desigualdades en las ciudades* La desigualdad y vulnerabilidad urbana en las grandes ciudades españolas han alcanzado cotas extremas en los últimos años.

Regeneración urbana para combatir las desigualdades en las ciudades*

El urbanismo desarrollado durante el periodo de la burbuja inmobiliaria, focalizado en la expansión de las urbes en vez de en solventar sus problemas, unido a los efectos de la crisis ha dibujado un panorama desolador. Así lo atestiguan los diferentes estudios que se han realizado al respecto como el Atlas de Vulnerabilidad Urbana del Ministerio de Fomento[1] o Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities, un informe paneuropeo que analiza 13 países y que recoge una conclusión muy contundente al respecto: Madrid se ha convertido en la última década en la capital más segregada de Europa[2]. L’Allemagne se lève contre CETA, le traité de libre échange avec le Canada. Berlin, correspondance Les banderoles brandies pendant les manifestations de samedi 17 septembre contre les traités transatlantiques en Allemagne ressemblaient à s’y méprendre à celles des précédentes mobilisations.

L’Allemagne se lève contre CETA, le traité de libre échange avec le Canada

Même graphisme, mêmes couleurs. Un détail pourtant a changé : le CETA a remplacé le TAFTA dans la hiérarchie des projets à combattre. Le CETA ? Canada-EU Trade Agreement, en français Accord Économique et Commercial Global (AECG). Dans les sept grandes villes où se sont déroulés les cortèges (Berlin, Munich, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Hambourg, Cologne, Francfort) ainsi qu’à Vienne, en Autriche, l’impression était la même : l’accord de libre-échange entre l’Union européenne et le Canada est devenu la nouvelle cible, depuis que les négociations sur son cousin américano-européen TAFTA ont du plomb dans l’aile.

Samedi, entre 188.000 et 320.000 opposants ont repris des slogans tels que “Seules les grandes entreprises aiment CETA” ou “CETA c’est du bidon, arrêtez les négociations !”.