الجمهورية.نت. 7iber. Emergent. About us - Mashallah News. Who are we?
Mashallah News is an independent online publishing platform for ‘disOriented’ stories from the Middle East. Our goal is to remap the region one story at a time, sharing a new outlook on life in the cities we cover. Why do we exist? Mashallah News was initially conceived by a small group of Beirut-based independent journalists in 2010, towards the end of one of the city’s notorious, sticky summers. Tired of a media coverage dominated by ruins, rockets, religious fanaticism and ‘ancient’ retributions, the team decided to create a multilingual forum from which to broadcast different and neglected narratives.
What do we publish? Our focus is on urban issues, culture and society — not the national, regional and international politics already covered in abundance by mainstream media. We welcome general submissions on a rolling basis. In 2014 we published what we hope will be the first of many books, Beirut Re-Collected, an anthology of ‘forgotten stories’ from Beirut. The team. Babelmed - le site des cultures méditerranéennes - Homepage. As-Safir Al-Arabi. Les blogs du Diplo. Mafhoum. Your Middle East – All things Middle Eastern. The New Middle East. This website — The Arabist. The basics The Arabist was launched in Cairo in November 2003, by Issandr El Amrani, partly in response to the the lack of interest in the domestic politics of Arab countries in much Western media.
It has long focused on Egypt but also follows broader issues in the Arab world, US policy in the Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and cultural developments throughout the region. Over the years, it has had multiple contributors – for the most part journalists and academics specializing in the region. Each contributor is solely responsible for the views he/she expresses. The Arabist covered the tumultuous 2004-2006 period of political upheaval in Egypt, the reversal of that small opening thereafter, the twilight years of the Mubarak regime. This website is a labor of love and makes very little revenue from Google ads.
Getting in touch For any questions, suggestions, recommended links, contributions or anything else please use this contact form. Geeky stuff. De Bagdad à Jérusalem : L'Orient indiscret. François Hollande a raison de dire, comme il l’a fait lors de ses vœux au corps diplomatique jeudi, qu’il « ne suffit pas de répéter à l’envi qu’il faut parler à la Russie » pour régler la crise syrienne. « Nous ne cessons de le faire, a poursuivi le président de la République.
Les problèmes ne disparaissent pas dès lors que nous en parlons, ce serait tellement simple ». Les clés du Moyen-Orient. Nouvelles d'Orient - Carnets du Diplo. Middle East Research and Information Project. Un si Proche Orient: Blog de Jean-Pierre Filiu.
Blog de Jean-Pierre Filiu professeur des universités en histoire du Moyen-Orient contemporain à Sciences Po (Paris). Il a aussi été professeur invité dans les universités de Columbia (New York) et de Georgetown (Washington). Ses travaux sur le monde arabo-musulman ont été diffusés dans une douzaine de langues. Il a aussi écrit le scénario de bandes dessinées, en collaboration avec David B. ou Cyrille Pomès, ainsi que le texte de chansons mises en musique par Zebda ou Catherine Vincent. Il est enfin l’auteur de biographies de Jimi Hendrix et de Camaron de la Isla. – bimaparis
Middle East Eye focuses on Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Israel, Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Arab, Oil. MEE looks at issues from a Middle Eastern perspective and does not tailor our coverage for a specific audience.
We aim to bring local voices to the fore in analysis that isn’t shaped to suit political or financial agendas. We have a large and constantly growing network of freelance correspondents and columnists covering 24 countries, with this coverage strengthened by content from influential think-tanks, news agencies and syndicated content from other quality online publications. Strategy Middle East Eye’s strategy to present unrivalled coverage of the region revolves around bringing together influential writers, analysts and thought leaders, to create a balanced, accurate picture of the social, financial and political undercurrents shaping the Middle East’s future.
Our principal loyalty is towards our readers – and our principal task is delivering them the truth. Vision. ArchéOrient – Le Blog – environnements et sociétés de l'Orient ancien. The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب. Archives & Search — The Arabist. Culture et politique arabes – De temps à autre, un peu de la CULTURE ARABE ACTUELLE pour comprendre ce qu'elle nous dit sur l'ACTUALITE POLITIQUE ARABE.