> Turok23
Art de douter.
Critical Thinking
Hacking & Hacktivism. Logical Fallacies. Manipulation and Persuasion. Distorted Thinking. Disinformazione. Media Literacy Resources. COLLECTION: Media Literacy and Fake News. Articles, news items & reports. Week 10: Credibility Assessment Toolkit. Unlearning / Mental Revision. Useful information. Unionpedia. Digital Manipulation. Surveillance générale. Gouvernance émotionnelle. Media. Médias -décryptage.
Réalité. Barkun - political science. NNDB: Tracking the entire world. Muckety - Mapping relations and measuring influence. Rechercher de l’information et outils de veille : 33 guides tutoriels par l’Université Européenne de Bretagne. The new digital divide is between people who opt out of algorithms and. CredCatalog projects - Credibility Coalition. Every 2 days we create. Une opinion partagée par 10% des gens deviendra majoritaire.
Credibilità e valutazione delle fonti. Hoax, rumeurs et désinformation. Fake, rumeur, complot et vérification de l'info, propagande. FAKE NEWS. Bufale e fake news. Hoax, rumeur, théorie du complot. Fake news, infox, désinformation, théories du complot et esprit critique (Complément de la collection Information / Désinformation)
Fake news. Fake news. Désinformation, harcélement, complots, fake news, rumeurs. Misinformation, disinformation, fake news. Fake news. Fake news. It's complicated. - First Draft News. This article is available also in Deutsch, Español, Français and العربية By now we’ve all agreed the term “fake news” is unhelpful, but without an alternative, we’re left awkwardly using air quotes whenever we utter the phrase.
The reason we’re struggling with a replacement is because this is about more than news, it’s about the entire information ecosystem.
Alternative Truth. There's no such thing as 'alternative facts'. 5 ways to spot misinformation and stop sharing it online. The blame for the recent assault on the US Capitol and President Donald Trump’s broader dismantling of democratic institutions and norms can be laid at least partly on misinformation and conspiracy theories.
Those who spread misinformation, like Trump himself, are exploiting people’s lack of media literacy — it’s easy to spread lies to people who are prone to believe what they read online without questioning it. We are living in a dangerous age where the internet makes it possible to spread misinformation far and wide and most people lack the basic fact-checking abilities to discern fact from fiction — or, worse, the desire to develop a healthy skepticism at all. Read more: Stopping the spread of COVID-19 misinformation is the best 2021 New Year’s resolution. Ressources sur les «fake news » et les théories du complot. Décodex: vérification de sources d'informations, pages Facebook et chaînes YouTube. La fabrique du complot. Médias -décryptage. Fake news. RUMEURS ET HOAX. Rumeurs_versus_infos. Fake vs Fact.
Fake News
EdWebET110 - Feelings Are Not Facts. Coronavirus : un nouvel outil pour lutter contre les fausses nouvelles. Fausses nouvelles, rumeurs infondées et publicités mensongères se multiplient ces derniers jours à mesure que la crise du coronavirus prend de l’ampleur.
Nous vous expliquions notamment comment des personnes mal intentionnées profitent de la panique pour essayer de vendre des traitements miracles. La désinformation prend aussi la forme d’articles fantaisistes qui expliquent par exemple que le virus est une arme biologique volée par des espions chinois au Canada ou présentent l’eau de javel comme un remède efficace contre la maladie. Selon Forbes, ces publications font souvent bien plus d’audience que des sites d’informations reconnus. Face à ces fake news, l’entreprise NewsGuard Technologies qui s’est spécialisée dans le fact-checking, a décidé de passer à l’action. Elle a créé sur son site une page dédiée qui répertorie l’ensemble des sites ayant diffusés des fausses nouvelles sur le Coronavirus.
What the ‘Grievance Studies’ Hoax Means. Illustration by Jonathan Barkat for The Chronicle Over the summer, the Wall Street Journal’s Jillian Kay Melchior became suspicious of a bizarre-sounding academic journal article, “Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon,” published in the journal Gender, Place & Culture.
She started investigating, and discovered that the article’s author, “Helen Wilson,” did not exist.
Postverità e altri enigmi – Labont. What Would Michel Foucault Think of Social Media, Fake News & Our Post Truth World?
During the late 70s, Michel Foucault gave a series of lectures at the College de France in which he defined the concept of biopolitics, an idea Rachel Adams calls “political rationality which takes the administration of life and populations as its subject.”
These ideas have come to have even more resonance in the spread of biometric identification systems and militarized population control policies. Foucault begins his lecture series on biopolitics with an account of the birth of Neoliberalism, the engineered privatization of public goods and services and the concentration of capital and power into the hands of a few.
*Truth, truthiness, triangulation: A news literacy toolkit for a “post-truth” world.
We were guaranteed a free press, We were not guaranteed a neutral or a true press.
We can celebrate the journalistic freedom to publish without interference from the state. We can also celebrate our freedom to share multiple stories through multiple lenses. But it has always been up to the reader or viewer to make the reliability and credibility decisions. It is up to the reader or viewer to negotiate truth. News literacy is complicated.
Post verità: vivere, capire, scegliere, votare tra bufale e camere dell'eco. “La bestia”, ovvero del come funziona la propaganda di Salvini. Alessandro Orlowski è seduto a un tavolino di un bar di Barcellona.
Nato a Parma nel 1967, vive in Spagna da 20 anni. Ex regista di spot e videoclip negli anni ’90 e grande appassionato di informatica, è stato uno dei primi e più influenti hacker italiani. Fin da prima dell’arrivo dei social network, ha lavorato sulle connessioni digitali tra gli individui, per sviluppare campagne virali. Negli anni ha condotto numerose campagne in Rete, come quella per denunciare l’evasione scale del Vaticano o i gruppi estremisti negli Stati Uniti e in Europa. Oggi fa lo spin doctor digitale: ha creato Water on Mars, startup di comunicazione digitale tra le più innovative, e guidato il team social risultato fondamentale per condurre il liberale Kuczynski alla presidenza del Perù. Alessandro Orlowski: Nato a Parma 50 anni fa, è tra i maggiori espertidi hacking e comunicazione politica digitale in Italia Che evoluzione ha avuto negli anni il concetto di “rete social”?
Quando nasce La Bestia?
Il commento sulla notizia inesistente crea la norma presunta – Filosofia in movimento. Domenico Bilotti Università Magna Graecia di Catanzaro 1.
La Costituzione non può fare a meno di costituzionalizzare forme eccezionali e transitorie di incostituzionalità. Vigono medio tempore disposizioni legislative incostituzionali, fino alla loro declaratoria di illegittimità; le libertà politiche consentono la manifestazione del pensiero anche a espressioni organizzate di un sentire contrario ai principi costituzionali, sino a che esse non tangono la soglia della illiceità giuridica. Scopo sostanziale delle costituzioni, perciò, può essere ritenuto, tra gli altri, quello di accogliere la differenza (anche la radicale, simmetrica o asimmetrica, differenza), tradurla, rielaborarla, nettarla, riceverla.
"Shitpost" è la parola digitale del 2017. Ogni anno, l'American Dialect Society stila una lista delle parole più significative che descrivono al meglio i dodici mesi appena trascorsi.
E nel 2017, la parola che si è guadagnata il titolo di "parola digitale dell'anno è stata "Shitpost". Ovvero: "Pubblicazione di contenuti inutili o irrilevanti, con lo scopo di far deragliare una conversazione o provocare gli altri". Un fenomeno nato su internet - nei social e nei forum sparsi nel web - nel 2016, in particolare durante la corsa alla Casa Bianca, ma che si è consacrato definitivamente nel 2017. Un termine che ben si accompagna alla "parola dell'anno": "Fake news". Lo shitposting si esplica mediante l'utilizzo di meme, battute stupide, foto modificate e contenuti che apparentemente non c'entrano nulla con la discussione in corso per dirottare l'attenzione del pubblico dal tema principale, vanificando così qualsiasi tipo di confronto costruttivo.
Fifty Shades of Fake. Le jour des fous et des mensonges. Et les 364 autres.
Nous avons passé le 1er Avril que quelqu'un, sur Facebook ou Twitter je ne sais plus, a rebaptisé "Journée des Fake News".
C'est en effet, comme il le faisait remarquer, la seule journée dans l'année où nous nous demandons si une information est vraie avant de la partager. C'est aussi la seule journée où l'on se targue avec gourmandise d'avoir propagé des Fake News avant que l'on ne réadopte, dans pareille situation et pour les 364 jours un quart restants, la posture contrite de l'enfant pris les mains dans le pot de confiture.
PolitiFact's guide to fake news websites and what they peddle. At first look, BostonTribune.com certainly seems a trustworthy source. So does KMT11.com. And ABCNews.com.co. Even 24wpn.com has an official ring to it. But all of these websites peddle bogus stories, either by making up fake news or sharing it from other sources. And it’s not always apparent to readers that’s the case.
Study: Religious fundamentalists and dogmatic individuals are more likely to believe fake news.
New research provides evidence that delusion-prone individuals, dogmatic individuals, and religious fundamentalists are more likely to believe fake news. The study, which appears in the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, suggests that the inability to detect false information is related to a failure to be actively open-minded. The rise of online social media has led to growing concerns about the spread of unsubstantiated rumors, misleading political propaganda, and blatantly false articles designed to create viral web traffic.
Even the U.S. Army has become involved in efforts to understand and combat disinformation in cyberspace.
How US billionaires are fuelling the hard-right cause in Britain. Dark money is among the greatest current threats to democracy. It means money spent below the public radar, that seeks to change political outcomes. It enables very rich people and corporations to influence politics without showing their hands. Among the world’s biggest political spenders are Charles and David Koch, co-owners of Koch Industries, a vast private conglomerate of oil pipelines and refineries, chemicals, timber and paper companies, commodity trading firms and cattle ranches. If their two fortunes were rolled into one, Charles David Koch, with $120bn, would be the richest man on Earth. In a rare public statement, in an essay published in 1978, Charles Koch explained his objective.
Domenico Colantuono: L'italia ha un problema di opinione pubblica. Ma si può risolvere.
Un’altra piovra delle panzane smascherata in Italia: Direttanews.it, iNews24.it e altri 170 siti di fake news. Propaganda pentastellata: come ti asfalto un video sovranista sul debito. A Fake is a Fake. Anyway. L'argent de la désinformation. Structured Water Pseudoscience and Quackery. In the rather long page below, I try to present a critical examination of some of the claims about the nature and action of these fictional structure-altered waters ("SAW") in the context of the science as I believe it is presently known and understood. It is my hope that readers will thus be better equipped to make their own decisions about the value of these products.
Any uncertainty that the chemistry community may have about the nature and existence of water clusters is not apparently shared by the various "inventors" who have not only "discovered" these elusive creatures, but who claim findings that science has never even dreamed of! These promoters have spun their half-baked crackpot chemistry into various watery nostrums that they say are essential to your health and able to cure whatever-ails-you. Well, if the water in your body is anything like the ideal shown at the top, then I have bad news: you are dead, and are no doubt residing in a deep-freeze!
Very likely, yes!
Deep fake
Stop worrying about fake news. What comes next will be much worse. Pseudoscienza. Counterfeit Paris & Other Fake Cities Built in the Name of Espionage. Plaque marking a London zeppelin raid from 1915 (photograph by Christoph Braun/Wikimedia) Whether it was the terrifying drone of a German heavy bomber or the near-silent hum of a zeppelin, since the beginning of WWI when bombs fell on civilian targets far from the Front, the threat of death from the skies has been very real during times of war.
But the art of war is not just in the power of destruction, it is also in methods of confusion and subterfuge. From January of 1915 until the end of the First World War, German dirigibles made around 51 bombing runs against Great Britain – which led to more than 500 deaths. Although these bombings are often focused on by historians, the Belgian cities of Leige and Antwerp were both bombed in 1914, as was Paris (although Paris received more than the standard incendiary bombs, they were also bombed with leaflets, demanding the French surrender).
Troll Farm. That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It. Internet trolls don’t troll. Not the professionals at least. Professional trolls don’t go on social media to antagonize liberals or belittle conservatives.
Dentro la fabbrica dei troll russi. Disinformazia e fake news: perché la Siria è il capolavoro di Putin. Trump, Putin, and the New Cold War. Russia: the spectre that loomed over Trump's presidency. Operation Infektion: A three-part video series on Russian disinformation. Russia's Promotion of Illiberal Populism PDF. Alleged Russian-backed PR firm tried to convince influencers to attack Pfizer vaccine. Anti vax movement: Russian trolls fueled anti-vaccination debate in U.S. by spreading misinformation on Twitter, study finds. How Russia exploits American racism and xenophobia for its own gain.
‘Grassroots’ Media Company Admits Kremlin Ties After The Daily Beast Exposé. Orbán is a tool in Putin's information war against the West. The Hidden Author of Putinism. Why the Russian Influence Campaign Remains So Hard to Understand. The Plot to Subvert an Election: Unraveling the Russia Story So Far. The Empathy Trap by Peter Singer. La statistique expliquée à mon chat. Dave Snowden — How leaders change culture though small actions.
La Cina e il cyberesercito di distrazione di massa. Metodologia per la ricerca e la gestione di informazioni. Vérification de la fiabilité de l'information. False, Misleading, Clickbait-y, and Satirical “News” Sources.
geneghys Jun 1 2012
have you links for this? Sorry, but my english is terrible ;/
spzkaz May 30 2012
Had a blast reading th3j35t3r. Going to try and follow on Twitter just for fun. Love watching those clowns in their desperation. I am Spzkaz on Twitter.