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Potentially fatal bouts of heat and humidity on the rise, study finds. Intolerable bouts of extreme humidity and heat which could threaten human survival are on the rise across the world, suggesting that worst-case scenario warnings about the consequences of global heating are already occurring, a new study has revealed.
Scientists have identified thousands of previously undetected outbreaks of the deadly weather combination in parts of Asia, Africa, Australia, South America and North America, including several hotspots along the US Gulf coast.
A Corridor Runs Through It. Mallory, Carlton, and Joe cross Pleasant Hill Road, stopping and starting like squirrels, dodging cars, exhaling deeply when they finally make the other side.
Urgency for vaccine grows as virus ravages China's pigs. BEIJING (AP) — Scientists are working to develop a vaccine to help guard the world’s pork supply as a deadly virus ravages Asia’s pig herds.
Farmers have long contained its spread by quarantining and killing infected animals, but the disease’s devastating march into East Asia is intensifying the search for another solution. The virus hadn’t been considered as high a priority for researchers until it turned up last year in China, home to half the world’s pig population, likely by way of Eastern Europe and Russia.
US cities are losing 36 million trees a year. Here's why it matters and how you can stop it. But tree cover in US cities is shrinking.
A study published last year by the US Forest Service found that we lost 36 million trees annually from urban and rural communities over a five-year period. That's a 1% drop from 2009 to 2014.
‘Who’s going to take care of these people?’
Killing off animals and plants now threatens humanity itself, UN experts to warn in urgent call for action. The future of humanity is under threat from the widespread destruction of the Earth’s plants and animals by people, leading scientists will warn in a dramatic report.
Loss of biodiversity threatens the human race just as much as climate change, the experts believe, with up to a million species facing extinction in the world’s sixth mass die-off. The UN’s global assessment on the state of nature – published on Monday, and the most comprehensive of its kind – is expected to say that without urgent action, the wellbeing of current and future generations of people will be at risk as life-support systems providing food, pollination and clean water collapse. We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view.
(1) PUMPED DRY: The Global Crisis of Vanishing Groundwater-FULL VIDEO. The Greek Island That Became an Open-Air Prison for Refugees. Samos, Greece.
A Visual Guide to the Creatures That Could Disappear From Each U.S. State. The Ocean Is Running Out of Breath, Scientists Warn. Heartbreaking Animation for the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival. ‘The devastation of human life is in view’: what a burning world tells us about climate change. 60 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump.
1. Revoked Obama-era flood standards for federal infrastructure projects This Obama-era rule, revoked by Mr. Trump in August, required that federal agencies protect new infrastructure projects by building to higher flood standards. Building trade groups and many Republican lawmakers opposed it as costly and burdensome.
Muslim youth group cleans up national parks amid government shutdown. Across the country, dozens of their colleagues in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association were doing the same at national parks closed or partially closed by the shutdown.
They cleaned up litter, emptied garbage cans and swept the grounds -- from the Everglades National Park in Florida to Joshua Tree, California and the Cuyahoga Valley, Ohio. The group hit the National Mall in Washington on Sunday morning. "Service to our nation and cleanliness are important parts of Islam," said Dr. Madeel Abdullah, president of youth group, in a press release.
You're Not Allowed to Die Here. Medicaid work requirements: Where do they stand after the blue wave?
The 2018 midterm elections have dealt a significant setback to President Trump’s agenda in the legislative arena.
However, there are still many ways for the Trump administration to keep swinging away at the Affordable Care Act. One particularly effective unilateral instrument is the regulatory process – that is, the implementation of statutory law by executive agencies. This may prove particularly consequential for Medicaid, the health coverage program for those with low incomes or disabilities. One particular area of attention for scholars like me is so-called community engagement or work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries. These mandates generally require beneficiaries to conduct work-related activities or lose coverage.
How much does the US depend on imports for key minerals?
Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., raised concern about the United States' dependence on foreign countries for mineral needs in an opinion-editorial this fall.
Here's A Supercut Of Trump Trying To Talk About Technology. Requiem for the American Dream. Suicide more prevalent than homicide in US, but most Americans don't know it.
In the United States, suicide is twice as common as homicide -- and more often involves firearms -- but public perception is just the opposite.
News reports, movies and TV shows may contribute to the perception of a high risk of firearm homicide, authors of a new study say, leaving a substantial gap between ideas and reality and potentially leading to further danger. Now, first-of-its kind research, led by the University of Washington, Northeastern University and Harvard University, delves into public perceptions of gun violence and the leading causes of death in the U.S. The study, published Tuesday in the Annals of Internal Medicine, seeks to facilitate national public discussions about firearm ownership and storage.
60,000 tons of dangerous radioactive waste sits on Great Lakes shores. More than 60,000 tons of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel is stored on the shores of four of the five Great Lakes — in some cases, mere yards from the waterline — in still-growing stockpiles.
“It’s actually the most dangerous waste produced by any industry in the history of the Earth,” said Gordon Edwards, president of the nonprofit Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. The spent nuclear fuel is partly from 15 current or former U.S. nuclear power plants, including four in Michigan, that have generated it over the past 50 years or more.
'My classroom has asbestos and bats': a message for Betsy DeVos.
Secretary DeVos, this is what American teachers want you to know about their struggles. In September, the Guardian invited a team of public school teachers to serve as guest editors of our site and share their stories of teaching in America. As part of the project, our teacher-editors published a manifesto entitled “We shouldn’t be on food stamps: Teachers on how to fix America’s education system”. We also invited teachers in our audience to contribute their own stories to the document, and promised to deliver their messages to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.
We received responses from hundreds of teachers across the country, and today, we are publishing a representative sample of those messages.
88,000 tons of radioactive waste – and nowhere to put it. A Warm Water Mass Called “The Blob” Is Killing Alaska’s Cod. THE DESTRUCTIVE BLOB. In 2013, an unstoppable entity began terrorizing the Pacific. At times it spanned the entire stretch of ocean from Alaska to South America. No, it wasn’t some hyper-aggressive shark or killer whale — it was “the blob,” a mass of water several degrees warmer than the ocean’s average temperature. It’s the kind of thing you might (foolishly) welcome in a chilly swimming pool, but can cause absolute havoc in the ocean. The cause, according to scientists: man-made climate change.
Climate change: Our plans are in pieces as killer heat shreds records. Climate change is here and is affecting the entire globe -- not just the polar bears or tiny islands vulnerable to rising sea levels -- scientists say.
A Push for 3-D Weapons by One of the World’s ‘Most Dangerous People’
Official Trailer HD. Water Pollution. Overpopulation. Microplastics found in most bottled water tested in global study. Reddit: the front page of the internet. Abusive relationships: Why it's so hard for women to 'just leave'
Terrawatch: the rivers taking plastic to the oceans. Sperm whale washed up on Spanish coast was killed by plastic pollution. Two minutes to midnight: did the US miss its chance to stop North Korea’s nuclear programme?
A Black Family Stood Up to this Racist White Couple a Restaurant. The World’s Water Crisis Explained on World Water Day. “Day Zero,” when at least a million homes in the city of Cape Town, South Africa, will no longer have any running water, was originally scheduled for April.
World’s great forests could lose half of all wildlife as planet warms – report. The world’s greatest forests could lose more than half of their plant species by the end of the century unless nations ramp up efforts to tackle climate change, according to a new report on the impacts of global warming on biodiversity hotspots. Mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds are also likely to disappear on a catastrophic scale in the Amazon and other naturally rich ecosysterms in Africa, Asia, North America and Australia if temperatures rise by more than 1.5C, concludes the study by WWF, the University of East Anglia and the James Cook University.
Ghana's Illegal Galamsey Gold Mining Affecting Cocoa Farmers, Chocolate Supply. How Segregation Shapes Fatal Police Violence : Code Switch. War on the wildest places: US bill may open pristine lands to development. The Big Snowy Mountains wilderness study area in Montana represents 91,000 acres of the wildest land left in America.
The Year Climate Change Began to Spin Out of Control. Human Population Through Time. The 100-year capitalist experiment that keeps Appalachia poor, sick, and stuck on coal. Depression treatment: 30 years after Prozac arrived, we still buy the lie that chemical imbalances cause depression.
. Priced Out. Over 6 Million Americans Own 10 or More Guns. Bussed out: how America moves thousands of homeless people around the country. As Overdoses Mount, Cities and Counties Rush to Sue Opioid Makers. Climate change will displace millions in coming decades. Nations should prepare now to help them. Mercury from industrialized nations is polluting the Arctic – here's how it gets there. A journey through a land of extreme poverty: welcome to America.
Lawrence Summers: One last time on who benefits from corporate tax cuts. The religious right carries its golden calf into Steve Bannon’s battles. 'One false move and you're done': how US cities are changing for runaway kids. After Orlando, Examining the Gun Business - The New Yorker. Justices Split on Voting Maps Warped by Politics - The New York Times. Honest Government Advert - Visit Puerto Rico. Las Vegas survivor describes chaos after shooter opened fire: 'Everything hit the fan'
Why Medicaid Cuts Would Likely Widen Quality Gaps In Nursing Home Care. How U.S. Hurricanes Are Complicating Global Aid Response : Goats and Soda. In Harm's Way. Tampa girl, 4, dies of gunshot reaching for candy. Without a Home, and Without Hope. Future US Navy Accident Investigations Will Look for Cyber Attacks. Call climate change what it is: violence.
Escape from Syria: Rania's odyssey – video. Anthony Kennedy has the chance to undo his worst First Amendment decision.
Who Controls Our Schools? How Billionaire-Sponsored Privatization Is Destroying Democracy and Enriching the Charter School Industry. As Paperwork Goes Missing, Private Student Loan Debts May Be Wiped Away - The New York Times.
Governments have to invest in the fourth industrial revolution. Teachers With Student Debt: The Struggle, The Causes And What Comes Next : NPR Ed. Democrats Must Become America’s Anti-Gerrymandering Party. Global Warming Might Be Speeding Up - Bloomberg. Overpopulation, overconsumption – in pictures. Trump tried to make China to do his bidding against North Korea and is shocked that it failed.
How the student loan industry is helping Trump destroy American democracy. Making Ivanka Trump shoes: Long hours, low pay and abuse. People Of Coal-Rich Northern Cheyenne Torn Between Jobs and Sacred Culture. Dear VP Pence, What Exactly Do You Mean by "Personal Responsibility"?
‘They’re sentencing me to death’: Medicaid recipients on the Republican healthcare plan. End of coal: Failure to see it coming will hurt miners most. What The Senate GOP Plan Would Mean For Health Insurance.
25 Years After Junk Science Conviction, Texas Finally Admits Sonia Cacy’s Innocence. America's Political Economy: Infrastructure and Chicago's 75th street corridor – ADAM TOOZE. Trump Administration Names More Former Lobbyists With Ethics Waivers. Margaret Atwood: Plastics are poisoning us. We need change, now.