Blood of a Warder: Book 1 Chapter 5, a Harry Potter fanfic. An Age Forgotten Chapter 2, a Harry Potter fanfic. A New Name Chapter 2, a Harry Potter fanfic. A Little Homework, a Harry Potter fanfic. Title: A Little HomeworkAuthor name: Ruskbyte Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc.
No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Summary: It was an average day in the Gryffindor common room; essays to write, tests to study for and juicy gossip to exchange. Then all Hell broke loose and started trying to eat the students... .oOo. Accidents happen. It was rarely Harry's fault that these accidents happened, strangely enough, but nobody could argue that he seemed to attract trouble in much the same way that honey attracted flies. Which meant that it was rather odd that Harry had nothing to do with the terrifying beast that was currently rampaging about Gryffindor tower. No, this time the blame fell squarely in the lap of one Colin Creevey. "Cut it off! "There's not enough of us! A Hero's Cry Chapter 15, a Harry Potter fanfic. A Hero's Cry Chapter 15 "My names Harry Potter and I'm here to claim my inheritance" said Harry confidently walking up to the goblins.
He didn't as much as twitch at the ugly looking things as many Muggle Born's would have done. The goblin in question looked up at Harry as if he couldn't believe him. Or should the goblin say her, as Harry looked like a women at the moment with silver pixy hair cut. "He's in disguise just take us to see the head of his accounts" sneered Severus abruptly. "Very well" nodded the goblin. As soon as they walked through the door, Harry could feel a tingling going though his body. "They are wards making sure poly juice potion isn't used, one also uses magical signature recognition. "Ah that explains it" nodded Harry thoughtfully. "So how can Gringotts help Harry Potter this late at night? " "I wish to claim my vaults and gather an inventory for the past seventeen years" said Harry softly sitting down, the others quickly followed him but remained quiet.
A Life Reconstructed Chapter 3, a Harry Potter fanfic. If anyone is wondering why it took me so long to update…well my fanfiction goes through fazes.
I'll get really interested in a certain category, and lose interest in others. Eventually I always come back though, I just like…take a vacation. So I'm back (I hope) for a while. But who knows, I could get sucked into Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Hey Arnold, and Glee again. Here's hoping! I have him out of the cupboard, getting the letter, on July 17th that leaves 2 weeks before July 31st (2 weeks to reply) (1 stone=14lbs so 10.7 stone is about 150lbs) A Friend Named Voldemort Chapter 22, a Harry Potter fanfic.
Moonlight shown down through the trees and cast shadows across the forest floor.
One shadow separated from the rest and glided over the damp leaves, its form fluid and graceful. The snapping of a twig caused the shadow to stop and turn. Red eyes glowed from beneath a black hood, watching and waiting. The sound of slithering and hissing whispered through the darkness. Soon yellow lights glowed from behind trees and brush. "Voldemort," a female voice hissed seductively.
The shadow pushed back his hood, revealing an aristocratic, pale face and a neat pile of expertly combed and cut black hair. "Yes, it has been many years since we last spoke. A face shadowed in snakes poked its head into the small clearing. "So, my darling King of Serpents, what is it you now wish from me and mine? " "Of course I've brought you a gift, did you think I would come empty handed? " Medusa sniffed the air as the bag passed by, her eyes lighting at the smell.
"Of course. " A Black Comedy Chapter 1: PROLOGUE, a Harry Potter fanfic. Disclaimer: I own nothing; it all belongs to J.K.Rowling.
I'm just borrowing the characters to play with for a while. This is for pleasure only, no profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Author's Note: Just a brief heads up. I doubt I'll manage long chapters every week for this story, like I did for Browncoat, Green Eyes. That was too much work and too much like work for an unpaid free time hobby. Harry stepped into the lift, trying to ignore the looks on the other people's faces. He couldn't resist letting his mind wander onto the benefits and drawbacks of a turkey animagus form.
He'd grown accustomed to the stares, though he doubted he'd ever like them. In other words, Harry didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. He'd missed out on his seventh year of schooling, but Hermione's tutelage ensured that he sat his NEWTS and passed with flying colors.