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Cons Knowledge. Inside McKinsey. The world’s most prestigious consultancy prides itself on its intellectual prowess and ethical standards.

Inside McKinsey

But this year, an insider trading scandal surrounding former McKinsey luminaries has left staff and alumni reeling 'We will never forget it,' Dominic Barton, global managing director of McKinsey, speaking about the Rajat Gupta and Anil Kumar affairs When 1,200 partners of McKinsey&Company – the elite of global consulting – arrived at the Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center, outside Washington DC, early on the morning of March 15 this year, they found themselves where they least wanted to be: at the centre of a media firestorm.

Up the east coast, in a Manhattan courtroom, an insider trading case was focusing attention on the links between key former employees of the world’s best-known, most prestigious, most self-consciously high-minded consulting firm and a corrupt hedge fund boss. Barton shared the platform that day with Jean Molino, the firm’s general counsel. Our Services.

Cons Interviews

Nsidering Consulting: The Personal Experience Interview. I have come to learn a lot about the McKinsey personal experience interview and how it might be a little different than what you are used to.

nsidering Consulting: The Personal Experience Interview

I'm sure that you have all been told to develop "stories" that describe a leadership experience, a time you made an impact, or a time you had a conflict. I had been told that before too and I have stories to answer all of those questions. However, with during your PE interview, there is a right and a wrong way to deliver those stories. We are all used to telling a story as a narrative...setting up the situation, giving a problem, giving a solution and then trying to tell about how we fit into that story.

This is not the way to go about telling a story in your interview. The interviewer at McKinsey is looking for very specific details regarding your situation. Boston Consulting Group Interview. First Round On Saturday (25th November 2000), I dress up in my best suit (only suit, really), and find my way to the Green Park station for an interview with the Boston Consulting Group.

Boston Consulting Group Interview

Of course, being terribly conservative, I arrived an hour early, so it was time to walk around Green Park and have a look at the Buckingham Palace, while singing “I have confidence…” from Sound of Music. The walk did lift my spirits a bit. There was this tiny poodle that was busy licking a bulldog. The bulldog didn’t seem to mind, though it was large enough to eat up the poodle. At 10:15AM, I walked in to the BCG reception, and was led to the cafeteria. Danai: “Hi Anand. How to get a job at Google.


Salary Nego. Salary Discussions - Initial Interview. The $64,000 Question: What's Your Current Salary? Answering the $64,000 Question: What is Your Current Salary?

The $64,000 Question: What's Your Current Salary?

By Laura Gassner Otting, Consultant, Salary Requirement Question - 4 Ways to Answer. The “what is your salary requirement” question is always a tricky and awkward one to answer.

Salary Requirement Question - 4 Ways to Answer

The best way is to avoid answering it tactfully for as long as possible. I recommend the following strategies in address the salary requirement question. MBA Highway - MBA Job Search and Career Network. Always Ask For More… Right?

MBA Highway - MBA Job Search and Career Network

When is the right time to start negotiating the amount of an offer? And no matter what it is… it’s always better to ask for more… Isn’t it? One of the most common questions I come across from Job Seekers is how, and when, to negotiate an offer. MBA Job Hunt: Negotiating the Deal. The final step in launching one’s post-MBA career is accepting a job offer.

MBA Job Hunt: Negotiating the Deal

Before signing a contract, job hunters have to determine if the opportunity is worth it. The brand, culture, salary, benefits, and job title and responsibilities must all play into the decision.


Job Interview Question: Why Should We Hire You? When an employer asks you this question, they are giving you an opening to launch a sales pitch about why you are a great candidate for this job and why they should hire you.

Job Interview Question: Why Should We Hire You?

And they are expecting to receive a sales pitch, so don’t disappoint them. Show them what a great fit you are for the job. This question also is an opportunity to showcase your approach to an important “project” like a job interview. The better prepared you are, the more articulate and impressive you will be. Focus on Benefits to the Employer for Hiring You This question takes preparation for each employer and opportunity.

How to pass your behavioral interview. I encourage you to prepare new stories, beyond those that you shared in your essays.

How to pass your behavioral interview

MIT interviews are not blind, meaning that your interviewer has read your essays and letters of recommendation. interviews are blind, meaning that the interviewer only has your resume. Still, most AdCom members would like to hear NEW stories beyond those you already shared in your essays. If you had access to your letters of recommendation, you might consider sharing an example that was used by your recommender. and how to answer them Behavioral interviewing is not common sense, but it could be.

About Situational Interview Questions. These situational interview questions are asked to determine the candidate's real suitability for the job opportunity.

About Situational Interview Questions

Be well prepared by reading through these frequently asked situational questions with excellent answer help. Tough Interview Question and Answer: You must surely have more than one weakness? You must surely have more than one weakness? The meaning behind the question: I mentioned in an earlier chapter that you should be prepared for the interviewer to ask the follow-up question, “OK.

That’s one weakness. Eight interview questions that could crush your career in Asia.

Career Advise

Career Management - The Undercover Recruiter. One of the most common pieces of good advice offered to job-seekers is to find a positive way to stand out from the crowd – something that distinguishes your resume from the stack of similar ones on the hiring manager’s desk and makes your name stand out in his mind. The reason for this is clearly illustrated in any of […] View Article What’s more important for you at a job – salary or satisfaction? Philips have collated findings in the infographic below.

Things You Should Leave Off Your Resume. By Leslie Anglesey Your resume may only be a single page, but it's a potential minefield when it comes to your career. On one hand, you want enough information so the employer sees what a stellar candidate you are. On the other, you don't want to step into any pitfalls that will give the hiring manager reason to exclude you. Ten ways to find work if you’ve been jobless for six months. Six months previously Banks began making large-scale layoffs at the start of the global financial crisis, with the latest round of retrenchments kicking off several months ago.

Meanwhile, the pool of unemployed bankers keeps expanding, with fresh redundancy victims from the likes of Morgan Stanley, Citigroup and Barclays. Eleven expert tips to get yourself headhunted in Asia. Getting headhunted isn't easy. 8 Things You Should Know About Job References. The cardinal rule of reputation management Singaporeans must know. In early 2013, I consulted with a local celebrity embroiled in an attack on her reputation. The celebrity was accused of certain wrong doings and the resulting uproar took on a life of its own where both traditional and social media took aim at her. 3 things job seekers must know when dealing with recruiters in Singapore. IMPORTANCE OF CAREER SPONSOR. 9 Job Mistakes That Could Stall Your Entire Career.

Six bosses from hell, and how to handle them. Working in investment banking is not simply a case of getting your head down, working hard and then reaping the rewards, it’s also a political game.


Fin Career Advise. Private Equity Jobs & Career Guide from Careers in Private Equity Private Equity firms are an increasingly important part of the economy and offer some of the most sought after careers in finance. By private equity we are referring to the activity of purchasing all or part of the equity of companies away from a normal stock purchase in the public equity markets. We separately discuss the closely related career opportunity in venture capital - the activity of investing in small, early stage companies. Private equity firms control close to a trillion dollars of capital and get involved in leveraged buyout transactions, partial stake purchases in public companies and investments in private companies.

The largest firms in this sector are both visible and extraordinarily adept at using the tools of finance to design wealth-creating transactions. How to Get a Job in Compliance. Faced with front-page scandals and an ever-evolving regulatory environment, banks, hedge funds and asset managers are looking to hire compliance officers in droves.

How to become an Equity Research Associate. Equity Research Careers: Pay, Hours, and Exit Opps. Twenty five people who can get you a job in banking.

Finance Interviews

Interview questions for jobs & internships in investment banking, finance, law, consulting. **First Things First: The BIG 5** Credit Suisse Interview Tips. Finance job interviews take twice as long, here are 10 tips. Knowledge Bank. Analyzing A Bank's Financial Statements. Smart Cash Flow Management for Rental Businesses. Billionaires. Mining. Mining Expatriate Salary Survey on a Residential Basis. What's Your FIFO Status? Mining Companies Need Experienced Expats. Working in Africa: Expatriates in little danger of seeing the money run out. The Business of Mining. Mongolia’s Economic Boom.