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Reviews. On Tisha B'Av, for These I also Weep. The Hebron Massacre, August 24, 1929. Re-Posting Photos Discovered in the Library of Congress Archives. On the eve of the anniversary of the Hebron massacre on August 24, we re-post these photographs which we uncovered in the American Colony collection in the Library of Congress archives.

The Hebron Massacre, August 24, 1929. Re-Posting Photos Discovered in the Library of Congress Archives

Today’s leaders of the Hebron Jewish community told us last year that they had never seen the photos before. Click on the photos to enlarge. Click on the captions to see the originals. Background to the Hebron massacre. Celebrating Ramadan With Anti-Semitism. Last month President Obama noted, as he does with all major religious events, the start of the Muslim holy month Ramadan and commemorated the holiday by calling it a time to “cherish family, friends, and neighbors, and to help those in need.”

Celebrating Ramadan With Anti-Semitism

That was an appropriate statement but in much of the Islamic world, it also appears to be a time to indulge in Jew hatred. While holiday specials in the United States are noted for their saccharine tone, Ramadan specials appeal to a very different sort of sentiment. As the Anti-Defamation League noted on Thursday, the 30 days of fasting and prayer has been marked in a number of Muslim countries with special television programs that are rife with anti-Semitism and intended to foment hatred of Jews and Israel.

The significant factor about these shows is not just that they are drenched in the traditional tropes of anti-Semitism in which Jews are portrayed as cheap as well as cheats and villainous victimizers of Muslims. Who Killed Jesus? Do Jews Curse the Christians? A New Book Analyzes Famed Birkat Haminim Prayer By Raphael Magarik Published February 09, 2012, issue of February 17, 2012.

Do Jews Curse the Christians?

Cursing The Christians? A History of the Birkat HaminimBy Ruth Langer Oxford University Press, 388 pages, $74 During a year studying medieval liturgical manuscripts, Ruth Langer found herself drawn to places where words, phrases and even a whole paragraph had been erased or, as she explained in an email to the Forward, “literally blacked out to the point of illegibility.” Birkat haminim appears in the Amidah, the core prayer that observant Jews recite thrice daily. Frustrate your hopes of all those who malign us. If you don’t pay attention, it is just one more petition, fitting right between a request for divine justice and an entreaty on behalf of the righteous.

Antisemitism%20%20ENG. Reviews. Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World: interview with Jeffrey Herf. Posted on Sunday, March 28th, 2010 at 4:04 pm Author: Jonathan Mok Jeffrey Herf teaches Modern and Contemporary European history at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World: interview with Jeffrey Herf

His book, Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World, was published by Yale University Press in late 2009. His previous works include The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust (Harvard University Press, 2006). Jonathan: So why study Nazi Propaganda in Arab World during the Second World War? Prof. You are a professor of European History. The obvious challenge is that as a historian of Europe with a mastery of English, French and German, I could not do this research unless there were sources in those langauges. I don’t want to speculate about why scholars of Middle Eastern studies did not make use of these files earlier. I am not breaking away from my original work on European history.

Muslim Anti-Semitism  The prevalence of deep anti-Semitism in many parts of the Muslim world is one of today's scarier phenomena.

Muslim Anti-Semitism 

To some, it can also seem mysterious. A Tragedy Shrouded in Silence: The Destruction of the Arab World's Jewry : Azure - Ideas for the Jewish Nation. A vast diaspora was utterly annihilated, but Israelis rarely talk about it.

A Tragedy Shrouded in Silence: The Destruction of the Arab World's Jewry : Azure - Ideas for the Jewish Nation

Preview: The pages are yellowing, nearly disintegrated. For decades they have lain forgotten, stuffed into crates piled high in the archives of Israel’s Ministry of Justice. No one reads them; no one even shows interest. Even now, nearly sixty years after the painful experiences of loss and flight they recount, they still wait for their stories to be told. Pogroms, 1871-1906. Did a German Officer Prevent the Massacre of the Jews of Eretz Yisrael during World War I? Fending Off the Missionaries. A group of Protestant clergymen decided their new mission would be to convert European Jews and settling them in a rural agricultural community somewhere in the United States.

Fending Off the Missionaries

Chapters in American Jewish History are provided by the American Jewish Historical Society, collecting, preserving, fostering scholarship and providing access to the continuity of Jewish life in America for more than 350 years (and counting). Visit In 1996, the Southern Baptist Convention announced that its top priority would be converting Jews to Christianity. This initiative has historical precedent. In the 1600’s, various American Christian ministers tried to convert individual Jews in their communities. Leopold Hilsner, Tragic Figure in Ritual Murder Accusation Case, Dies. Vienna (Jan. 11) (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Leopold Hilsner, the tragic figure of the Polna ritual murder accusation which stirred public opinion in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century, died here today at the age of 51.

Leopold Hilsner, Tragic Figure in Ritual Murder Accusation Case, Dies

He died ten years after he was released from prison, having served eighteen years of a life sentence. Jewish bodies found in medieval well in Norwich. 23 June 2011Last updated at 02:35 There is evidence the children were thrown down the well after the adults The remains of 17 bodies found at the bottom of a medieval well in England could have been victims of persecution, new evidence has suggested.

Jewish bodies found in medieval well in Norwich

The most likely explanation is that those down the well were Jewish and were probably murdered or forced to commit suicide, according to scientists who used a combination of DNA analysis, carbon dating and bone chemical studies in their investigation. The skeletons date back to the 12th or 13th Centuries at a time when Jewish people were facing persecution throughout Europe. They were discovered in 2004 during an excavation of a site in the centre of Norwich, ahead of construction of the Chapelfield Shopping Centre. Seven skeletons were successfully tested and five of them had a DNA sequence suggesting they were likely to be members of a single Jewish family. 'Ethnic cleansing'