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IKEA to launch Gunrid air-purifying curtain for the home. Ed.ted. If you watched this video, you’re probably interested in how plastics are made, and what impact they have on the environment.


Asociación Aire. Popsicles Made From 100 Different Polluted Water Sources Grab World’s Attention. These popsicles might look like the sort of thing you’d expect to find being served from a quirky organic artisanal food truck, but one bite could leave you very ill indeed, because they’re actually made from sewage found in the polluted waters of Taiwan.

Popsicles Made From 100 Different Polluted Water Sources Grab World’s Attention

Show Full Text. UK tests cheaper, longer-lasting roads made with recycled plastic. Cómo elegir qué árbol plantar - UNIDIVERSIDAD. La amplitud de los sitios y su disponibilidad de agua son los factores principales que definen la elección.

Cómo elegir qué árbol plantar - UNIDIVERSIDAD

Si bien no hay una especie perfecta, existen muchas adecuadas para el mayor número de situaciones posibles. Como explica el ingeniero agrónomo y presidente del Consejo de Defensa del Arbolado Público de Mendoza, Sergio Carrieri, hay árboles para sitios amplios como avenidas o veredas de 5 metros, para sitios medio,barrios o calles y veredas de 3 a 5 metros y para sitios angostos es decir calles o veredas menores de 3 metros. Otra recomendación es tener en cuenta la disponibilidad de agua. En el siguiente interactivo podés conocer las especies recomendadas, sus características y los sitios adecuados para plantarlas. SPACE10 open sources The Growroom – The Farm – Medium.

Getting started To get going building The Growroom, there are certain elements that needs to be ready and available: CNC cutting files Download the CNC cutting files here and share with your local fab lab or maker space that can cut the pieces for you.

SPACE10 open sources The Growroom – The Farm – Medium

Materials. France unveils wattway, the world's first solar panel road. Dec 23, 2016 france unveils wattway, the world's first solar panel road france has unveiled ‘wattway’, the world’s first solar panel road set in tourouvre-au-perche, a small village in normandy. announced by ségolène royal — french minister of ecology — the one-kilometer road is covered in 2,880 photovoltaic panels protected by a silicon-based resin that makes them resistant to the heavy weight of passing vehicles. the solar path is expected to generate 280MWh per year, divided between an average of 767 kWg per day, with peaks of up to 1,500 kWh during the summer. an information panel near the solar road will indicate in real time the energy that has been produced as well as the accumulated one since its installation.

france unveils wattway, the world's first solar panel road

New York City Mapped All of its Trees and Calculated the Economic Benefits of Every Single One. New York City Mapped All of its Trees and Calculated the Economic Benefits of Every Single One Public spaces, squares, and parks in New York City are administered by the city’s Department of Parks & Recreation (NYC Parks).

New York City Mapped All of its Trees and Calculated the Economic Benefits of Every Single One

In recent years, the agency has been responsible for creating new programs to help children, youth and adults be aware of the importance of caring for their urban landscape. One of these programs is a TreesCount! Which in 2015 gathered 2,300 volunteers to learn about the trees in their environment, what state they are in, what care they need, what their measurements are, and how they benefit the surrounding community, etc. For months, they walked the streets of the five boroughs together with a group of monitors who previously trained them to recognize what trees they were studying and their characteristics.

Eco architect William McDonough unveils new language to end the war on carbon. The first way to end the war on carbon, according to the co-author of Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, is to stop calling it a war.

Eco architect William McDonough unveils new language to end the war on carbon

Architect and designer William McDonough, who recently unveiled plans for the 'Silicon Valley of Agriculture' in Denmark, has established a new language for carbon that acknowledges the way the element can be used "safely, productively and profitably. " “Climate change is the result of breakdowns in the carbon cycle caused by us: it is a design failure,” McDonough said in a press release. Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building. Ineratec, an offshoot of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has devised a creative solution to the excess carbon dioxide (CO2) soaking the atmosphere.

Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building

The company developed a small power plant that sucks CO2 out of the air and turns it into fuel. "Invisible” Dyaqua solar cells look just like stone, concrete, and wood. If you have ever wanted to build your own solar-powered home without sporting a roof full of… well, solar panels, Dyaqua is here to help.

"Invisible” Dyaqua solar cells look just like stone, concrete, and wood

The company’s Invisible Solar panels are meant to look just like concrete bricks, slate shingles, and even wooden boards, making renewable energy flow fluidly with classic architecture. These familiar styles help designers avoid what the company calls “visual damage” typically associated with clunky solar panels. Buildings can be updated to include renewable energy generation without losing their historic charm. Each fixture is made from recyclable and non-toxic materials and can withstand the elements, whether affixed to a roof or patterned into a walkway.

The unique assembly includes a top layer which is opaque to the eye, but allows solar rays through to the hidden photovoltaic cells inside. Holanda construirá sus carreteras con plástico rescatado del mar. Rotterdam será la primera ciudad del mundo en la que los coches dejarán de rodar solo por asfalto.

Holanda construirá sus carreteras con plástico rescatado del mar

La ciudad holandesa planea construir carreteras con los residuos de plástico rescatados de los océanos. Serán bloques de polímeros, que recuerdan a las piezas de Lego con las que se jugaba de pequeño, y se presentan como la alternativa ecológica para dejar de verter cemento. El proyecto se llama PlasticRoad y es una iniciativa de la empresa VolkerWessels. La compañía explica que los residuos pláticos acumulados en el mar representan un gran problema para el planeta y que es posible darle una nueva vida en vez de quemarlos o enterrarlos. Cómo integrar los 12 principios de la permacultura en un proyecto de arquitectura (para hacerlo realmente sustentable) En 1978, los ecólogos australianos David Holmgren y Bill Mollison acuñaron por primera vez el concepto de permacultura como método sistemático.

Para Mollison, "la permacultura es la filosofía de trabajar con, y no en contra de la naturaleza, luego de una observación prolongada y reflexiva". Holmgren, por su parte, define el término como "aquellos paisajes conscientemente diseñados que simulan o imitan los patrones y las relaciones observadas en los ecosistemas naturales". Inicio - Conservamos por Naturaleza. New Directions in EcoPlanning (Lecture Series) Upload Website Harvard Museum of Natural History. Reviews for DART.ENVS.02X: Introduction to Environmental Science from edX. Introduction to Environmental Science, ENVX, was first offered in early 2015. Environmental science is the study of patterns and processes in the natural world and their modification by human activity. To understand current environmental problems, we need to consider physical, biological and chemical processes that are often the basis of those problems.

This course will give you the skills necessary to address the environmental issues we are facing today by examining scientific principles and the application of those principles to natural systems. This course will survey some of the many environmental science topics at an introductory level, ultimately considering the sustainability of human activities on the planet. Environmental impacts on Earth come from the number of people and the amount and types of resources that they use.

This Wearable Plant Cleans The Air For You When Pollution Is Bad. It’s a simple and poignant concept: A tiny plant in a transparent backpack as the sole source of sustenance in a bombed-out world. La mayor comunidad digital de Iberoamérica para la nueva cultura sustentable.

Dino Pet: The living lamp that grows brighter the more you care for it. The BioPop Company have come up with a very different and very cool living light/virtual pet by the name of Dino Pet. Vegetable growing cheat sheet. 100 Consejos para lograr un cambio. Guía virtual - Arboles en Lima. Every Last Drop – An Interactive Website about Water Saving.

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