Cmlr.67.2. Abstract Although considerable research has examined the use of literature in the second language (L2) classroom, there has been less investigation into the integration of learners' personal stories in the English as a second language (ESL) classroom.
Following Wajnryb's (2003) categorizations of story as language learning, genre, and the creation of what she termed a ‘storied classroom,’ this study explores the ways in which learners' stories are used in the ESL classroom. Five ESL instructors and nine adult ESL learners enrolled in ESL classes at a settlement agency in Edmonton were interviewed about the practice, benefits, and challenges of incorporating personal stories into the L2 classroom. Participants perceived that story promoted language learning, an understanding of genre, and community building, while also enhancing authenticity, affect, and motivation.
This article provides guidelines and recommends resources for using personal story in the adult ESL classroom. Dream Illustration Slides - www.legacyproject.org. All the amazing artwork created for the award-winning bestseller Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes by Susan V.
Bosak is in a convenient digital format you can use with a computer (PC or MAC), tablet, projector, or SMART Board. View a variety of artistic styles and mediums by 15 top international illustrators: Wayne Anderson, James Bennett, Christian Birmingham, Mike Carter, Raúl Colón, Leo and Diane Dillon, Zhong-Yang Huang, Robert Ingpen, Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher, Michèle Lemieux, Barbara Reid, Shaun Tan, and Bruce Wood.
Dream isn't a book you just read. ESL Literacy: Language Practice or Social Practice?, Journal of Second Language Writing, 2004-Jun. Download?doi= Part2-29LessonPlanning.pdf. Life Interview - www.legacyproject.org. How much do you know about the people in your family or community?
Take the time to find out more. You may be surprised by what you discover. A life interview is a chance to travel through time. In the present moment, the best gift you can give someone is to listen to them. You'll find out about the past as you hear about real-life experiences. Life Interview Questions - www.legacyproject.org. Talking, listening, asking and answering questions, sharing stories – communicating.
That's how people and, in turn, human relationships grow. And talking about life – your life – is the most important, most personal story of all. It's also the story we often fail to capture in a way that means something to the generations that follow us. The Legacy Project at www.legacyproject.org is a big-picture learning project for all ages. Keepsake Connections - www.legacyproject.org. Keepsakes connect us across time and space.
Even if someone is gone, you can hold a keepsake and feel a special connection to them. Keepsakes play a key role in the heartwarming story A Little Something by Susan V. A True Story - www.legacyproject.org. A Little Something is a true story, one that meant a great deal to both the author and the illustrator as they worked on it.
Here's an interview with author Susan V. Bosak (if you're interested in some of Susan's other books, check out Dream) and illustrator Laurie McGaw (if you're interested in other books Laurie has illustrated, check out Polar The Titanic Bear by Daisy Corning Stone Spedden and Journey to Ellis Island by Carol Bierman).
Across Generations Activities - www.legacyproject.org. California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. ESL Resources Newest links are at the bottom of each section.
Professional Organizations and Agencies The TESOL website provides information about our umbrella organization, including conferences, publications, listservs, and upcoming events. TESOL France The TESOL France website provides all the information you could want about ESL/EFL programs and conferences in France. JALT: The Japan Association for Language Teaching. Using Informal Assessments for English Language Learners. By: Colorín Colorado (2007) Informal assessments (also called authentic or alternative) allow teachers to track the ongoing progress of their students regularly and often.
While standardized tests measure students at a particular point in the year, ongoing assessments provide continual snapshots of where students are throughout the school year. By using informal assessments, teachers can target students' specific problem areas, adapt instruction, and intervene earlier rather than later. Newcomer_binder. Study Skills for ELLS. ESL professionals realize that the best way to assess English language learners (ELLs) is to build assessment into instructional activities.
We prefer to scaffold assessment in order to provide support for our students. However, ELLs must learn to survive in the real world of the content area class. It is useful, therefore, to teach second language learners study skills. Study Skills for ELLS Here are some studying techniques to show students when they are preparing for tests. Teach students to study actively. How to memorize material effectively ELLS need to learn to space study sessions so that they are not overwhelmed by the language demands and the content material to be mastered at the same time. Graphic Organizers for Content Instruction. One of our roles as ESL and bilingual specialists is to encourage mainstream teachers to employ teaching techniques which make content area information more accessible to second language learners.
Content materials present text which is too dense for ELLs. Teach your students to use graphic organizers such as webs, Venn diagrams, and charts to help them better comprehend these texts. SIOP: Making Content Comprehensible for ELLs. The SIOP Model includes teacher preparation, instructional indicators such as comprehensible input and the building of background knowledge. It comprises strategies for classroom organization and delivery of instruction.
Teacher Preparation 1. Challenges for ELLs in Content Area Learning. Here some of the challenges ELLs face in content areas. These come from participants in various workshops that I have conducted around the U.S. Challenges for ELLs in Reading English language learners face many obstacles when reading literature in English. Most literature is culture bound. We expect students to have prior knowledge of literary genres such as fairy tales, myths, legends, and tall tales. Tips on Communicating. Mainstream teachers and students can communicate with new non-English speaking students from the very first day. ESL and bilingual teachers will find it worth their time to help them learn to communicate. When classroom teachers communicate with newcomers, that communication must to be comprehensible. How Culture Shock Affects Newcomers. What is Culture Shock?
Newcomers who act out in the classroom are probably suffering from culture shock. This is a term used to describe the feelings people have when they move to an unfamiliar culture. Activities for Newcomers. You've got brand new students just entering the school. They speak little or no English. You feel a sense of panic. What do you do first? Help Your Newcomers Develop Pride in Their Heritage. Sensitize Your Mainstream Students. Pair Your Newcomers with Buddies. Establishing an Atmosphere of Acceptance. Developing a Multicultural Curriculum. A second grade "Around the World" curriculum It has long been a goal of multiculturalists such as James Banks to integrate the study of the cultures of the world into the mainstream curriculum of our schools.
This article is about one program which was particularly successful. This multicultural "Around the World" curriculum expanded the 2nd grade Social Studies curriculum of communities and continents to include world communities and people. It is taught across disciplines so that the "Around the World" theme extends into language arts, science and math. Decorative arts and expressive arts are included as well. Classroom diversity is starting point What makes this practice innovative is that it teaches not only the regular second grade Social Studies Curriculum, but adds the distinctive cultures of the students who are studying it.
Taking advantage of natural resources. Amazon. Multicultural Holidays Through Student Artwork. Memoirs and Personal Essays. International Day of Peace. What Language should ELLs Speak at Home? Explaining BICS and CALP. Language Acquisition vs. Language Learning. Pre-production and the Silent Period. Comprehensible Input and Output. Caelaguide. Problem-based-learning-and-adult-english-language-learners.pdf. Part2-29LessonPlanning.pdf. Adult_Education_Toolkit.