Graphene’s cousin silicene makes transistor debut. Seven years ago, silicene was little more than a theorist’s dream.
Buoyed by a frenzy of interest in graphene — the famous material composed of a honeycomb of carbon just one atom thick — researchers speculated that silicon atoms might form similar sheets. And if they could be used to build electronic devices, these slivers of silicene could enable the semiconductor industry to achieve the ultimate in miniaturization. This week, researchers took a significant step towards realizing that dream, by unveiling details of the first silicene transistor1. Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies. Human sensory and motor systems provide the natural means for the exchange of information between individuals, and, hence, the basis for human civilization.
The recent development of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) has provided an important element for the creation of brain-to-brain communication systems, and precise brain stimulation techniques are now available for the realization of non-invasive computer-brain interfaces (CBI). These technologies, BCI and CBI, can be combined to realize the vision of non-invasive, computer-mediated brain-to-brain (B2B) communication between subjects (hyperinteraction). Here we demonstrate the conscious transmission of information between human brains through the intact scalp and without intervention of motor or peripheral sensory systems. Quantum Biology.
Neuroscience. Genetics. Biotech Startup uBiome Aims To Sequence The Bacteria That Call Our Bodies Home. When you look at your body in the mirror, most of what you consider to be “you” actually isn’t you, at least not in a biological sense.
That’s because there are approximately 10 bacterial cells for every single human cell in the body. E. chromi: Designer Bacteria. E. chromi, a short film about a unique collaboration between designers and biologists has won the best documentary award at Bio:Fiction, the world’s first synthetic biology film festival, held earlier this month in Vienna.E. chromi tells the story of a project uniting designers Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg and James King with a team of undergraduate biology students at Cambridge University.
Using genes from existing organisms, the team designed custom DNA sequences, called BioBricks, and inserted them into E. coli bacteria.The new E. coli—dubbed “E. chromi”—were programmed to express a rainbow of colors when exposed to various chemicals. Fig wasp and fig fruit. Isolated patch of water, trapped under ice, sustains bacterial community. Antarctica's McMurdo Dry Valleys may appear to be one of the least hospitable places on Earth.
They contain a frigid desert where high winds scour the rocky ground, and the only water present is in the form of ice, some of it left over from when the ocean extended into the valley over a million years ago. The State of Climate Science. Polls show that many members of the public believe that scientists substantially disagree about human-caused global warming.
The gold standard of science is the peer-reviewed literature. If there is disagreement among scientists, based not on opinion but on hard evidence, it will be found in the peer-reviewed literature. I searched the Web of Science, an online science publication tool, for peer-reviewed scientific articles published between January first 1991 and November 9th 2012 that have the keyword phrases “global warming” or “global climate change.” The search produced 13,950 articles. See methodology. I read whatever combination of titles, abstracts, and entire articles was necessary to identify articles that “reject” human-caused global warming. Articles about methods, paleoclimatology, mitigation, adaptation, and effects at least implicitly accept human-caused global warming and were usually obvious from the title alone.
One Astrobiologist's Plan to Save the Search for Alien Life. A conceptual illustration of the Europa Jupiter System Mission, or EJSM, which consists of an orbiter for both Europa and Ganymede.
Image: NASA/Michel Carroll Jupiter’s moon Europa hides an ocean of water beneath its icy crust that might harbor extraterrestrial life. Unfortunately, big dollar signs have kept alive the fictional decree in Arthur C. Meteorites, not comets, may have brought water to Earth. Modern Earth is wet and temperate (last week's heat wave aside), but the early Earth was molten and hostile, meaning water and other volatile substances like hydrogen and nitrogen compounds must have been deposited after formation.
The Fabric of the Cosmos. PBS airdate: 11/16/2011 NARRATOR: Lying just beneath everyday reality is a breathtaking world, where much of what we perceive about the universe is wrong.
BBC Universe – Dark matter: A chunk of the Universe is missing. Mystery of dark matter may be near to being deciphered. (Phys.org)—The universe is comprised of a large amount of invisible matter, dark matter.
Twist in dark matter tale hints at shadow Milky Way - space - 11 April 2013. Read full article Continue reading page |1|2. Dark matter images reveal widest view of dark mystery. 9 January 2012Last updated at 19:07 By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News, Austin, Texas The survey dwarfs the previous largest map, shown at centre alongside the moon for comparison of size in the sky Researchers have released the biggest images yet detailing dark matter, the mysterious substance that makes up 85% of the Universe's mass. Each image, a billion light-years across, shows evidence of dark matter clumps scattered through the cosmos. Dark matter’s tendrils revealed. Jörg Dietrich, University of Michigan/University Observatory Munich. BBC Universe - Dark energy mystery: The Universe is 'speeding up' Hubble times Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy pile-up. 31 May 2012Last updated at 21:01 GMT By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News An illustration shows the night sky 3.75 billion years from now.
Andromeda (left) fills the field of view and begins to distort the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy Astronomers have used the Hubble Space Telescope to work out when precisely our Milky Way Galaxy will crash into its neighbour, Andromeda. The pair are being pulled together by their mutual gravity and the scientists expect them to begin to merge in about four billion years' time. A further two billion years on and they will appear as a single entity. David Deutsch on our place in the cosmos.
David Deutsch and Quantum Computing. ANNALS OF SCIENCE about David Deutsch and quantum computing. On the outskirts of Oxford lives a brilliant and distressingly thin physicist named David Deutsch, who believes in multiple universes and has conceived of an as yet unbuildable computer to test their existence. Deutsch, who has never held a job, is essentially the founding father of quantum computing, a field that devises distinctly powerful computers based on the branch of physics known as quantum mechanics.
Epic study confirms Einstein on space-time vortex around Earth. Einstein was right: There is a four-dimensional space-time vortex around Earth, and the spin of Earth does twist space-time. NASA’s Kepler Telescope Finds Planet Orbiting Two Stars. 'Habitable' planet discovered circling Tau Ceti star. A planet with conditions that could support life orbits a twin neighbour of the sun visible to the naked eye, scientists have revealed. The world is one of five thought to be circling Tau Ceti, a star just 12 light years away that is almost identical to the sun. Immune System, Loaded With Remade T-cells, Vanquishes Cancer.
Flexible Adult Stem Cells, Right There In Your Eye. New drug could cure nearly any viral infection. Most bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, discovered decades ago. However, such drugs are useless against viral infections, including influenza, the common cold, and deadly hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola. Now, in a development that could transform how viral infections are treated, a team of researchers at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory has designed a drug that can identify cells that have been infected by any type of virus, then kill those cells to terminate the infection. The microscope images above show that DRACO successfully treats viral infections. In the left set of four photos, rhinovirus (the common cold virus) kills untreated human cells (lower left), whereas DRACO has no toxicity in uninfected cells (upper right) and cures an infected cell population (lower right). The drug works by targeting a type of RNA produced only in cells that have been infected by viruses.
How to Find Limits of Mathematical Functions - Decoded Science Why Mathematics Needs Limits “Math: The Need for Limits” Image by Mike DeHaan. ‘The Character of Physical Law’: Richard Feynman’s Legendary Lecture Series at Cornell, 1964. A k'wala's SciTech Daily. The National Academies Press. Entropy can drive the formation of complex quasicrystals - From a thermodynamics perspective, all systems, even the universe itself, are all driven by two aspects of their state—entropy and energy.
Any closed system will simultaneously tend towards a minimum energy or maximum entropy state—open systems behave differently, but the idea is similar. Magnetic logic makes for mutable chips. Technofascism blog » Blog Archive » Double kill shot dealt to the religion of scientific materialism. The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements. Are Security Scanners Safe?