Cooking. Authorship. Photoshop. Illustrator. Flash. CSS. VRT. Draw Like an Idiot. Excavating Bedrock: Reminiscences of “The Flintstones” | Hogan's Alley. John Province talks to some of the key architects of the modern Stone Age family. When you’re with the Flintstones, you’ll have a yabba-dabba-doo time! Note : This article originally appeared in Hogan’s Alley #9. An early character sheet (click to enlarge) The dawn of a new century marks the arrival of middle age for The Flintstones, one of television’s most enduring families.
Making their debut on a Friday night prime-time series on ABC in September 1960, the celluloid citizens of Bedrock circa 1000,000 B.C. have since sunk roots that reach deeply into the popular culture. And those roots grew fast: The program was an immediate—and to many, a surprise—hit with its target audience: adults. The Flintstones remained the most financially successful network animated franchise for three decades, until the appearance of The Simpsons . Early drawings Ed Benedict An early Benedict sketch of Fred and Barney An early drawing of Fred Hazelton worked on The Flintstones newspaper strip from 1961–1984. Drawing Lessons. Chapter 2. Human anatomy and figure drawing.
Chapter 2. Human anatomy and figure drawing Before we start, I'd like to point out that knowledge of human anatomy is not a replacement for studying the body from real life or photos. So keep cranking out those sketches! (And hoarding those Victoria's Secret catalogs and similar magazines. Strictly for reference, of course.) But it will help you to recognize the features you are drawing, and it will certainly come in handy when you don't have a perfect ref to work from.
We'll start with the largest bones and muscle masses. I would also like to apologize in advance for using the Latin names of the bones and muscles. (All illustrations in this chapter are referenced from photos that were taken from large distances, x-ray images, and [Gold], [Gray], and [Barc]) Figure 2.1. The human body is usually measured in units of heads.
Unless you are drawing an adult that is standing up straight, you can't use this diagram directly. How To Draw. "How to Draw" is a collection of tutorials that will teach you everything from perspective basics to shading chrome. Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not! From simple line drawings to modern art and easy animations, we've got you covered. All projects come from and contain pictures for each step so you can start your masterpiece today! Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. 3 PixelArt Techniques/Common Mistakes (Doubles, Jaggies & Outline) (Tutorial for Beginners) Drawingstuff.jpg (700×5000) How To Draw Hands Tutorials.
So everybody knows that the hands and the fingers are one of the hardest things to draw. So here is a personal collection of different hand references, hope to enjoy it and never stop practice. Hogarth hand poses from Iron Giant (middle of page) Mickey Mouse Hand Model Sheet by Les Clark ca. 1932 Merlin hand poses via Deja View Hand drawing tut by uchuucacahuate on deviantart. Excellent hand tutorial by alexds1 on Mr. Useful collection of hand poses by Chrissy Fellmeth Collection of female hand poses by artrush73′s Study of the hand in minimal style. The hand. The hands are a notorious source of frustration.
This section won't concentrate on the muscle structure, since the hand is very complex in this regard, and knowing this won't help much in drawing them. Instead, we'll look at proportions, range of motion, and possible simplifications. Structure and proportions Figure 2.20. Bone structure and proportions of the hand There is a very easy and surprisingly accurate way to remember the proportions of an adult's hand. Start with a line from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
The palm of the hand houses the metacarpal bones. The palm of the hand can be simplified to a box. Figure 2.21. Notice that the box does not line up with the contour of the fingers. The two black arrows in the previous figure show how the little finger can move up and down. Figure 2.22. Take a look at some examples of how to use this model: Figure 2.23. The first one is a relaxed pose. This is certainly not the only way to draw a hand. How to Draw Perfect Hands. 40+ Tutorials for Working with Wacom Tablets.
Wacom tablets allow graphic designers to extend their abilities. If you’re like me and you’re interested in learning more about working with Wacom tablets, there are plenty of tutorials available. This post features more than 40 such tutorials, including a number of video tutorials. Some deal with the basics of Wacom tablets and getting them setup correctly, while others demonstrate more advanced usage.
Additionally, some of the tutorials could be completed without a tablet, but the author uses one for at least portions of the tutorial. Video Series by Richard Bazley: Richard Bazley has done an excellent five-part series of video tutorials for working with a wacom tablet. Tutorials from Roberto Campus: Roberto Campus provides a number of useful articles and tutorials for Wacom users. Choosing the Right Wacom Tablet If you’re considering purchasing a Wacom, this is a great article to read. Creating the “Mad Scientist” Trading Card Illustration Painting a Digital Portrait Photo Retouching.
17 Ways To Make Graphic Designers Cringe. Great Resume Designs that Catch Attention--and Got People Hired. Inspiration June 21, 2011 When applying for a job, you have no choice but to do your best to outshine competition. Even before winning an interview, your qualifications (or in some instance, your character) are already judged by the resume you’ve submitted. It is then important to make your resume or CV as honest, concise, and striking as possible. If you are looking forward to a creative position, you will be expected to come up with something grand and extra creative as well.
Take a look at how other designers compose their creative resumes. Below is a collection of excellent resume designs that will definitely catch employers’ attention. First impressions do last, and you should make yours count! View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source Author: Cadence Wu. Tiger Painting. Free Oil Painting Art Lesson. Oil Painting Lessons How to Draw Art Books Charcoal Art Pastels Acrylics Perspective for Artists Step One - Drawing and First Layers This painting is quite large - over 22 inches wide, but rather than get daunted with the size , we must remember to apply the same principle that we would on a smaller painting, breaking it down into easy stages. Above you can see my pencil drawing on my already primed canvas.
Step Two I then apply some initial colour to the canvas, using plenty of painting medium (Liquin) and raw and burnt sienna oil paints. Step Three Above you can see how I have continued to block in the base colours, giving the suggestion of where the main stripes will probably be. This stage is allowed to dry overnight. Step Four Now I have a base to work over the paints look more opaque this time around. Step Five As more layers are added under painting details (our blueprint) can become lost, here I am just strengthening the stripes so I can see them more easily. Step Six Step Seven Step Eight. A Graphic Design Primer, Part 3: Basics of Composition. Jun 27 2011 In the first two sections of this primer, we covered the basic elements of design, and the basic principles of design.
In this section, we’ll cover the basic principles of composition. There are a variety of different composition theories you should familiarize yourself with. Since this is just a primer, there’s a brief overview of the most common and important theories. You’ll want to study each in more depth before putting them to use, so we’ve included some additional resources for each. Single Visual The single visual method of composition is where a single, generally striking, visual image is used as the basis of the design. The single visual pattern is the easiest composition to successfully achieve. Sites like those created on are a great example of the single-visual composition pattern. Jamie Brown’s website has a similar single visual design: The Divine Proportion The Rule of Thirds Resources: Focal Point Think carefully about what your focal point will be.
Closure. Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley. Logo_guidelines.pdf. Playtype | Typographer's Glossary. Serif: Serif's are semi-structural details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols. A typeface that has serifs is called a serif typeface (or seriffed typeface). Some of the main classifications of Serif type are: Blackletter, Venetian, Garalde, Modern, Slab Serif, Transitional, and Informal. Fonts in each classfication share certain similiar characteristics including the shape or appearance of their serifs.
Serif fonts are widely used in traditional printed material such as books and newspapers. Show all Serif Didone is a typeface classification characterized by slab-like serifs without brackets; vertical orientation of weight axes. (The vertical parts of letters are thick.); strong contrast between thick and thin lines. (Horizontal parts of letters are thin in comparison to the vertical parts.); an unornamented, "modern" appearance. Kinetic Typography Tutorial | The Crooked Gremlins. 10 Things Garry Winogrand Can Teach You About Street Photography.
(Above image: Garry Winogrand, World’s Fair, New York City, 1964. All photographs in this article copyrighted by the estate of Garry Winogrand) Garry Winogrand is one of my favorite street photographers that I have gained much photographic insight and wisdom from. He was in-arguably one of the most prolific street photographers of his time (he shot over 5 million photographs in his career) and one of the most passionate.
However, he hated the term “street photographer” and simply saw himself as a “photographer”. It is an idea I later understood and respected very dearly, as Winogrand was more interested in making photographs than classifying himself for art historians. I never understood a lot of the things that he said about photography like why you should wait a year or two before developing your shots, why photographs don’t tell stories, and how photographers mistake emotion for what makes great photographs. 1. Garry Winogrand shot a lot of photographs.
“When in doubt, click” 2. 3. 4. Crop, Retouch, Fill, And Create New Images With These 4 Online Photo Editors. 8 Effects Every Photographer Should Know About. Incorporating an Adobe Bridge Web Gallery. For many years, Dreamweaver has had a feature called Create Web Photo Album. It builds a photo album quickly, but the result is—quite frankly—horrible. The code is ancient and bloated. It deserves to be consigned to the scrapyard. Fortunately, there is a much better solution, although many people have not discovered it, because it's part of Adobe Bridge CS4, which is installed automatically with a default installation of Dreamweaver CS4. Adobe Bridge is a powerful program that lets you organize your visual assets, such as photographs, illustrations, PDFs, and Flash movies. The Output Module in Bridge also produces an elegant Flash-based web gallery. You don't need Flash installed—Bridge does everything for you.
The problem is that the HTML file created by Bridge displays the photo gallery full screen, leaving many people wondering how to incorporate a Bridge web gallery directly into an existing website. Saving the web gallery to your Dreamweaver website Next. Artrage Home. ArtRage Tutorials and Resources. Why do you need reference images? The picture on the right was drawn without a reference image, except memory and my hand. However, it needs references for the face, the posture, the hand, the arm, the butterflies… if I want to finish it properly. Most of you have never stood with a tiger breathing into your face, watching the whiskers twitch, or felt the tremor of a soft mouse, with its heart jumping in your hand, or watched the sliding light along the side of a thrashing fish…. Many of you may have never held human bones, and few people pull off a butterfly’s wing to see how it fits, and they can’t pick a celandine and carry it with them as a memory of the colours.
So what do you do when you need to know how an eye looks from the side, how a hand holds a fish hook, what muscles are where? You can’t do it all, and if you can, you can’t remember it exactly. Many of these things, you can find in real life – some you can draw from, there and then. Reference photographs and ArtRage. DIY Decor Tutorial: Rorschach (Inkblot) Wall Art | The DIY Homegirl.
Recently, I was reminded of a past art/decor project. Many years ago— before Pinterest, before entering the blogging world, before knowing I wanted to be an interior designer— I created a few Rorschach “tests.” Rorschach tests were used back in the day by psychologists to help determine an underlying disorder with patients. They’ve always fascinated me, because like other forms of art, there’s no wrong perception from the viewer.
Each person has a unique response to them. When I first made these, it was just for fun, to see what would appear in the blots. Creating inkblots is very easy, but one thing I don’t like is that the fold in the paper is visible. Supplies: *Wax paper *Acrylic craft paint in 2 oz. tubes *Strathmore 300 watercolor paper (90 lbs.)— this can be bought by the sheet or as a pad at most craft/art stores. TIP: Watch out for the watermark so it doesn’t become part of your art. 1. TIP: when using this style watercolor paper, there’s a rough side and a smooth side. 2. 3. 4. How to Tie a Zeppelin Knot: 8 steps (with pictures) Adobe TV.
Quick D: Mirror Ball. 3 Tips for Better Color in Your Videos. Dragon Ball Super Manga: Embarrassingly BAD? Tilt Brush cave using new mesh tools. How To Make Enamel Pins – Pinlord. In case you don't like reading articles, you can find the video version here. In case you do, here it is... :) Okay, so you’ve got an awesome idea for a pin that you want to make. Now what? Most people assume that making your own enamel pins is a long and complicated process. It’s not. So, how do you make your own enamel pins?
The process of making your own pins can be broken down into these six steps. Prepare Your Artwork File In order to start production, the minimum requirement a pin factory will ask for is a PDF file of the design you’d like to get produced. You can either draw and color a sketch of your idea on a white piece of paper and scan it as a PDF file or, if you know your way around one of the many graphic design software options out there, you can send them a digital file of the art you’d like to get made into a pin. A few design-related tips I’d recommend for anyone starting off would be: Simplify Use Bold Lines And Strong Colors Avoid Shading Hard Enamel Pins Soft Enamel Pins Why?
Youtube. DIY Automatic Coin Sorting Machine from Cardboard v2.0. User Manual, users guide, operation instruction. The Sietch Blog » Watercone – An Ingenious Way To Turn Salt Water Into Fresh Water. About SMC repair - Corvette Forum. Wheel Alignment Guide - How To Align Your Car At Home - Hot Rod Magazine All Pages. Simple animation to explain complex principles - Electronics. How Things Work | Bozgo. Hack A Laser! Make It A Burner! Homemade Electric Kiln.
Homemade Airbrush (super precise) How To Convert A Tanker Truck Into A Post-Apocalyptic Home. Masterbreak.jpg (1200×785) The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers :: Meetings. RoboSapien Robot Control From EZ-B v3 Microcontroller. Cordless Earbuds That Charge In Your Pocket. How To Make A Lava Lamp, Retro's Basic Formula. Make it Real: LIGHTSABER BUILD (2500° OF DESTRUCTION) Make a Super Simple Useless Machine. FLYING PHONE SCAM EXPOSED (then I built a REAL one) How does a Gumball Machine work? Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The Consequences of Your Code. Youtube. Learn to read Russian in 15 minutes (Yes, for real. I thought it was a joke at first, too.)
Learn to read Korean in 15 minutes. Morse Code Alphabet. Online Programming Courses | Learn Programming Online - Learnstreet. English to American. George Carlin: How To Speak English. How to DeOxedize Copper coins. How to Extract DNA from Anything Living. How to Do Tai Chi. Paul Nylander’s Web Site. Palm reading diagram illustrated.jpg (1200×1191) How-To Read Runes. A Surreal Descent into Madness: Reviewing Children's TV. Murphy's Laws of Combat. 5 surefire ways to kill a houseplant. Survival/backpack. Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills.
(849) How to Pick 5-Digit Combo Locks. How children are spoofing Covid-19 tests with soft drinks - BBC Future. Quick Tips | Wizgig. Some thoughts and musings about making things for the web. How to Trick Yourself into Being Productive. 33 Ways To Stay Creative. How to Throw an Awesome Lobster Birthday Party - LobsterAnywhere. 5 MIND BLOWING Logo Design Tips ✍