Seven Effective Strategies for Using Curation Apps to Engage Students. School Tech Seminars, Workshops, and Conference Sessions – Take Learning Up a Level with Mobile Tech Seven Effective Strategies for Using Curation Apps to Engage Students Program Description: A few years ago, I began using Scoop.It! To collect and curate articles that I thought were important or interesting so that I could find them later and share them with my colleagues and peers.
Since then, a number of other web services have begun to offer similar services for different purposes. Many of these web-based services also offer iPad and Android apps so that you can save items from where ever you happen to be when you find them. Pinterest is a content curation site that has become enormously popular with teachers. It seems the answer to that question lies in a teacher’s ability to discern exactly what type of curation meets the educational objectives of the lesson. How are the ideas connected? Here are seven effective curation strategies that will engage students: Like this: Like Loading... Students Becoming Curators of Information? Images like the following ones, visualize for me the urgency for all of us to become information literate to wade through the incredible, ever increasing, amount of information being created and shared with the world. licesed under CC by will-lion Lincensed under CC by verbeeldingskr8 We are with no doubt in the age of information overload and IN DIRE NEED of knowing how to filter in order to get to the information we need.
Think about Clay Shirky’s quote below. Clay Shirky Information Overload In comes the idea of becoming a Curator of Information. “Curating” is defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary as: Select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition). Digital Curation, Curated Learning & Collective Curation? I have started hearing and reading about the terms “Digital Curation”, “Curated Learning” and “Collective Curation” as well. Digital Curation is defined in Wikipedia as: the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets. 15. Teaching Kids to Curate Content Collections [ACTIVITY] While there are a ton of essential skills that today’s students need in order to succeed in tomorrow’s world, learning to efficiently manage — and to evaluate the reliability of — the information that they stumble across online HAS to land somewhere near the top of the “Muy Importante” list.
Which is why I had a few of my students experimenting with this week. Specifically, they put together this collection of resources spotlighting the range of perspectives people have on New York City’s decision to ban the sale of sugary drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces. Designed to give users the chance to create curated collections of resources on topics that they are interested in, is a wicked mashup of digital goodness – part feed reader, part blogging tool, and part social bookmarking service. users begin by creating a blank page and entering a bunch of search terms connected to the topic that they are interested in. Do you see how useful all of this is? Understanding Content Curation. July 7, 2012 Come to my session at ISTE 2016: “Personalize Learning With Student Curation” 6/28 4:00 – 5:00 CCC 113, Table 2 There are many buzzwords and phrases prevalent in education today. “21st Century Learning”, “Blended Learning”, “Personalized Learning”, “Flipped Classroom” – just to name a few. The one that has recently caught my attention and curiosity is “content curation.” I manage a grant project in my district designed to assure students acquire “21st century skills” A current strategy for this is using backwards design, formative assessments of 21st century skills, and “blended-learning.”
New for next school year: teachers are being asked to “curate resources” to accompany the backwards-planned, inquiry-based units of instruction. This curiosity led to further questions: Why curate? What is the value of curating for teachers? Collecting vs. Defining Curating in Education by Nancy White is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Thinking Level. Content Curation Through the SAMR Lens - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - curate content, Flexible Tools, Innovation, multimedia, SAMR Model, Teaching, ThingLink. With an abundance of information to sift through, content curation is an important survival skill for teachers and students today. Content curation is a method of collecting and managing web content for sharing and reuse. With so much content to collect, and so many free tools for curating content, it’s easy to get lost when trying to take on this task.
It’s also difficult to know where to begin. There are a variety of helpful tools to choose from to make content curation fun and efficient. If you’re just starting out, it’s important to choose a flexible tool that will grow with you as you strive to use technology to “Teach Above the Line” and transform learning. I was prompted to dig deeper into the notion of curating content through the SAMR lens by Julie A.C.
Using SAMR to Guide Content Curation Explore this interactive image, designed to introduce educators to tools for curating content at each level of SAMR. Mix delivers LTI support and integration with major LMS providers. We’re pleased to announce the availability of Learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) support for Office Mix and the addition of Microsoft to the IMS Global Learning Consortium as a Contributing Member. In this role, Microsoft represents the needs of our users as we participate in future standards development work.
Office Mix is a free add-in for PowerPoint that makes it easy to author and share interactive online lessons. Educators can easily add audio and video narration, real-time inking, screen recordings, quizzes and polls within PowerPoint. Lessons can be viewed in practically any browser on any device. Through support of LTI, we have made it easy for educators to embed mixes into all major Learning Management Systems (LMSs), including Canvas, Engrade, Blackboard, Haiku, Moodle, Brightspace, EDUonGo and Schoology. Educator Racquel Nedden in the Irvine Unified School District recently created 35 math lessons with Office Mix and embedded them within Instructure Canvas, a popular LMS.