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> Clarelucy
Some of this and that
Heat wave: How to stay safe in extreme temperatures. Is this the end of forests as we've known them?
In the Age of A.I., Is Seeing Still Believing?
In 2011, Hany Farid, a photo-forensics expert, received an e-mail from a bereaved father.
Three years earlier, the man’s son had found himself on the side of the road with a car that wouldn’t start. When some strangers offered him a lift, he accepted. A few minutes later, for unknown reasons, they shot him.
Medical Experts Tell Government: ‘Shut It Down Now, And Start Over’
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread throughout the U.S. despite mask mandates and social distancing measures, more than 150 medical experts, scientists and other health professionals signed a letter organized by a prominent consumer group and delivered to government leaders Thursday calling for new shutdowns to bring case counts down and “hit the reset button” to implement a more effective response.
The letter, which was organized by consumer group U.S. PIRG and sent to the Trump administration, congressional leaders and state governors, urges leaders to “shut it down now and start over,” saying the government must “take bold action to save lives.” The signatories call for closing all non-essential businesses and opening restaurants for takeout only, with Americans leaving their houses “only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air.”
Jonathan Haidt Explains How Social Media Drives Polarization. The Tiny Swiss Company That Thinks It Can Help Stop Climate Change. Later, Wurzbacher told me he wants to offer a “one click” consumer service, perhaps in a year or two, which would expand what they’re doing in Iceland to individual customers and businesses.
A Climeworks app could be installed on my smartphone, he explained.
Fox's naked bias. How to get empowered, not overpowered, by AI TED click 2x. Trump is Packing the Courts - by Stats.
Solutions. Google’s Project Loon Gets Green Light to Deploy Over Puerto Rico. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page.
Terms of use. A little over four years ago, Google started talking about what it called Project Loon–an ambitious plan to deploy balloons roughly 11 miles up to create an aerial wireless network. The balloons are positioned in wind layers based on NOAA data and float above target areas. Signals travel via LTE from one balloon to another until they reach a base station; connection to the balloons themselves is handled via specific antennas Google installs. The name itself reflects how far-out (or far up) the idea was, but there was a solid concept behind the crazy network. Just as cellular phones have brought the internet to millions of people in Asia and Africa who will likely never own a conventional desktop or laptop, Google was looking for ideas it could use to provide internet access over even greater distances than those provided by a conventional cell tower.
Bitcoin Cases. 'Our minds can be hijacked': the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia.
Facebook Addiction - New Psychological Scale. Don't Be Fooled: 'Generation Wealth' Is More About Wanting Than Having. Jackie and friends with Versace handbags at a private opening at the Versace store, Beverly Hills, California, 2007.
Lauren Greenfield/INSTITUTE hide caption toggle caption Lauren Greenfield/INSTITUTE Jackie and friends with Versace handbags at a private opening at the Versace store, Beverly Hills, California, 2007.
87 Deeply Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo. By Films For Action / Jul 19, 2017 Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in.
Spread across 15 core themes, this collection aims to be that entry point.
Follow the Frog. Define. IF THE WORLD WERE 100 PEOPLE UPDATED. You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you. Comics Blog Books Shop Comics: Random Most Popular All Cats Grammar Food Animals Tech This is a comic about the backfire effect.
Inspiration This comic was inspired by this three-part series on the backfire effect from the You Are Not So Smart Podcast. USC Creativity and Brain Institute. Poor pup is in over his head at his new job.
A Timeline – Russia and President Trump. Of the Jan. 6, 2017, meeting, when Comey told Trump about the infamous Steele dossier, Trump said: “He shared it so that I would think he had it out there” as leverage against Trump.
Of the Feb. 14, 2017, meeting, when Trump said he hoped Comey could see his way to “letting Flynn go,” Trump said: “He said I said ‘hope’ — ‘I hope you can treat Flynn good’ or something like that. I didn’t say anything.
Why do we think poor people are poor because of their own bad choices?
Cecilia Mo thought she knew all about growing up poor when she began teaching at Thomas Jefferson senior high school in south Los Angeles.
In poverty, groceries can be five times more expensive. A hidden camera in a San Francisco grocery store last year captured patrons' reactions when their items ring up as five times more expensive, adjusted to reflect the cost of living near the poverty line.
In "Poverty Line Prices," above, people are shocked when they see their totals. When you're poor, milk can have an adjusted cost of $24. The video comes from Tipping Point Community, an organization that combats poverty in the Bay Area, and advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners. In San Francisco, the average annual family income is $153,000, five times the $24,300 a year that families living on the poverty line earn (or roughly 1 in 10 families in San Francisco).
Gallery: An intriguing sci-fi vision of a megacity.
Olalekan Jeyifous may have trained as an architect, but these days, the Nigerian-born, Brooklyn-based artist is much more interested in sparking debate with his conceptual drawings and sculptures.
Starting conversation is at the center of his Improvised Shanty-Megastructures series, a speculative, forward-facing vision of Lagos, Nigeria, one of the world’s largest cities (with an estimated population of some 21 million).
A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America. Federal housing policies created after the Depression ensured that African-Americans and other people of color were left out of the new suburban communities — and pushed instead into urban housing projects, such as Detroit's Brewster-Douglass towers.
Shady Conservative Group Is Flooding the FCC With Anti-Net Neutrality Comments - Motherboard. That didn't take long. Barely 24 hours after the Federal Communications Commission opened up comments for its proposal to undo net neutrality regulations, a right wing advocacy group appears to have flooded the zone with comments suggesting the regulations have "diminished broadband investment, stifled innovation, and left American consumers potentially on the hook for a new broadband tax.
" A section of the pre-baked comments. Image: Nicholas Deleon The group behind the brigading appears to be American Commitment, the Washington, DC-based group whose animating spirit is supposedly the desire to "restore and protect the American Commitment to free markets, economic growth, Constitutionally-limited government, property rights, and individual freedom," as it notes on its Twitter account.