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The 7 Greatest (True) Johnny Depp Stories Ever Told. Somehow Johnny Depp always seems to commits the weirdest crimes. Even when the guy is doing something "wrong", he does it with style. He's never been arrested for doing anything outside of the realm of what you'd expect from him, even with all his money. In 1994, Depp was staying at a fancy New York hotel and completely wrecked his room. Like, furniture everywhere, broken glass, the works. 25 Things Kids Today Will Never Have: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Mental_floss Blog » 10 Ways to Game Up Your Home.

The first generation to grow up playing video games is now feathering empty nests, and plenty more gamers are buying and filling homes. Furniture and home decor companies keep adding designs catering to video game lovers, and those with a bit of time and creativity keep designing and building their own! 7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows. We've already told you about some of the most mind-blowing Easter eggs hidden in music albums, classic works of art and video games, so it was just a matter of time before we explored our favorite Easter Eggs from the world of television and film.

7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows

Captain, unleash the list. Hidden Faces and Naked Women in Movie Posters Most of us don't look twice at movie posters, short of muttering under our breath and saying, "Oh fuck, they're doing a sequel/remaking/rebooting that shit? " So it's easy to miss some of the awesome things artists are hiding in the posters, presumably for the hell of it. For example, check out the poster for the fourth Indiana Jones movie: Another 20 games that make you think about life. First we gave you five.

Another 20 games that make you think about life

Then we gave you ten. 10 Reasons Why Dogs are Better Than Cats. Many people think that a cat is more exotic and fancy but I am here to inform you that you shouldn’t believe a word those crazy cat lovers say because dogs make the world go round here are 10 reasons why dogs are better then cats. 1.

10 Reasons Why Dogs are Better Than Cats

You can train a dog better than a cat. Have you ever seen a cat sit on command? Olive Garden - Healthiest Chain and Fast Food Restaurants. Get Topic Updates Share.

Olive Garden - Healthiest Chain and Fast Food Restaurants

11 Animals Posing for Pictures from Look What I Found. 1. Kangaroos don't get this sexy by accident 2. For the Christmas Card. 27 Exact Dates for the End of the World. « Domesticfix. Heckling Hitler: 15-plus attempts to make the Führer funny. 1.

Heckling Hitler: 15-plus attempts to make the Führer funny

The Producers (1968)Adolf Hitler was a madman, a bigot, a dictator, and a cautionary example of how one man can induce a genocidal mass hysteria. The best films of the '00s. Top 8 Most Overused Horror Cliches in Movies. Throughout film history certain conventions and themes are constantly reused no matter the time or place.

Top 8 Most Overused Horror Cliches in Movies

The one genre that’s stayed consistent with the same formula throughout the years is horror. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1965 or 2007, the same stuff pops up in everything. The virgin girl will always prevail, while her slutty friend gets killed. Print - The 75 Books Every Man Should Read. 15 Books You Should Have Read in 2010 - Culture - GOOD. Image by Jane Mount, Courtesy 20x200 Yes, we read Freedom this year and yes, it was good.

15 Books You Should Have Read in 2010 - Culture - GOOD

As Esquire put it, it “was one great slab of a book, at a time when most books have given up on greatness.” But there were other books in 2010, books that had to compete for our ever more challenged attention spans and won. 21 Reasons why English Sucks. 33 Movies To Watch When You're Sad, Glum Or Bummed Out. We all have days that don’t feel quite right.

33 Movies To Watch When You're Sad, Glum Or Bummed Out

Maybe you’re bored, sick or lethargic. Perhaps you just got some bad news that has left you feeling slack-jawed & useless. Maybe you’re worried about your sister, or fighting with your husband. 5 Lovable Animals You Didn't Know Are Secretly Terrifying. If there’s two things Cracked is all about, it’s fucked up animals and dongs.

5 Lovable Animals You Didn't Know Are Secretly Terrifying

And since they won’t let me write “The 7 Most Fucked Up Animal Dongs,” (Editor's Note: Only because it's been written already) I had to settle for focusing on just the animal stuff. Mia Nolting Makes Lists. 5 Classic Cartoons They Don't Want You To See. Who doesn't love cartoons?

5 Classic Cartoons They Don't Want You To See

The Man, that's who. They insist on editing away those wonderful animated moments of horrifying violence, profanity and outright bigotry that cartoons from all eras like to slip in from time to time. Typically they only get to slip it in once before parents and advertisers drop the hammer and get the episode pulled forever. Home of Procrastinating - Procrastination Is Fun.

Top 30 best free games you should play today. 26. Wing Commander Saga A stunning fan-sequel to one of the PC's most beloved space simulators. Wing Commander Saga offers a huge new campaign you don't need to have played the original games to enjoy, with 55 missions, cut-scenes, full voiceovers, and more, all based on the Freespace 2 engine. The Online Learning Blog from Study2U. Supposedly browsing the internet requires more brain power than watching television. Although judging from some of the websites we’ve come across that assumption is cast into doubt.

Here’s some of the sites we like that might get your brain to sit up and listen. Ted A conference that started in 1984 bringing together experts in technology, entertainment and design quickly grew into so much more. The conference itself is invitation only, but the website features all the talks at the conference in high res video format. All That Is Interesting. 7 Quotes That Could Have Saved The Star Wars Prequels. Mental_floss Blog » The Quick 10: 10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Harry Potter. With Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince coming out in the U.S. later this week, it's time to out myself as a Slytherin Supporter. Maybe you already knew that. The Lost Generation: A Decade of Teen Movies. 40 Things That Will Make You Feel Old - Featured on BuzzFeed.

Top 100 Best Acoustic Songs Ever -The Greatest of All Time. Here is a list of the best acoustic songs ever written. 7 comedians who just aren’t funny anymore. The 20 Best Cartoons Of The 90's. 10 embarrassing “Before They Were Famous” commercials. Windows · A List of People Who Need to Stop Writing Software. Top Ten Films 1930-2009. Wild China: 25 Spectacular Species You Should See. 15 Movies from Your Childhood to Rewatch with Your Kids. Pokemon's Ten Most Disturbing Pokedex Entries. Last week, Pokemon Black and White were finally released in America as the two latest installments of the long-running video game franchise. Inside the Disney Vault. If you like this story feel free to share...

It's hard to deny the impact that Walt Disney and his legacy have had on the world. How To Be A Successful Evil Overlord. 25 Cartoons You Never Knew Were Voiced By Celebrities: Pics, Videos, Links, News. We count bodies, so you don't have to. HOW TO TICK PEOPLE OFF.