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Developer Plugins

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Shyim/awesome-shopware: Shopware - Open Source eCommerce built with PHP. Mschop/shopware-prod2testing: Shopware plugin, that anonymizes person related information and secrets from db. Dneustadt/DneCustomJsCss: Shopware plugin to manage custom JavaScript and CSS/LESS. FriendsOfShopware/FroshViewSnapshots: Shopware plugin that allows you to record/log views and restore them. Webmatch/WbmViewportResizer: Shopware-Plugin to preview the Frontend in responsive viewports. Shyim/ShyimPluginManager: Packagist Integration for Shopware. Simkli/SimklThemeSettingExport: This plugin allows you to import or export theme configurations in Shopware 5.

FriendsOfShopware/FroshMailCatcher: Integrated easy to use mailcatcher for development or staging environments. Shyim/whoops-for-shopware: Whoops for Shopware. Webmatch/WbmQueryManager: Database-Management Plugin for Shopware.