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September 2020

Fashion meets Fortnite: 3D clothes and digital catwalks. Virtual clothing and cyberspace catwalk shows may sound like the stuff of a William Gibson novel.

Fashion meets Fortnite: 3D clothes and digital catwalks

The Nihilist Smiled: Philosopher Nolen Gertz on Nihilism Right This Moment - 032c. Mention “nihilism” and most people think of Nietzsche and Heidegger.

The Nihilist Smiled: Philosopher Nolen Gertz on Nihilism Right This Moment - 032c

I think of Nolen Gertz. I’ve been following him for a number of years on Twitter (@ethicistforhire) and he always satiates when I seek meaningful bites on the seemingly meaningless political, social, and economic existences so many parts of the world are experiencing today. Gertz is an assistant professor of applied philosophy at the University of Twente in the Netherlands and has written three books, two specifically about nihilism: one called Nihilism and Technology (2018) and the latest simply Nihilism (2019). Harnessing Social Media for the COVID-19 Pandemic. With graduate school moving online and social distancing in full effect, I have been relying on my phone—specifically, Instagram—to kill time and reignite a sense of community that I lost in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Toujours plus connectés aux réseaux sociaux pour tromper l'ennui confinement covid, nous, handicapés ayant perdu l'usage de la lecture et autres occupations papier, faisons la prospérité indécente des e-plateformes sociales telles que Instagram et Youtube mais plus récemment TikTok, WhatsApp ou iQiyi. Avec une hausse globale de 20% de temps passé sur les applications digitales en mars 2020 (selon et une exploitation optimisée du potentiel de ses applications comme décrit dans l'article ci-contre, nous devenons super-dépendants de ces plateformes tout en accélérant leur évolution et progrès. Une évolution qui entraînera celle du consommateur d'application et par succession, celle du consommateur mode. Exemple : TikTok, vidéo donc implique mouvement, 15sec donc implique impact rapide. Je veux des vêtements stretch, faciles pour bouger (danser, sauter, comme vous voulez) mais à l'impact visuel fort, au moins autant qu'Instagram (coolest leisure covid sweater ou top sexy couleur pop découpé). – camcam2345

As momentary respite against cabin fever, a break from the slew of coronavirus-related news, and a slow reconciliation with my decreased productivity, I’ve resorted to #See10Do10 (you see a video of someone doing 10 push-ups, and then post your own) and other challenges.

Harnessing Social Media for the COVID-19 Pandemic

After 10 days of quarantine, I had completed push-up challenges, baby photo challenges, dance pose challenges, participated in candy and chocolate March Madness voting, all on my Instagram. My phone has not stopped buzzing between e-mails, push notifications, live feeds, tags in posts, texts and messages. My relationship with my brother in Japan has been reduced to the sole exchange of dog videos.

New Music: Marika Hackman – PYLOT Magazine. MB: Making something with a subversive nature is so much more powerful for me because that’s how I like to see things.

New Music: Marika Hackman – PYLOT Magazine

I like it when people flip things on their head and use these kinds of lyrics and narratives in a way that’s less expected. I watched the video to i’m not where you are, which I’d actually seen before anything else. The album has so many twists and turns, and the way you act in the video, which starts with people slapping you in the face, is very strong and I wanted to know what led you to start with this image? MH: That’s the initial idea I had for the video which prompted the narrative that came later – just getting slapped throughout the entire video and being bloody and bruised by the end of it.

The pandemic is giving people vivid, unusual dreams. Here’s why. Ronald Reagan pulled up to the curb in a sleek black town car, rolled down his tinted window, and beckoned for Lance Weller, author of the novel Wilderness, to join him.

The pandemic is giving people vivid, unusual dreams. Here’s why.

The long-dead president escorted Weller to a comic book shop stocked with every title Weller had ever wanted, but before he could make a purchase, Reagan swiped his wallet and skipped out the door. Of course, Weller was dreaming. He is one of many people around the world—including more than 600 featured in just one study—who say they are experiencing a new phenomenon: coronavirus pandemic dreams. Science has long suggested that dream content and emotions are connected to wellbeing while we’re awake. Bizarre dreams laden with symbolism allow some dreamers to overcome intense memories or everyday psychological stressors within the safety of their subconscious.

See How Marine Serre Up-Cycles Fabrics Like Denim. Photo: Thomas Samson/AFP via Getty Images.

Marine Serres, étoile montante de l'industrie de la mode (identité de la marque forte, concepts de gammes colorées pour sportswear, pap et haute-couture, gagnante du prix LVMH), a la bonne idée d'exploiter et diffuser 2 tendances qui ont déjà émerger dans l'univers mode mais qui perdureront sûrement dans les 2,3 prochaines années. Premièrement, l'up-cycling, avec des accessoires entièrement issus de matériaux recyclés et ornementations textiles faites de breloques chinées, et deuxièmement, la vibe rétro-mélancolique, finalement souvent planante sur la mode, mais qui s'affirme depuis 2016 avec le succès de marques mode (comme Gucci notamment) mais aussi d'artistes musicaux comme Thérapie Taxi en France (vibe années 80) ou Dua Lipa en Grande-Bretagne (vibe années 80 également pour son dernier album Future nostalgia, sur lequel elle pose vêtue d'une robe Marine Serres justement). – camcam2345
See How Marine Serre Up-Cycles Fabrics Like Denim

De l’empathie à la bienveillance. Why Birds Are the World’s Best Engineers. The term “bird’s nest” has come to describe a messy hairdo, tangled fishing line and other unspeakably knotty conundrums.

Why Birds Are the World’s Best Engineers

Jeune Création de Mode. Impact of Covid-19 / Coronavirus on fashion industry. Parasite Ending Explained by Bong Joon-ho. The director explains his coda: “I thought it was being real and honest with the audience.”

Parasite Ending Explained by Bong Joon-ho

Photo: Neon This article was originally published in 2019. We are republishing the piece ahead of the 2020 Academy Awards, during which Parasite will compete in the Best Picture field, among other categories. Bong Joon-ho movies tend to end where they begin: The detective in Memories of Murder returns to the ditch where he discovers one of the serial killer’s first victims; the titular mother in Mother dances, her arms swaying like wheatgrass; the little girl Mija returns to the countryside after saving her pet from a slaughterhouse in Okja. Pantone unveils its Color of the Year for 2020: Classic Blue - CNN Style.

Written by Kirsi Goldynia, CNNNew York You can expect to see a lot of blue next year.

Pantone unveils its Color of the Year for 2020: Classic Blue - CNN Style

Pantone announced Wednesday night that its 2020 Color of the Year is Classic Blue, a shade reminiscent of the sky at dusk. "It's a color that anticipates what's going to happen next," said Laurie Pressman, the vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, which selects the Color of the Year. "What's the future going to bring as we move into the evening hours? " A visual representation of "Classic Blue" at the Pantone 2020 Color of the Year reveal event. This is indeed a pertinent question as we embark on a new decade.

"We were moving into Y2K and wondering: Is the world going to fall apart? " The Pantone Color Institute said it recognized similar feelings of instability gripping the world today, from the United States to the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Syria and across the globe. Le coronavirus pourrait avoir des impacts sur l’économie. Les autorités cherchent à éviter une répétition de la propagation du SRAS, qui avait coûté à l’économie canadienne environ 4 milliards $US en 2003.

Le coronavirus pourrait avoir des impacts sur l’économie

The Zen take on wanting luxury things. Ephrat Livni studies Zen in a tiny cabin in California’s redwood forest. Les changements climatiques sont-ils la cause de notre hiver difficile à Montréal ? – Chris McCray – Blog. (Photo de couverture: Radio-Canada / Simon-Marc Charron; This post is also available in English) Une version de ce billet a été publiée par MétéoMédia, le 29 mars 2019. REVIEW MUSÉE (PAS UN ARTICLE)