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POLAR PARK english. Visitnorway. 10 Inspiring Bookshops around the World. I f you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. – Henry David Thoreau Just some shops that sell books that I think are worth crossing oceans for… 1. Libreria Alta Acqua, Venice, Italy A little sign outside says, “Welcome to the Most Beautiful Bookshop in the World”.

Alta Acqua is not a place you’ll find in your average guidebook and most visitors to the floating city will come and go without ever finding this treasure trove. Alta Acqua, Sestiere Castello, 5176/B 30122 Venice, Italy, Facebook Page here . 2. Founded in 1964, Bart’s Books is a beautiful outdoor bookstore where you can sip lemonade in the courtyard surrounded by a maze of bookshelves, play a game of chess in the shade or read a short story under the apple tree. Bart’s Books, 302 W. 3. Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean, but not exactly the place you’d think to go looking for a charming English bookshop.

Colorful Chinese mountains: Zhangye Danxia ~ Atlas of Wonders. It seems that the day when the Earth decided to create this landscape, it was celebrating a party.

Colorful Chinese mountains: Zhangye Danxia ~ Atlas of Wonders

Or perhaps the person in charge of designing the simple slopes of a remote region, to the north of what would be China, had planned to amaze visitors with something exceptional. In any case, it joined together all the rock layers of colors imaginable in one place, specifically in the area known as Zhangye Danxia, thus achieving what is perhaps the greatest gathering of different pigments in natural stone in the world: Incredible image, almost surreal. it's not exaggerating to say that it looks like something out of a fairy tale.Image Mohsin A.

Soomro This is the closest thing to those bottles of colored sand beach, but full scale.Image Silk Road Angel Tours The hills glow brighter right after rainfall, which is the best time to capture these intense colors.Image Silk Road Angel Tours The topography of the area includes steep cliffs, sharp peaks and eroded caves.Image Silk Road Angel Tours. L'estampe japonaise. Petit guide de Burning Man. Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Burning Man ?

Petit guide de Burning Man

Jamais ? Mais si voyons, souvenez-vous : il s’agit d’un festival alternatif qui se tient dans le désert de Black Rock Mountains, au beau milieu du Nevada ; la réunion improbable de Mad Max et des bisounours. Pour beaucoup, c’est avant tout un rendez-vous de soixante huitards attardés, de hippies sur le retour ; pour d’autres, c’est devenu un festival mercantiliste comme tant d’autres, et l’afflux croissant des Européens tendrait à le prouver. Certains éléments n’ont pas particulièrement aidé, faut-il souligner… Si vous avez comme seule référence les épisodes de Malcolm ou de South Park, passez votre chemin. Un peu d’histoire Pour comprendre Burning Man, il faut se replonger dans son histoire : celle d’un festival établi depuis 1986. L’évènement qui n’avait aucune intention artistique ou culturelle avait, dès son lancement, intégré une dimension spirituelle qui dépassait ses créateurs.

Les règles de Burning Man Mon Burn Quelques conseils. Landmannalaugar : Paysage Islandais. GLOBEPAINTER. Maps. Atlas of Wonders. The 33 most beautiful abandoned places in the World. 1.

The 33 most beautiful abandoned places in the World

Christ of the Abyss, San Fruttuoso, Italy Via: 33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die. I Can't Believe These Actually Exist On Earth... So many other-worldly places exist right on our planet, and we never even knew about it.

33 Unbelievable Places To Visit Before You Die. I Can't Believe These Actually Exist On Earth...

Here are 33 landmarks that look like paintings and scenes from science fiction movies. During the rainy season, the world’s largest salt flat becomes the world's largest mirror. The Salar was born when several prehistoric lakes joined into one. The salt flat is so reflective, it’s used to calibrate satellites. These unqiuely tall and thin mountains are so alien that they were used in James Cameron’s “Avatar.” Vizeo, mon Tour du monde en vidéo. Voyages sur mesure en Inde et en Asie. Temple Festivals - Shri Shri Banke Bihari, Vrindavan Dham. Madhubani - Tribal Arts of India.