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Fifty psychological and psychiatric terms to avoid: a list of inaccurate, misleading, misused, ambiguous, and logically confused words and phrases. “If names be not correct, language is not in accordance with the truth of things.”

Fifty psychological and psychiatric terms to avoid: a list of inaccurate, misleading, misused, ambiguous, and logically confused words and phrases

(Confucius, The Analects) Scientific thinking necessitates clarity, including clarity in writing (Pinker, 2014). In turn, clarity hinges on accuracy in the use of specialized terminology. Clarity is especially critical in such disciplines as psychology and psychiatry, where most phenomena, such as emotions, personality traits, and mental disorders, are “open concepts.” Open concepts are characterized by fuzzy boundaries, an indefinitely extendable indicator list, and an unclear inner essence (Pap, 1958; Meehl, 1986).

Many writers, including students, may take the inherent murkiness of many psychological and psychiatric constructs as an implicit license for looseness in language. For at least two reasons, issues of terminology bear crucial implications for the education of forthcoming generations of students in psychology, psychiatry, and related domains. Inaccurate or Misleading Terms. YooouuuTuuube. 27 captivating documentaries that are all essential viewing. SeaWorld announced changes this week to the treatment of orcas at their theme parks, a move influenced by the 2013 documentary Blackfish which explored the risks and ethical implications of keeping killer whales in captivity.

27 captivating documentaries that are all essential viewing

Gangsters, geezers and guns: the men behind Britain’s booming low-budget crime-flick industry. Darren, sales manager at a plastics firm in Milton Keynes, is a force to be reckoned with in the British film industry.

Gangsters, geezers and guns: the men behind Britain’s booming low-budget crime-flick industry

In part, he’s the reason why British crime cinema – low-budget, morally dubious and about as disreputable as it’s ever been – is the genre that refuses to die. At least, Darren would if he actually existed. Darren, it turns out, is a theoretical construct; an audience archetype identified by Jezz Vernon, managing director of distribution outfit Metrodome, the people who released recent examples of the form such as The Guvnors, St George’s Day and The Fall of the Essex Boys.

Is the left in Britain still alive and well? Rosie Rogers, 28, and I are sitting in a tipi outside her office in Highbury, London.

Is the left in Britain still alive and well?

(She works for Greenpeace as a political adviser – of course they have a tipi.) I’m on a quest to find the British left, because it’s become apparent no one quite knows where it has gone, or what it looks like. Far from a beating heart, these days it is made up of many small organisations. “You know the Brownies,” Rogers asks. How to turn small talk into smart conversation. Imagine almost any situation where two or more people are gathered—a wedding reception, a job interview, two off-duty cops hanging out in a Jacuzzi.

How to turn small talk into smart conversation

What do these situations have in common? Almost all of them involve people trying to talk with each other. But in these very moments where a conversation would enhance an encounter, we often fall short. Chart-topping rocks: UK's 'Greatest Geosites' announced. The Geological Society of London has named its top 100 geological sites in the UK and Ireland, including 10 "people's favourites".

Chart-topping rocks: UK's 'Greatest Geosites' announced

The island of Staffa in the Inner Hebrides was the most popular "adventurous" site; its basalt columns form dramatic shapes including famous Fingal's Cave The list, compiled into an online clickable map, marks the start of Earth Science Week. Categories for the popular vote included landscapes, outcrops and coastlines, as well as industrial and educational sites. Stonehenge, Glencoe and Scarborough's Rotunda Museum were among the winners. Autumn is going to be beautiful this year in the UK: here's where to visit - UK - Travel. Simon Toomer, Director at the Forestry Commission’s National Arboretum at Westonbirt, Gloucestershire, said the warm start to autumn, twinned with the recent rain, is an ideal combination of conditions for maintaining sugar levels so that leaves remain on trees for longer to develop their autumnal shades.

Autumn is going to be beautiful this year in the UK: here's where to visit - UK - Travel

Lovers of autumn scenery need not travel to New England to witness the kaleidoscope of colours that characterises the fall season, because there is plenty on offer here in the UK. Whether you are looking for the wilderness of the Lake District, a Welsh castle, a 2,500 acre park in the capital, a Scottish hedge from 1745, or the manicured lawns of a landscape garden in Yorkshire, there are lots of sites to choose from. The Independent Travel Offers: Short Breaks in England from £65pp Loading gallery. What are the 10 greatest political songs of all time?

What are the greatest political films, novels and songs?

What are the 10 greatest political songs of all time?

Over the summer we asked two dozen of the New Statesman‘s leading contributors to recommend a choice. They could choose between any art form. Together they chose nearly a dozen novels, and half as many songs and films. We will be publishing their ideas across different lists throughout the week. As we put together their contributions, we asked our readers to weigh in on a list of music we compiled five years ago.

Great miscalculations: The French railway error and 10 others. Image copyright Reuters The discovery by the French state-owned railway company SNCF that 2,000 new trains are too wide for many station platforms is embarrassing, but far from the first time a small mis-measurement or miscalculation has had serious repercussions.

Great miscalculations: The French railway error and 10 others

The French fiasco has been blamed by SNCF on the national rail operator RFF. But sometimes there is no-one else to share responsibility. Pulp Fiction review – Tarantino's mesmeric thriller still breathtaking 20 years on. You can smell a person's SEX: Humans subconsciously identify gender using the subtle odour of pheromones. Previous studies found both men and women produce sex pheromones New research has found these pheromones trigger our subconsciousDuring tests, men could correctly identify the smell of a womenWhile gay men were equally able to distinguish the sex smell of men By Victoria Woollaston Published: 16:56 GMT, 1 May 2014 | Updated: 23:05 GMT, 1 May 2014.

You can smell a person's SEX: Humans subconsciously identify gender using the subtle odour of pheromones

How to win at rock-paper-scissors. Henry Miller Colombia death: Body 'was abandoned' on road. 27 April 2014Last updated at 15:12 GMT Henry Miller's body was found by a road outside Mocoa in the Putumayo area Police in Colombia say the body of a man from Bristol who died after taking part in a tribal ritual had been "abandoned" on a remote forest road. Henry Miller, 19, died after apparently consuming a traditional hallucinogenic drink known as yage.

Police said two men on a motorcycle tried to take Mr Miller to hospital when he became ill, but he died on the way and they left him at the roadside. Colombian authorities said the cause of death was "not definitely established". Putumayo police commander Ricardo Suarez said Henry Miller's health "deteriorated" after consuming the traditional drink.

Does a baby's name affect its chances in life? 11 April 2014Last updated at 03:15 ET By William Kremer BBC World Service When parents spend hours poring over baby name books they may imagine that their choice will have a major impact on their child's life. Where everyone in the world is migrating—in one gorgeous chart - Quartz. It’s no secret that the world’s population is on the move, but it’s rare to get a glimpse of where that flow is happening. In a study released in Science, a team of geographers used data snapshots to create a broad analysis of global migrations over 20 years. The study was conducted by three geographic researchers from the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital in Vienna. The researchers presented their data in five-year increments, from 1990 to 2010. Their research is unique, because it turned static census counts from over 150 countries into a dynamic flow of human traffic.

Are you braver than the average Briton? UK's top 13 fears revealed - Home News - UK. Yet if pressed to stand up to the 13 things that most scare the UK public, would you be able to come away saying you could brush off all of them? A new survey has been released which reveals the things that most scare the British public, from a majority who are at least a little afraid of heights to a significant minority who suffer from cynophobia – a fear of dogs. YouGov presented more than 2,000 people with an unlucky 13 common phobias, asking them to rate their fear of each from “not at all” to “very afraid”.

The survey found that heights are the biggest fear of all for British people, with a massive 58 per cent of respondents saying they suffer from acrophobia or “vertigo” to some degree. While that’s not necessarily surprising – gravity can be a killer, after all – more than a quarter of the public said they were inexplicably afraid of mice. Loading gallery. Secretion secrets: things you didn’t know about ear wax. 15 March 2014Last updated at 20:41 ET By Paula McGrath Health Check Earwax is one of those bodily substances which few of us like to discuss in polite company. Like other secretions, it is something that most of us deal with in private. Top five Generation X anthems.

Who, What, Why: How does a snake eat a crocodile? 3 March 2014Last updated at 08:02 ET. Prince to charge $10 for live shows. 5 February 2014Last updated at 09:22 ET. Easter egg hunt: Seven secrets of the world wide web. 22 January 2014Last updated at 19:10 ET By Dave Lee Technology reporter, BBC News. Time traveling photographer adds herself into her childhood pictures. The mystery of the most fatal week of the year. 10 January 2014Last updated at 19:50 ET By Ben Carter BBC News. 20 online dating cliches - and what they really mean. 6 January 2014Last updated at 19:31 ET By Clare Spencer BBC News Magazine January is a boom month for the online dating industry as millions turn to the internet to find love.

We need to talk about TED. Learn To Learn. My next series of essays will be on how to improve at your craft. Please stay tuned! General Assembly launches Dash, a Codecademy-style site that teaches you to code. Calorie burner: How much better is standing up than sitting? 16 October 2013Last updated at 03:26 ET Studies have claimed major health benefits for standing for much of the day as opposed to sitting. How much can an extra hour's sleep change you? 9 October 2013Last updated at 04:24 ET. Secret London: eight London shrines. Viewpoint: The good side of lying. A Point of View: Why people sometimes prefer lies to the truth. Clubland UK: the state of the nation. Eye Direction and Lying - How to detect lies from the direction of an individual's gaze / visual accessing cues.

7 billion people and you: What's your number? How to spot a murderer's brain. Why do identical twins end up having such different lives? 10 gross ingredients you didn't know were in your food. How to spot a murderer's brain. The-world-as-100-people-infographic.png (1370×1370) A Point of View: Chess and 18th Century artificial intelligence. 15 Tips & Tricks To Get More Out Of Google Drive.

The World Is Not Enough: Google and the Future of Augmented Reality - Alexis C. Madrigal. James Bond: Cars, catchphrases and kisses. Will 2013 be the year of the phablet as phone screens grow bigger? The next great platform war is coming ... to your wrist. Male Y chromosome extinction theory challenged. The myth of the eight-hour sleep. Speed and the city: meet the Adderall-addled adults of New York. Steve Jobs Was Not God. How to maximise your memory. Laser-magic. Mystery of the wishing trees studded with coins that ¿can take illness away from the sick¿ Cloonboo : Flying People in New York City. Other games - The Scale of the Universe 2. European Users Overwhelm Facebook With Data Requests. 2011: The Year Beyond Words. You're Bored? That's So AWESOME. Humans Are Truly Amazing! Video.