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Born To Be (Oscar) Wilde. 22 People Who Didn't Have Time For Your Gender Expectations. How Do We Decipher Sex in Daily Life? By Lisa Wade, PhD, 6 days ago at 09:00 am Flashback Friday.
Doing Gender with the Face, Featuring Erika Linder. By Lisa Wade, PhD, Mar 25, 2014, at 09:00 am Sociologists often say that gender is partly a performance.
How we talk and laugh and what we say; how we stand, sit, and move; how we dress, wear our hair, and adorn our faces and bodies with make up and accessories — all these things are gendered. Insofar as we follow the rule that we perform in ways that match our genitalia, male-bodied and female-bodied people will seem more different, more “opposite,” than they really are. Today I stumbled across another really striking example of gender performance. This one involves model Erika Linder doing both masculinity and femininity in a commercial for JC Jeans Company. Here are two more from her Unique Models page: H/t Ms. Genre et féminisme: pourquoi vont-ils de pair? Quand j’ai commencé ce blog, le lien entre genre et féminisme m’a paru se passer d’explications.
Etant arrivée aux études de genre par le féminisme, l’articulation entre les deux m’a toujours semblé aller de soi. Je me rends compte cependant (un peu tard) que le sujet mérite bel et bien un éclaircissement et que le lien entre les deux n’est pas forcément évident pour tout le monde. Stop à la rumeur: parlons de genre. En sciences, la "théorie du genre" n'existe pas. POLÉMIQUE.
Entretiens, Genre, Politique, Judith Butler, Désir, Sexe. Boo! The Feminists Are Coming! By Lisa Wade, PhD, Oct 31, 2013, at 05:26 pm @Anne_Rev sent us this scary Halloween pumpkin.
What Gender Construct? Queer Portrait Artist Explores Identity. L’échec du gender en Norvège: la vidéo. Identité sexuelle des enfants: leur vie en mauve. Les enfants ciblés par le colloque sont tous ceux qui ne correspondent pas aux catégories sociales traditionnelles de sexe et de genre, et qui s'identifieront souvent à la communauté lesbienne, gaie, bisexuelle, transgenre et allosexuelle à l'adolescence.
À une époque dominée par l'opposition entre le rose et le bleu, où Lego cible surtout les petits garçons et Barbie titille la coquetterie des petites, il n'est pas facile d'être mauve. «C'est bien qu'il y ait désormais des associations gaies dans les écoles. Cependant, il est temps d'ouvrir la discussion sur la non-conformité de genre. Au Canada, 95% des jeunes à l'identité sexuelle non conforme ne se sentent pas en sécurité dans leur école secondaire. Et ce n'est guère mieux au primaire.»
The “Sworn Virgins” of Albania: Social Rules and Accommodations. New interest in the virgjinesha inspires us to re-post our coverage from 2012.
Rigid gender roles often inspire creative solutions. Families in Afghanistan, for example, when they have all girls, often pick a daughter to pretend to be a boy until puberty. The child can then run errands, get a job, and chaperone “his” sisters in public (all things girls aren’t allowed to do). The transition is sudden and doesn’t involve relocation, so the entire community knows that the child is a girl. They just pretend nothing at all strange is going on. A similar phenomenon emerged in Albania in the 1400s. In response, some girls became “virgjinesha,” or sworn virgins. There are only about forty sworn virgins left; as women were granted more and more rights, fewer and fewer girls felt the need to adopt a male identity for themselves or their families. Some of the remaining virgjinesha were featured in a New York Times slideshow.
Qamile Stema said she would die a virgin. Genre et publicité. My son is gay. Or he’s not.
I don’t care. He is still my son. And he is 5. And I am his mother. And if you have a problem with anything mentioned above, I don’t want to know you. I have gone back and forth on whether I wanted to post something more in-depth about my sweet boy and his choice of Halloween costume. Here are the facts that lead up to my rant: My son is 5 and goes to a church preschool.He has loved Scooby Doo since developing the ability and attention span to sit still long enough to watch it.Halloween is a holiday and its main focus is wearing a costume.My son’s school had the kids dress up, do a little parade, and then change out of costumes for the rest of the party.Boo’s best friend is a little girlBoo has an older sisterBoo spends most of his time with me.I am a woman.I am Boo’s mother, not you.
Gender-Variant Children Continue to Confound. Elizabeth sent in a link to a long and judicious New York Times article about biologically-male, gender-variant children, written by Ruth Padawer.
It’s well done, laying out the struggles even liberal-minded parents go through, including the mixed messages they get from “experts.” It also briefly addresses the hormonal and genetic research, but acknowledges that the measures of femininity and masculinity used in these studies — and in daily life — are socially constructed. That is, what is considered masculine or feminine is different across cultures and changes over time. What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress? “Half-Drag” Portraits & the Performance of Gender. By Lisa Wade, PhD, Aug 6, 2012, at 01:37 pm Men and women in Western societies often look more different than they are naturally because of the incredible amounts of work we put into trying to look different.
Boys will be boys ... or will they? Gender-neutral parenting is on the rise. NEW YORK — There isn’t much about 11-week-old Piper Monosoff that says she’s a girl. Her nursery is painted brown, yellow and orange; she travels around in a green stroller; her wardrobe is an assortment of stripes and polka dots. “I want people to see her as a baby, not a baby girl,” said her mother, Sara Steinbach, of Portland. “I don’t want people to expect things from her or treat her a certain way because of their preconceived notions of what girls are like.” Steinbach often faces the question: How old is your son? But that is a small inconvenience toward the greater goal. Fille ou garçon, mon sexe n'est pas mon genre. Homme ou femme, fille ou garçon, et fiers de l’être: l’identité de genre. Qu’est-ce que l’identité sexuelle?
Comment se structure-t-elle ? Invisible et impalpable, elle est au coeur de la personne et du développement de l’enfant. On la confond tantôt avec l’orientation sexuelle, tantôt avec les stéréotypes de rôle.