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Pearltrees releases a new version, without any pearls nor trees. The Paris-based startup founded in 2009 once declared: “We focus on the visual potential of Pearltrees to let people dive deeply into their interests and nearly feel them”.

Pearltrees releases a new version, without any pearls nor trees

Their product, offering a digital curation tool, was unique because of the visual interface voluntareely original: links and folders symbolized by rounded pearls attached together like the branches of a tree. Today, pearls and trees have disappeared to make room for a brand new and larger organisation tool. Two years ago, everyone wanted to build products around “curation” and “interest graph”. Today the keywords have shifted to “collaborative SaaS tool” and “organizing data”. Pearltrees, who has raised €8,5 million in two rounds, is renewing itself to match the new trends by releasing a new version focused on organization of collections in a more “obvious” way. Why giving up the core of the product, after 4,5 years of existence and 1,7 million users?

9. Washing Machine. Procter and gamble. Les démarches d’Open Innovation ont le vent en poupe.

Procter and gamble

Certains secteurs en particulier ont désormais compris qu’une stratégie d’Innovation Ouverte devenait indispensable pour la croissance de leur organisation. Un pionnier historique est Procter&Gamble (voir leur programme C+D ou encore un exemple de co-innovation) . Unilever, autre géant présent sur le marché des biens de grande consommation, vient d’annoncer une démarche forte s’appuyant sur l’Innovation Ouverte. Posts on the Montreal Group. Custom Printed Packing Tape. Landing. GoBAC est une entreprise québécoise à Montreal qui propose, comme option écologique aux boîtes de carton, la location de boîtes en plastique pour déménagement et stockage temporaire.


En utilisant les boîtes de déménagement GoBAC, vous n'aurez plus à chercher des boîtes de carton à travers la ville, à les assembler, à les ficeler. Avec GoBAC vous ne perdrez aucun temps : vous commandez en ligne ou par téléphone, nous les livrons et les recueillons à votre porte, selon votre horaire.

Appelez maintenant au (514) 335-2427 et RECEVEZ GRATUITEMENT un kit de déménagement pour toute commande de 25 boîtes ou plus. La trousse comprend: Fabriquer ses meubles en carton ... tendance ecolo ! Inspirée du monde de la couture voici les patrons pour meubles en carton!

Fabriquer ses meubles en carton ... tendance ecolo !

Le meuble en carton semble devenir une vrai nouvelle tendance, où l’on allie économie, recyclage et design ! Nous avons tous vu sur des salons ou sur le net ces superbes meubles en carton, ou comment recycler pour 3 fois rien une matière disponible et gratuite en un meuble original et fonctionnel. Alors nous nous laissions rêver à pouvoir faire de même, mais le manque de temps ou le manque de support nous a vite bloqué. Mis à part quelques villes qui disposent d’organismes dans lesquels des stages de fabrication sont accessibles,ou encore des vidéos sur le net il n’y avait rien!!

Tout change maintenant avec une méthode simple mais ultra efficace le patron pour meuble en carton. Trouvez votre modèle parmi le catalogue et ensuite rien de plus simple que de découper aux tailles des patrons et ainsi construire, couper, coller à votre vitesse et selon vos disponibilités. Cardboard recycling - World Hot Trends. TLC "10 Ways to Reuse Cardboard" Ways to Recycle & Reuse Cardboard Boxes. Most of us never stop to think how many boxes we actually have lying around the house or office collecting dust that could be put to good use.

Ways to Recycle & Reuse Cardboard Boxes

Here are just 101 ways that we thought of that people use for recycling or reusing some of those cardboard boxes that are not seeing their full potential. Many of us hold on to retail boxes in case they need it for warranty of their item. You would be surprised to see how much space all these boxes are actually taking up. Re-Purposed Cardboard boxes. Eco-Friendly, Green, Reusable Moving Boxes. Can I Sell My Used Cardboard Boxes for Reuse? Marty Metro of Offers 7 Tips. Dale, one of our readers, recently sent me a note, wondering if there was an opportunity for reusing cardboard boxes rather than sending them for recycling.

Can I Sell My Used Cardboard Boxes for Reuse? Marty Metro of Offers 7 Tips

We asked Marty Metro, founder and CEO of, a company that buys and sells used cardboard boxes nationwide, to share his thoughts. According to Marty, your company may well be a good candidate for box reuse, if: You are a major manufacturer. Unfortunately, most retailers go through so many sizes and shapes of boxes that it is sometimes difficult to implement a profitable re-use program, on a large scale.

For more information on selling or buying used cardboard boxes, visit Recycling International - recycling magazine for professionals by professionals. April 04, 2013 by Editorial Staff United Kingdom: 'Crushing and pulping perfectly good boxes and converting them back into boxes is a terrible waste of energy and resource,' asserts Mike Sadler, managing director of UK-based cardboard box reuse specialist Sadlers Carton Stockholders.

Recycling International - recycling magazine for professionals by professionals

He has launched a new campaign to promote the principles and benefits of segregating used boxes from cardboard waste streams and selling them for reuse. 'A few years ago if you were recycling you were green, but today that’s not enough,' he says. 'Burning heaps of energy to recycle is not the best solution. Ways to Recycle and Reuse Cardboard. With a little decoration, you can make a shoebox that is destined for the trash into something valuable.

Ways to Recycle and Reuse Cardboard

Use decorated shoe boxes for storage or gift giving. Make it a little fancier, by creating a *fliptop* box from an old shoebox by following these directions at Here are some more creative ideas for reusing and old shoebox to creative a festive holiday gift box. Margo Potter really knows how to make the ordinary into something extraordinary.