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Everything We Know About Russia and President Trump. Feinstein: American People Deserve Opportunity to Read Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS Transcript. Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the transcript of Glenn Simpson’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee with the support of committee Democrats.

Feinstein: American People Deserve Opportunity to Read Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS Transcript

Feinstein: American People Deserve Opportunity to Read Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS Transcript. The Nationalist's Delusion. When you look at Trump’s strength among white Americans of all income categories, but his weakness among Americans struggling with poverty, the story of Trump looks less like a story of working-class revolt than a story of white backlash.

The Nationalist's Delusion

And the stories of struggling white Trump supporters look less like the whole truth than a convenient narrative—one that obscures the racist nature of that backlash, instead casting it as a rebellion against an unfeeling establishment that somehow includes working-class and poor people who happen not to be white. The nature of racism in America means that when the rich exploit everyone else, there is always an easier and more vulnerable target to punish. 'He means it': Trump appears to take Putin's denial about election meddling at face value. Trump: ‘I really believe’ Putin’s denials of election meddling President Trump on Nov. 11 said he believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being truthful when he denies that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election.

'He means it': Trump appears to take Putin's denial about election meddling at face value

President Trump says he believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being truthful when he denies that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. (Reuters) President Trump on Nov. 11 said he believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being truthful when he denies that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. How the Trump Administration Is Gutting the U.S.D.A., Endangering Families, Food, and Rural Communities. Ali Zaidi was five years old when his parents moved him from Pakistan to the United States, in 1993.

How the Trump Administration Is Gutting the U.S.D.A., Endangering Families, Food, and Rural Communities

Twitter propaganda during 'Unite the Right' As more and more people take to Twitter to keep up on fast-developing events, it’s more important than ever important to understand how their platform facilitates the spread of misinformation, disinformation, and hate, as well as up-to-the-minute accounts of fact.

Twitter propaganda during 'Unite the Right'

While news and live video content was indeed shared widely and rapidly on Twitter during this weekend’s #unitetheright rally, high-volume accounts highjacked the trending hashtags to push a pro-white-nationalist agenda and share disparaging disinformation about antifa, Black Lives Matter, other activists, and the mainstream media, with the intent (and effect) of flooding out the good information with propaganda. Background. The Conservative Case for Universal Healthcare. Don’t tell anyone, but American conservatives will soon be embracing single-payer healthcare, or some other form of socialized healthcare.

The Conservative Case for Universal Healthcare

Missing Link – George Monbiot. How a secretive network built around a Nobel prizewinner set out to curtail our freedoms By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 19th July 2017 It’s the missing chapter: a key to understanding the politics of the past half century.

Missing Link – George Monbiot

Why Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business. Berkeley author George Lakoff says, 'Don't underestimate Trump' — Berkeleyside. Eric Swalwell posts website on Trump-Russia connection. Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell has launched a website to document the personal, social and business connections between the Russian government and members of the Trump administration — and the threats of such links to U.S. interests.

Eric Swalwell posts website on Trump-Russia connection

In an interview Thursday, the East Bay congressman called it a “living, breathing guide to what is happening” and noted that the site is evolving along with the story. Swalwell, ranking member of the CIA Subcommittee of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, also is calling for an independent, bipartisan commission to probe the extent and nature of ties between the Trump administration and Russia. The website cites reporting by the New York Times that Trump’s campaign had contact with Russian intelligence officials before the election. Mnuchin: Trump will not cut social security and Medicare 'entitlements' Donald Trump’s first budget proposal will spare big social welfare programs such as social security and Medicare from cuts, the treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, said in an interview broadcast on Sunday.

Mnuchin: Trump will not cut social security and Medicare 'entitlements'

Mnuchin said Trump would use his first address to Congress on Tuesday night to preview some elements of his sweeping plans to cut taxes for the middle class, simplify the tax system and make American companies more globally competitive with lower rates and changes to encourage manufacturing. Speaking on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, Mnuchin, who has acknowledged that tax reform is his top policy priority, said the budget plan would not seek cuts to federal benefits programs known as “entitlements”. The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security — with massive benefit cuts. Amid all the hand-wringing over Republican plans to eviscerate Medicare and Medicaid and repeal the Affordable Care Act, it shouldn’t be overlooked that the GOP has the knives out for Social Security too.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security — with massive benefit cuts

The latest reminder comes from Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Tex., chairman of the Ways and Means Social Security subcommittee. Johnson on Thursday uncorked what he termed a “plan to permanently save Social Security.” Followers of GOP habits won’t be surprised to learn that it achieves this goal entirely through benefit cuts, without a dime of new revenues such as higher payroll taxes on the wealthy. In fact, Johnson’s plan reduces the resources coming into the program by eliminating a key tax --another way that he absolves richer Americans of paying their fair share, while increasing the burdens of retirement for almost everyone else. Do These 10 Things, And Trump Will Be Toast. Postcards designed by Pandora Cards. Fact-checking what Donald Trump got wrong in his ABC News interview. President Donald Trump, in his first major TV interview since taking office, promised that Mexico will pay for the border wall and defended his potential reinstatement of CIA black sites.

Sitting down with ABC anchor David Muir at the White House, Trump also doubled down on debunked falsehoods about voter fraud, his inauguration crowd size, torture, international policy, health care and former rival Hillary Clinton. Contact list for major news outlets in the USA. E-mail them urging them to cover the campaign kick-off on Tuesday, March 26! : SandersForPresident. On Obama, President Trump, The Cheneys, And Rumors Of Living In A Post-Truth World - And now the curtain has risen in Washington D.C.: Act 1 on the stage of what some are calling America’s new Theater of the Absurd. No matter what one makes of Donald Trump, he is the new president.

There is no turning back for him or the country. In commemoration, this column, The New West, will henceforth appear twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday here at The Bullseye. Garrison Keillor: Under Trump, cowards can still lead normal lives. The story line was that (maybe) the Russians trapped him in a compromising situation (Disgraceful!) And could threaten blackmail and thereby gain leverage (No way!) , but how do you blackmail a playboy and showman of whom the general public has such abysmally low expectations?

Give me a break. "Does anyone really believe that story? " he asked. Someone needs to tell the gentleman: "When you're president of the United States, you're not just a man, you're a nation. " Log In. Justin Kloski learned that he qualified for Medicaid under the worst of circumstances. The student and part-time lawn-company worker had lost 20 pounds, could not shake a nagging cough and was sleeping 14 hours a day when he decided to visit a clinic in Muncie, Ind., that provides free care for the poor and uninsured. A clinic employee invited Mr. David Fahrenthold tells the behind-the-scenes story of his year covering Trump. IndivisibleGuide 2016 12 20 v2.

Action Friday — Shy Person’s Guide to Calling Representatives. GUEST POST: Mr. Hamilton’s Myopia and the Electoral College. By Bill McRae, Billings Bill is a retired college professor who came back home to Montana. You can email him at and see more at his Facebook page, “An American Progressive.” President of the United States. President. of. the. United. An American Tragedy. Inside The Strange, Paranoid World Of Julian Assange - BuzzFeed News. Donald Trump’s Greatest Self-Contradictions.