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General Paganism

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Alchemist Name Generator. Supreme Alphabet. The Supreme Alphabet is, in the Nation of Gods and Earths, a system of interpreting text and finding deeper meaning in the original 120 Questions written by Elijah Muhammad and Wallace Fard Muhammad by assigning meanings to the letters of the Roman alphabet.

Supreme Alphabet

It was developed by Clarence 13X after splitting from the Nation of Islam, after which he developed his Supreme Understanding. Details[edit] See also[edit] Supreme Mathematics External links[edit] The Immortal Birth Book, Gods & Earths (from Pentagram Lacing. Notes: • If the crossovers of the laces are carefully woven as shown, the centre of the pentagram will have all the "overpasses" running clockwise, which helps to maintain the shape more securely. • This lacing works best with thinner or flat laces because several eyelets have to accommodate two passes of shoelace. • These diagrams are drawn with the pentagrams fairly symmetrical and centered.

Pentagram Lacing

Running the horizontal sections through different eyelets will change the proportions of the five points. • On shoes with a tongue centering loop, the top point can be run through that loop to eliminate the upper "rung" . • Although I haven't yet created diagrams for fewer than five eyelet pairs, it is possible to create a pentagram using four eyelet pairs, or an inverted pentagram using as few as three eyelet pairs. . • An inverted pentagram is used by some people as a Satanic or occultic symbol. Free Chart. Spirit Board Game (Ouija) Creating a Psychic Ontology. What is a multiplicity? « proximities.

Ceremonial Magick. Ceremonial Magick Here is my short page on Ceremonial magick.

Ceremonial Magick

I did practice this form of magic for over 13 years, and have decided to share a bit about the rituals. I did these recordings in my temple on Vancouver Island in 2005. How to do the Kabbalistic Cross Audio Kabbalistic Cross brought to you by How to do an LBRP Audio LBRP brought to you by How to do the BRH Audio BRH brought to you by We encountered some EVP in the recording of the BRH. Voice on the sound files was done by Athena at: ; The Awesome Sound Engineering on the audio files was done by Ankou Technica at: Btw, since we are talking about ceremonial magic, I offer custom made ritual tools for the serious practitioner. To order any custom versions, or tools I don't have listed on that pae please email me at: The Rainbow - White Stains. The Baptist's Head - The Urn.

Paganism. Numerology Number Meaning. Meanings of Numbers - Numerology Guide. Traits: original, independent, courageous ACHIEVER, strength, creative The number 1 symbolizes the principle of BEGINNING or initiation.

Meanings of Numbers - Numerology Guide

It signifies that a person must learn to stand alone, be assertive, and achieve recognition for his or her talents. Therefore, the 1 is ambitious, an achiever, and fares best when it is allowed to demonstrate its own ideas. It is self-sufficient, inventive, willful, and dominant. Its energy is masculine, focused, and rational. Gifts: Self-sufficiency, invention, mastery Challenges: Stubbornness, egotism, bluntness, ambition, dominance, willfulness, impulsiveness Personal Goal: Establishing individuality; making a name Fears: Being overlooked; not using talents Succeeds as: Writer, director, inventor, president, public figure, business owner, designer.

Raven's Tarot Site. An introduction to Sternomancy » Seduction Labs. Infinity Network - Online Tarot.