Kevin Spacey deserves to be scorned. But can I still watch House of Cards?
World radio
Noam Chomsky’s 10 Media Manipulation Strategies – Dr Arthur Chesterfield-Evans. 10 May 2021.
Plato’s Cave and the Construction of Reality in Postmodern Movies. Ancient Greek philosophers like Plato were the first to propose ideas that people have been exploring ever since.
From time to time, writers will present an idea that seems original but is a rehash of these old ideas.
How Indian lawyers, scientists gave Sci-Hub its first legal defence team. A Delhi University law graduate assembled the team; academics from JNU, IIT extended support.
India has the second-largest number of Sci-Hub users. Many university students are dependent on Sci Hub for access to original research (source: Shutterstock) NEW DELHI: Alexandra Elbakyan doesn't always know when she's being sued and usually hears about it in the news.
AP wins 2 Pulitzers for photos of pandemic pain, US unrest. Pulitzer Board honours Darnella Frazier, US teen who filmed George Floyd murder. The Pulitzer Prize Board has awarded a "special citation" to the teenager whose video of the murder of George Floyd by a white police officer sparked worldwide protests against racial injustice.
The Pulitzer Prize Board said the video highlighted "the crucial role of citizens in journalists' quest for truth and justice"Ms Frazier was among the witnesses who testified at the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted in April of Mr Floyd's murderIn the video taken by Ms Frazier, Chauvin is seen kneeling for more than nine minutes on the neck of Mr Floyd, as bystanders urge him repeatedly to get off. The Juice Media. About Us / Contact – Swiss Policy Research. Home. National Geographic Magazine Archive. James Murdoch resigns from board of News Corp. James Murdoch has resigned from the board of News Corp, the media company said on Friday, citing “disagreements” over editorial content.
The resignation severs Murdoch’s final formal link to the media empire his father, Rupert Murdoch, created. James’s older brother Lachlan heads Fox Corporation. In a letter of resignation filed on Friday afternoon, Murdoch wrote: “My resignation is due to disagreements over certain editorial content published by the company’s news outlets and certain other strategic decisions.” News Corp’s News UK division owns the Times, the Sunday Times and the Sun newspapers.
Julian Assange's Extradition Trial and the War on Journalism. US President Donald Trump makes executive order challenging protections for social media companies - ABC News. Honest Government Ads for Teachers – The Juice Media. Gen C: Online Content Production Agency. Why AAP's closure is a brutal hit to Australia's concentrated media market. The wires agency Australian Associated Press announced on Tuesday it will close in June, with 180 jobs being lost.
Quentin Tarantino has written his resignation letter with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Opinion Updated yesterday at 5:34amSun 18 Aug 2019, 5:34am Television is everywhere in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
A movie producer (Al Pacino) sits in a restaurant in Los Angeles while an episode of the crime series FBI plays on a TV behind a bar.
WikiLeaks. - the films and journalism of John Pilger. Friday essay: political cartooning – the end of an era. We started collecting cartoons in the last days of the Keating supremacy.
We used them to chronicle how the wheels fell off during the 1996 election campaign and that serial failure John Howard (once written off in a Bulletin headline as “Mr Eighteen Percent. Why does this man bother?”)
Matters Journal. Index. Making up History: False Memories of Fake News Stories. The Implied Truth Effect: Attaching Warnings to a Subset of Fake News Stories Increases Perceived Accuracy of Stories Without Warnings by Gordon Pennycook, David G. Rand. The science behind why fake news is so hard to wipe out. In the immediate aftermath of the October 1 night massacre in Las Vegas, Facebook and Google — the two largest distributors of news and information in the world — helped to spread misinformation.
In its “top stories,” Google featured a 4chan forum — an anonymous message board notorious for fueling conspiracy theories — that misidentified the shooter as a Democrat with ties to leftist, anti-fascist groups, as BuzzFeed’s Ryan Broderick found out. On Facebook, “trending stories” featured articles about the shooter from Sputnik, a Russian propaganda outlet, a New York Times reporter noted.
Obama tried to give Zuckerberg a wake-up call over fake news on Facebook. Adam Entous Reporter who wrote about national security, foreign policy and intelligence.
September 24, 2017 This story has been updated with an additional response from Facebook.
So, Mark Zuckerberg wants to repent for Facebook's sins? He can start here. Along with his fellow Jews, Mark Zuckerberg introspected over Yom Kippur and asked for forgiveness via Facebook from “those I hurt this year … for the ways my work was used to divide people rather than bring us together”.
He promised to “work to do better”. Presumably, Zuckerberg was referring to the two types of harm that Facebook has recently acknowledged causing: allowing Russian nationals to purchase Facebook ads to aid Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and allowing ad buys on hateful search terms. It took congressional investigations, a special counsel investigation, and great reporting by Politico to get Facebook to fess up to these sins.
It took President Obama pulling Mark Zuckerberg aside shortly after the election and schooling him in Facebook’s responsibility for distributing electioneering lies.
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If Americans Knew - Who We Are. If Americans Knew is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, independent research and information-dissemination institute, with particular focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, U.S. foreign policy regarding the Middle East, and media coverage of this issue. Specifically, the organization’s objective is to provide information that is to a large degree missing from American press coverage of this critical region.
News. Les Nuits révolutionnaires. Pour me soulager, je m'enfonçai dans la suite des siècles : je vis les hommes de 1992, lire notre histoire ; je m'efforçai de les entendre, et je les entendis. La sévérité de leur jugement m'effraya ! Il me sembla que les uns nous reprochaient d'avoir manqué d'humanité, tandis que les extrêmes, tels qu'il en est aujourd'hui, nous approuvaient. Je crus voir que toute l'Europe avait pris un gouvernement nouveau ; mais je voyais sur les pages de l'histoire, les horribles secousses qu'elle avait éprouvées !
Il me semblait entendre les lecteurs, se dire entre eux : "Que nous sommes heureux, de n'avoir pas vécu ces temps horribles, où la vie des hommes était comptée pour rien !
French Revolution Digital Archive. Tragic images of children captured by photojournalists over time. In most cultures, children are valued as precious gifts of life — treasured icons of hope. That stands in stark contrast to photographs circulated this week of a small, lifeless refugee child lying face-down on a Turkish beach with his bright red shirt, little blue cargo shorts and Velcro-strapped, sneakers.
Almost immediately, the image became a symbol of the plight of refugees fleeing the Syrian crisis.
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Start Here. My Green Australia — Green Living Down Under. Science Vs. Politics – Australia’s Water Fluoridation Debate. As countries around the world continue to ban their water fluoridation programs citing adverse health effects, Journalist Kate Johnston speaks to Independent Politician Mark Aldridge and Independent Film Maker Jaya Drolma, to find out why Australia is lagging behind. South Australian Independent Candidate and Civil Rights Advocate Mark Aldridge began questioning Australia’s water fluoridation program after encountering some information claiming that the benefits of fluoride on our teeth are largely topical – through application such as toothpaste – rather than systemic.
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