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The newest mortality update from England: data from March 2020 - June 30th, 2023.
Why are the Big Banks Targeting COVID Dissidents?
Seven weeks ago, an article I wrote with the help of a citizen’s activist was published on A summarized version of the article was as follows: •The pharmaceutical industry prioritizes developing incompletely effective medications since they can be sold to patients much longer than an effective treatment that cures their illness.
Because of this, a systemic bias against developing effective therapies has existed for decades and those that already exist (e.g., for Alzheimer’s or Obesity) have been buried for decades.
•The field of Alzheimer’s research has been plagued with scandals, and despite receiving billions for research, it has failed to produce a treatment for the disease. FDA has recently had some very questionable drug approvals for Alzheimer’s drugs that were quite dangerous, exorbitantly expensive, and ineffective for treating the disease. Since the time that article was published, a few pertinent developments have happened: •On July 25th, Dr. Lead author Dr. Share. Dosage Petivermectin. Formt der Geist die Materie. Placebo LF 1 17012011. Pressekonferenz Igor Kirillov (Verteidigung Strahlung und Chemische/ Biologisch Substanzen. Proximal Origin Emails. Proximal Origin Slack. Covid Origins Scientist Denounces Reporting On His Messages As A “Conspiracy Theory”
The three of us and Matt Taibbi of Racket spread “conspiracy theories” and engaged in “quote mining” for our Tuesday scoop, “Top Scientists Misled Congress About Covid Origins, Newly Released Emails And Messages Show,” according to Kristian Andersen, the scientist who was the main subject of our article.
The only thing his messages revealed, Andersen said, was “Scientists doing science and having private conversations.” (Andersen did not respond to our requests for comment.) “None of this is surprising — the surprising part is that 'journalists' and others keep falling for the same bullshit,” wrote Andersen. But his emails and Slack messages show that there was nothing theoretical about his conspiracy to discredit the lab leak hypothesis. Andersen makes clear in his messages that the purpose of the “Proximal Origin” paper was to “disprove,” in his words, the lab leak hypothesis. It was a propaganda exercise, not a scientific one. The scientists never really blamed the pangolins. "So Friggin' Likely": New Covid Documents Reveal Unparalleled Media Deception.
On February 5th, 2020, as a small group of scientists were crafting a Nature magazine paper that would become the basis of years of reports insisting Covid-19 had natural origins, one of the co-authors, Tulane’s Dr. Robert Garry, wrote in group email: Accidental release is a scenario many will not be comfortable with, but cannot be dismissed out of hand. As detailed in an explosive Public story today, Garry’s thinking changed suddenly when then-New York Times reporter Donald McNeil asked the next day: “Is there any possibility that it could be from the Wuhan lab?” Garry warned McNeil was “credible,” but “like any reporter can be mislead [sic],” cheering colleague Dr. Andrew Rambaut’s scientific version of a non-denial denial as a “good honest response.” Last week, House members investigating origins of Covid-19 accidentally released a trove of Slack chats and emails between the authors of Nature’s seminal paper from March 17, 2020, The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2.
VAERS adverse event reports made in the context of twins. Prelude of what’s to come: I have an identical twin sister and she’s experiencing the same exact thing. She was on the same birth control as me, took it the same time, she got the same covid vaccine as me, at the same time, at the same place. We went together to get the vaccine. Our bleeding started at the same time too. One week ago, I received an email from a mom of 2-year-old twin boys who had both succumbed to CDKL5 deficiency disorder shortly after receiving their Hepatitis B vaccines. She wrote: I have 2 year old identical twins that I believe suffered a life altering genetic mutation as a result of the hepatitis b vaccine shortly after birth and I'm trying to prove it.
She is hardcore about proving that the HepB vaccine caused her sons’ disorders, and has done some thorough research. Yeah. The natural progression from these queries was to query ‘twins’ in VAERS, as was suggested in the email thread. I spent the entire day reading every single free text entry of these 241 reports.
Ed Dowd’s Book “Cause Unknown” | The Asylum. I make a small commission if you use this link to buy the book I have been wanting to get Dowd’s book for sometime.
Mainly, I wanted to have it as a history of what happened the last two years with all these sudden deaths. I’ve been following Dowd since he first started talking about the insurance companies noticing something was off…you know, all those problems caused by that nasty virus or climate change…or maybe it was something else? In any case, I heard RFK Jr say on the Joe Rogan show (a must listen if you haven’t already(opens new window)) that Dowd’s book is a great one to give to people who may be on the fence. I’ve also started reading C.J. Lest we forget, I highly recommend Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022. In the past, such news stories about a young person would keenly focus on answering the glaring question: Why did this person die? As censorship increases also consider using email and text messages to send links.
In case you thought getting more shots was a good idea...
A new preprint is out entitled: “Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among Those Up-to-Date and Not Up-to-Date on COVID-19 Vaccination” and it concludes from a multivariate analysis of 48,344 individuals (Employees of Cleveland Clinic) that ‘those not “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination had a lower risk of COVID-19 than those “up-to-date”’.
I can already hear the hit piece vultures circling and chanting: it’s not peer-reviewed. No it’s not, but read it anyway and ask yourself if this study has merit. Decide for yourself. Maybe my summary can help. What did they do? They looked at the differences between ‘infection rates’ (cumulative incidence) with COVID-19 in individuals who’d received the bivalent shots treating injection with the COVID-19 bivalent product as a time-dependent covariate. It is very clear from Figure 1 in the preprint that the risk of getting COVID-19 is lower if you are not up-to-date (red). And finally, the authors write: Yes, it is well-known.
New Study Shakes Vaccination Paradigm: Less Boosters, Lower COVID-19 Risk!
Good Morning! — This post is too long for email! 😬— If viewing from email please click ‘view online’ at the top of the email or click here. You can also download the Substack app! (not sponsored) Another stunning pre-print study was published just a few days ago at medRxiv showing adults “not up-to-date” have a lower risk of COVID-19 than those “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination.
The study examined more than 48,000 Cleveland Clinic employees. The graph below shows the instances of COVID-19 in the “up-to-date” and “not up-to-date” groups with “up-to-date” (blue) higher than “not up-to-date” (red) starting on day zero, January 29, 2023. In other words - getting boosted isn’t good for your health. This is the second Cleveland Clinic Study (that I know of) that suggests mRNA vaccines increase the risk of infection. One of many papers has also pointed to vaccine protection turning negative over a short time. Share Will they actually now follow the science and declare mRNA a failure? No. Link. Want to compromise brain activity? Just add SARS-CoV-2 spike!
This latest paper published in Science Advances on June 7, 2023 entitled: “SARS-CoV-2 infection and viral fusogens cause neuronal and glial fusion that compromises neuronal activity”, confirms some disturbing theories as to why we have been witnessing neurological impairment and damages since SARS-CoV-2 was introduced to the public.
It also begs some extremely disturbing questions as to why the injection-associated spike may also be causing neurological adverse events that are being excessively reported in all pharmacovigilance databases all over the world. Could it be due to the same mechanism? I made a video about 2 years ago (and testified at the National Citizen’s Inquiry where this is also discussed), where I propose that free (circulating) spike protein can bind and disrupt the closed loop cycle of the Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) by binding ACE-2 to inhibit its activity via competitive binding.
Here’s another nagging bit of speculation. Questions to think about:
Nuclear permeability during cell division - by Anandamide. In late May I had the honor of speaking with Sucharit Bhakdi, MD regarding dsDNA contamination in the vaccines. First, we need to do some numbers. The 100ug Moderna shots deliver over 40 trillion mRNA molecules (14T for Pfizer) and the number of LNPs per shot is reported to be 10-50 billion. For easy math, lets assume 40 billion LNPs. This is roughly 1,000 mRNAs in each LNP.
There over 800 N1-methyl-PseudoUs (m1Ψ) in each mRNA of Pfizer and likely an equal number in Moderna mRNAs for C19 vaccination. 800,000 m1Ψ per cell. Most other RNA methylation systems (methyl A, and methyl C) have RWE pathways (Read, Write, Erase) understood. In addition to these transfected vaccine mRNAs, we now know there is substantial amount of dsDNA coming along for the ride. If dsDNA contamination is 1%-10% of these mRNA numbers we are injecting 10-100 dsDNA molecules into each cell transfected. Cells are being transfected with 10-100 dsDNA molecules each. Same is true with the Spike protein.
Substack a read.
The Asylum: Satire and Commentary for Discerning Citizens. Watch this. - by Jessica Rose - Unconditional Jessica. Google and DeepMind just launched MedPaLM, a large language model. Why was Covid so deadly for African Leaders?
Could Covid have been used as an excuse to bump off political rivals in third world countries? Or perhaps they were removed by foreign powers looking for regime change. For example in March 2020, 12 Iranian politicians and officials died from Covid including a member of the clerical body that appoints the supreme leader, Ayatollah Hashem Bathayi Golpayegni. Admittedly, Golpayegni was 78 but Ali Reza Zali, who was leading the campaign against the Covid outbreak, acknowledged that many of those who died were otherwise healthy.
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) produced a short analysis in 2021 looking at why so many African leaders died of COVID-19. They estimated that the average minister was a 60.5 year old male and that the fatality rate in the general population for this demographic was 0.17%. However, amongst worldwide ministers and heads of states this figure was 0.6% which was heavily skewed by Africa with a fatality rate of 1.33%. More comorbidities. Or was it something else? Mr.
Coronakrise 2020 - 2022: Das Leid der Kinder und Jugendlichen. Safe & Effective | Oracle Films. Angst: War sie schuld an den irrationalen Massnahmen? -
Heute hat die NZZ ein Interview von Katharina Fontana mit mir online publiziert (print: 7.3.23). Frau Fontana ist eine grossartige Leistung gelungen: Sie hat aus einem zweistündigen Gespräch einen lesbaren Text gemacht. Bravo und vielen Dank! In der Bildlegende werde ich im online-Link zitiert: „Die Angst war der entscheidende Faktor“. Im Gespräch hatte ich auch erwähnt, dass ich selbst fast nie TV schaue und auch diese „Bilder aus Bergamo“ nie gesehen habe. Eine gut informierte Kollegin hat mich nun darauf aufmerksam gemacht, was eigentlich der Hintergrund zu diesen Bildern sei und mir den entsprechenden Link auf die BR24 geschickt („Wie eine Foto-Legende entsteht“). Für heute bleibe ich nun kurz und überlasse Ihnen die Lektüre der beiden Artikel: Wenn Sie den BR24 Beitrag gelesen haben, werden Sie auch verstehen, weshalb ich weiter oben den Text „Bilder aus Bergamo“ kursiv setzte. Bild: Keiner wars gewesen.
„Was Schwachsinn gewesen ist, wenn ich so frei sprechen darf, sind diese Regeln draußen (gewesen)“, sagt der Haupteinpeitscher des profitablen Corona-Schwachsinns, Karl Lauterbach, heute. Er führt eine Riege von Zurückruderern an, die für die Lockdowns, die ungesunden Maskeraden und das Gesangsverbot ebenso verantwortlich waren, wie für die Angstmacherei durch täglich hämmernde Inzidenz-Verkündungen, wie das Verbot, Sterbende zu besuchen. Alles angeblich im Namen der Gesundheit, aber in Wirklichkeit im Auftrag der Pharma-Industrie, die ihre gefährlichen Spritzstoffe in die Arme von Millionen gesunder Menschen drücken wollte und daran blendend verdiente.
Da habe ich mich halt geirrt In der ZEIT, die in der Zeit der Corona-Repression nie den Mund aufgemacht hat, nichts zu schreiben wußte gegen die Gleichschaltung der Medien oder die Liquidierung der wissenschaftlichen Debatte; in dieser ZEIT „bekannten“ jüngst 25 Menschen „Da habe ich mich geirrt“. Lesen wir jetzt Entschuldigungen?
Contamination with antibiotic/spike-containing expression vectors in the COVID-19 modified mRNA products. Anandamide has published a Substack today that everybody needs to understand. The gist of the findings following sequencing of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent COVID-19 products is that there is a high level of dsDNA contamination in the Pfizer products. This dsDNA contamination is in the form of circular expression vectors containing a spike gene and two antibiotic resistance genes for kanamycin and neomycin. Here’s the bottom line guys. These expression vectors do not belong in the shots. On plasmids Plasmids are small circular DNAs that replicate separately from host cell DNA.
Plasmids can differ in size and number of copies in a cell and can append properties to cells. We add antibiotic resistance genes to plasmids to promote survival of the bacteria that ‘take up’ the plasmid with the antibiotic resistant gene(s). To show up in the lab the morning after to find colonies on my plates was one of the most exciting things ever. Anandamide writes: Billions. They write: Yes. Great questions.
Curious Kittens - by Anandamide - Nepetalactone Newsletter. Share Leave a comment Introduction Informed consent cannot be obtained with poorly characterized therapeutics. We are now entering the third year of COVID and its has become increasingly clear which demographics are at risk.
The student age group (under 25) has repeatedly been shown to have very low risk of COVID yet the vaccine induced adverse events for students in this age bracket is higher than any vaccine ever administered. Krug et al. observed a risk of 1:6250 risk for myo/pericarditis in 16-17 year olds (Krug et al). The “Thailand study” (Mansanguan et al) implies even higher rates of cardiac risk for students, where 29.24% of students (n=301) experienced cardiovascular manifestations. These risks are not seen with C19 itself. Similar results are seen in Aquaro et al. A meta analysis confirms this. This difference in cardiac risk between the vaccine and the virus should come as no surprise. The bivalent boosters were never adequately studied in this student age group.
Methods Results. Let Them Eat Plague! – The Red Clarion. “When one individual inflicts injury upon another such that death results, we call that manslaughter. When society places hundreds in a position that they inevitably meet early & unnatural death … its deed is murder just as the individual.”Friedrich Engels, The Conditions of the Working Class in England We have been betrayed. For three years, we have been abandoned, misled, shepherded to our dooms. Millions have died. Hundreds of millions have been disabled.
All the while, respectable faces with plastered-on grins breathlessly offer hopeful platitudes, assuring us we’ll all be ok. Just trust the system. You could be forgiven for not realizing we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, considering the total absence of media coverage. Here’s the truth: the pandemic is not over. None of this is an accident. From the moment humanity learned of the novel coronavirus, uncertainty swirled. Why did experts mobilize so quickly, even before human-to-human transmission was conclusively proven?
Jessica ROSE A short compendium of evidence to date 16 12 22. It Wasn't a Lab Leak, it Was Intentional - by Spartacus. It Wasn't a Lab Leak, it Was Intentional. Wie die WHO die sozialen Medien kontrolliert – Geld und mehr. %RNA integrity in the context of the COVID 19 shots.
Died Suddenly - Dr. Morse TV. Update on "What's going on with births down under in Australia?"
Nature paper out of TAU speaks loud truth in Discussion. What's going on with births down under in Australia?
Wot’s in the shots? | The Spectator Australia. Scientific Meme Content. Ihre Regierung versucht, Sie zu töten: Vertrauliche Pfizer-Dokumente enthüllen, dass die COVID-Impfung zu einer Massenentvölkerung führen wird – Science for Hire_full movie_a Gary Null Production. Humans as Bioreactors. To be clear, this is NOT going to be about apologizing... this is going to be about willful admittance of harms. Freedom Parade - Tanz um dein Leben! (Deutsch) (Director's cut)
Totality of Evidence Home. Odysee. : Schadhafte Impfstoffchargen geben Geimpften Hoffnung. Dr Jessica Rose - Totality of Evidence. Causality article. The EMA covid-19 data leak, and what it tells us about mRNA instability. Finally, C19 Injection Poisonous Metal Nanoparticle Ingredient Discussions Are Exploding.
Toxicity of spike fragments SARS-CoV-2 S protein for zebrafish: A tool to study its hazardous for human health?
Studie: Mehrfache mRNA-Dosen machen krank durch IgG4-Antikörper. Computerized Thermographic Imaging and Live Blood Analysis Post C19 Injection. Is the spike protein acting as a prion with regard to hemoglobin molecules? And is porphyria being induced?
New study shows ivermectin can reduce chance of death by 92%
German Ministry of Health - "One in 5,000 people is affected by a serious side effect after a COVID19 vaccine"
Autoimmunity and tolerance - by Jessica Rose. Spartacast 02 - by Spartacus - ICENI Bulletins.
Inside Corona - Data analyses
Are causality assessments being done by CDC or WHO?
More Covid Conspiracy Theories - Covid Origins, Vaccine Spike Protein in the Heart & Vaccine Mandates for School Children. Paukenschlag: Pfizer muss binnen 48 Stunden in Uruguay Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit seines Vakzins belegen. COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis. Wie Lianhua Qingwen Jiaonang Kapsel Ihnen helfen – Lianhua Herbs. Impfprobleme: Vertuschung oder Versagen? - Punkt.PRERADOVIC mit Tom Lausen. The Weaponization of Biotech - by Spartacus.
Inside Corona
ICENI Bulletins | Spartacus | Substack. Unacceptable Jessica | Jessica Rose | Substack. A summary of Geert Vanden Bossche's interview with Del Bigtree. This is probably the worst thing I have seen so far.
What is Paxlovid? - by Jessica Rose - Unacceptable Jessica. Remember when they said you were just as likely to get Myocarditis from Covid?
Get ready for the Gene-edited Zombies. Goal: get product on kids vaccine schedule!
Possible Applications of Advanced Biotechnology. The NY Times reports that ivermectin doesn't work (even though it does)
I don't think it's Myocarditis, I think it's injection-induced Cardiac Amyloidosis. Disability claims - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics vs. VAERS. An incredible paper was just published (thank you David Wiseman for the heads up)
When you hear BNT162c(2), run, don't walk, RUN away.
COVID-19 Deep Dive Part VIII: Transhumanism - by Spartacus. COVID-19 Deep Dive Part IX: Addendum - by Spartacus. Mechanisms of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury - by Spartacus. Monkeypox is the new COVID - by Spartacus - ICENI Bulletins. Moderna's mRNA Mystery - by Spartacus - ICENI Bulletins. COVID 19 Deep Dive Part I Pathophysiology by Spartacus. Nebenwirkungen CovidSpritze. Etude sur les raisons de se laisser vacciner. Covid summary. Sieben Argumente gegen Impfpflicht. Pfizer Vertrag mit EU ungeschwärzt. PANDA Informed Consent. Please share this helpful video with your friends who are considering vaccinating their kids. There's been a 44% increase in death rate in just under a year of reporting according to the CDC.
A FOIA request came in for Nova Scotia - by Jessica Rose. Symptom Laundering... - by Jessica Rose. Covid Update - Myocarditis, Birth Rates, Fertility, BA.5 and more.