General Library Stuff
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Learn How To Create A Snow Globe Buncee!
Our 2nd graders and 4th graders have been having so much fun celebrating the winter and holiday by creating some very special snow globe stories and ornaments to share with their friends and family.
We started with The Snow Globe Family by Jane O-Connor and S.D. Schindler as the inspiration to kick off the project.
Fundraiser - Raise More Money Than Ever Before. There is no better way for a school, school group or group of school aged kids to raise money than a Read-a-thon.
Why? Because family, friends and neighbors understand how important education and reading skills are. When asked most people will make generous donations to encourage a child to read. Very few fundraising ideas offer such clear benefits to children and the groups they are raising money for.
Copyright Resources for Educators. Online Timers for the Classroom. Looking for an online timer?
Below are six great ones to check out. Listed below you will find the basic features for each option, as well as my opinion on the best feature (+) and a drawback (-) for each timer. Hopefully, one of these will fit the need you are looking for when it comes to a timer you can use in your physical or virtual classroom. Classroomscreen. Evaluating sources - Evaluating Sources: ACT UP - Research Guides at Salem State University. 3 free classroom noise level monitors - Classcraft Blog. A room full of quiet students … for many teachers, that’s the perfect classroom.
While that might seem like more dream than reality, thankfully lots of classroom noise monitor apps are out there to help you manage. We’ve chosen three classroom noise monitor tools that teachers can use for free. 1. Classcraft Volume Meter. Virtual Library to Share - Google Slides. This Architecture Studio Released A Series Of Templates Children Can Use To Create Paper Cities During Lockdown. If you think you’re bored being stuck at home all day, think about all the children that can’t go to school or go outside to play with their friends.
However, British architecture studio Foster + Partners found a way to keep children entertained during the lockdown. They have released a series of paper building templates that kids can print out, color and use to build their own paper cities to keep themselves busy. The studio even encourages children to share their own creations on social media using the #architecturefromhome hashtag! “Over the next few weeks we will be sharing new activities for children whilst at home, away from school.
We’ll include drawing, making, playing, thinking, reading, watching and other activities to keep them entertained – for at least a few hours!” More info: Foster + Partners | Instagram | Twitter | h/t: Dezeen. (Part 1) TikTok & Why Librarians Should Use it – Don't Shush Me!
Hello everyone!
This will be the first post in a planned series of posts about TikTok! I anticipate there will be about 3-4 posts in this series, and they should each be debuted over the next 2 weeks. The posts will cover a range of topics relating to how and why (i think) Librarians should be on TikTok.
NEW Library Media Pear Deck Templates Are Here!
Last week, I had so much fun using a few very special new templates with my 2nd grade friends from Tracy Ferguson's class on our Zoom connection.
They loved being able to... ....respond and interact with one another through the Pear Deck slides focused around reading that we used from the...
Future Ready Librarians....How are you supporting remote learning? We would love to hear from you.
Catalog of Free MultiUser eBooks/Novels Available during COVID-19. Favorite Videos for a Calm Classroom. I am a huge advocate for a calm classroom environment.
I want students to feel like the classroom is a safe place to learn and grow. A simple way I create this is by using videos I have found online! When is the best time to use videos like these? Have one playing when: Students enter the classroomTransition timesAfter a high-energy activity (PE, recess, class game)Dismissal timeDuring tests or independent work time What are the benefits of these videos?
You've Been Book'd! A New Picture Book Program At Van Meter!
During Teacher Appreciation Week, we started something new from the library with a little help from our families at Van Meter in the VMEPC.
I saw this adorable idea during Read Across America Week from Weaver Elementary on Twitter called You've Been Book'd! I love this!
Read-a-thon Fundraiser - Raise More Money Than Ever Before. Rhonda Jenkins sur Twitter : "Thank you for your Toilet Papers @thebookwrangl...
Be A Library Detective. Years ago, as a brand new librarian, I attended a librarian round table discussion.
Each librarian was asked to share something that they had found success with in their own library. A very experienced librarian, who retired that very year, shared that she had her students earn library licenses. I fell in LOVE with the idea!!
What I'm Reading - Displays That Matter. Using Virtual Reality, Merge Goggles & Balloons Over Broadway To Visit The Macy's Parade With Our 2nd Graders!
As we get ready for Thanksgiving break, our technology and library group are getting ready to kick off something super exciting and new at Van Meter! We now have Merge Goggles, along with devices, to use with our K-12 students. Yesterday as we were planning the upcoming AR/VR professional development session with our teachers, this got us thinking how we could find, integrate and use amazing resources right away.
View. Free Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates.
Book Display by rajenkins. Let’s Play Library! [An Alphabetizing & Sequencing Activity]
Children’s librarians tirelessly go through the shelves day in and day out to reorganize the books kids carelessly pull out and shove back in at some other totally random spot.
I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be! The school gives kids paint sticks to mark where they removed the book so it can be returned to the same spot if necessary, but not every kid grabs one and sooner or later they’ll all have to be able to figure out the books’ rightful place – including my son.
Items - Collections. A New Twist On Library Orientation!
Why ‘deepfake’ videos are becoming more difficult to detect. Top 10 Deepfake Videos. Common Sense Explains: What Are Deepfake Videos?
Start A Google Classroom To Share With Your Teachers This Year!
Last year, I wrote about being at the Future Ready Institute in Ohio and getting this awesome idea for curating and sharing resources with our teachers. As we discussed the different wedges of the Future Ready Librarian Framework and roles we have, I gathered ideas on a piece of paper that really stuck out to me and ones I wanted to put into place in our library.
I spoke about how awesome Collections by Destiny are to curate resources and share with teachers and students. We also brainstormed and shared ideas on the best ways to get the word out about all of the things we do as we gather, curate and share them too. This is when one of my new teacher librarian friend from Ohio gave me the BEST idea! As I was sharing how we created Google Classrooms for each elementary class this week, she said,
Four Ways Google Calendars Can Help Teacher-Librarians Plan.
There are no two days alike when you are a teacher-librarian. You don’t have the same kids every day. You don’t have the same teachers every day. And you don’t have the same schedule every day. To maximize your impact on student achievement, it is crucial to have a plan to manage programs, lessons, and promotion. Whether you are a veteran educator or just starting out, consider how you can utilize calendars to maximize efficiency and communication in your library or classroom. Calendars Organize Being organized makes sure things don’t fall through the cracks and keeps everyone on the same page.
Calendar 1: Programming.
Goodbye, Boring Database Instruction. Hello, Search App Smackdown!
Learn to fight fake news in your classrooms and schools. In the 1930s, Upton Sinclair was one of the most prominent writers in the United States. But no amount of fame could protect him, when he ran for governor of California, from “one of the most well-orchestrated smear campaigns in American history,” instigated by political and business interests hostile to the muckraking revelations in Sinclair’s books, such as The Jungle, making him a victim of “a forerunner of [the] ‘fake news’” that’s so pervasive today.
Nor was he the first American to be misrepresented by his adversaries: John Adams and others in colonial and post-colonial times often felt abused by an unfettered free press. Call it fake news, propaganda, disinformation–it’s been with us in some form or another as long as the written word and doubtless in the oral tradition before that, in whispering campaigns and word-of-mouth slander.
"Crime Junkie" Hosts Accused Of Deleting Controversial Podcast Episodes. The hosts of the popular true crime podcast Crime Junkie have been accused by a former journalist and multiple fellow podcasters of using their work in episodes without credit — and then quietly deleting the episodes after being called out. Crime Junkie is a weekly podcast hosted by Ashley Flowers of Indianapolis and her childhood friend, Brit Prawat.
Flowers, a self-proclaimed "crime junkie" herself, launched the podcast in December 2017 after working with her local Crime Stoppers. Flowers told Deadline she hosted a crime segment on a local radio station before starting the podcast. Over the past year, Crime Junkie has rapidly become one of the most popular podcasts of the genre and is currently the most listened to series on the iTunes podcast charts. The show has a five-star rating on iTunes and more than 100,000 reviews.
Schools that Read Together: Cultivating Reading Communities at the Secondary Level by Heather Rocco. Approximately three years ago, Chatham Middle and High School teachers implemented an independent reading initiative for their students.
There are many components to implementing an effective independent reading program, especially at the middle and high school levels.
Schoolwide Culture of Reading. Bitmoji Library Rules - Mustard Seed Reads. - Online Teacher Lesson Planning. How to Create a Floorplan of Your Space in Excel. (Post contains affiliate links.
Library/Media Center / Library Services. Copy of Library Classes - Google Drawings. FlipgridAR + Buncee Bookmarks = Back-to-School Fun!
The Graphic Classroom: THE BEST COMICS FOR YOUR CLASSROOM. This is a comprehensive list of all the HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and RECOMMENDED comics that we have reviewed.
Barnard Zine Library. Creating Back-To-The Library Bookmarks!
A Simple Trick for Success with One-Pagers. Author & Book Resources to Support Reading Education. What Should I Read Next? Book recommendations from readers like you.
: Book Recommendations (USA)
GUYS READ. Playing with Words to Make Sentences @She3llyLynn84 - Google Slides. Using Google Earth to Follow the Trail of Lewis and Clark. Collaborative Year-End Projects. Debbie Ridpath Ohi's #BookADay. Our 4th Grade #BookBento Project!