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Les ONG dans la tourmente en Israël. Manifestation contre la loi sur les ONG le 15 décembre 2015 à Tel Aviv © ActiveStills Après la Russie, l’Inde, Israël s’en prend à son tour aux financements des ONG accusées d’être une « cinquième colonne » à la solde de puissances étrangères.

Les ONG dans la tourmente en Israël

De notre envoyé spécial à Tel Aviv, Jérusalem et Haïfa. Mideast-peace-talks. Photo TEL AVIV — President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority said in an interview shown Tuesday that he could accept an Israeli military presence in the West Bank for a three-year transition period as part of a peace deal.


But Mr. Abbas said “whoever proposes 10 or 15 years for a transition” was not serious about an agreement. The question of who should be responsible for security, particularly in the Jordan Valley, and for how long, has been central in the American-brokered peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians that started this summer.


Tensions diplomatiques entre Israël et les Etats-Unis. Israël a approuvé la construction de 14'000 logements dans les colonies. Conversation avec l’historien israélien Ilan Pappe. LMaDO : Ilan, vous êtes professeur et historien, vous avez publié plusieurs livres, parmi lesquels le célèbre “Nettoyage Ethnique De La Palestine”, paru en 2006, qui a créé une certaine controverse.

Conversation avec l’historien israélien Ilan Pappe

L’année suivante, en 2007, vous avez déménagé en Angleterre où vous enseignez l’histoire à l’université d’Exeter. Vous faites partie des « nouveaux historiens » israéliens qui donnent une version nouvelle de l’histoire du sionisme et de la création de l’État d’Israël, dont vous faites une critique radicale. The uncomfortable silence of British Jewry. In what’s becoming a regular and predictable occurrence, yet another leading British politician attacked Israel and the American Jewish lobby.

The uncomfortable silence of British Jewry

This time it was MP and former Foreign Secretary and Lord Chancellor, Jack Straw. Speaking of Israeli “theft” of Palestinian land and “Germany’s obsession with [defending] Israel,” Straw lamented the “unlimited funds available to Jewish organizations … used to divert American policy and intimidate candidates.” Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign up! With this blistering, Protocols-of-Zion-like comment warning the world of Jewish political hegemony, Straw has joined the ranks of a growing number of British leaders who libel the Jewish state with impunity as a matter of course. But equally troubling is how these accusations of Jewish conspiracy are met with near-silence in the British Jewish community.

Géopolitique américaine et jeu diplomatique aux Proche et Moyen-Orient. Position du CFR (2012) Why Iran Should Get the Bomb. The past several months have witnessed a heated debate over the best way for the United States and Israel to respond to Iran's nuclear activities.

Position du CFR (2012) Why Iran Should Get the Bomb

As the argument has raged, the United States has tightened its already robust sanctions regime against the Islamic Republic, and the European Union announced in January that it will begin an embargo on Iranian oil on July 1. Although the United States, the EU, and Iran have recently returned to the negotiating table, a palpable sense of crisis still looms. It should not. Most U.S., European, and Israeli commentators and policymakers warn that a nuclear-armed Iran would be the worst possible outcome of the current standoff. In fact, it would probably be the best possible result: the one most likely to restore stability to the Middle East. The crisis over Iran's nuclear program could end in three different ways. To continue reading, please log in.

Après le raid israélien, la Syrie se plaint auprès de l'ONU et parle de représailles. Pro-Palestinian hackers vow new cyberattack on Israel for Monday - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News. Notes sur le cas de la dissolution interne d’Israël. Israël n’est pas un pays comme les autres… Pourtant, il semblerait que si, de plus en plus ; il semblerait même qu’il mène la charge pour signaler qu’il est “un pays comme les autres”, encore plus que les autres, bien en avant des autres dans le cours du processus de dissolution qui les affecte tous.

Notes sur le cas de la dissolution interne d’Israël

(Parlant “des autres”, certes, on parle de ceux du bloc BAO, de leur désordre, de leur confusion, du caractère incontrôlable et insensé de leur politique conduite par leurs narrative contre la vérité du monde.) On veut dire par là, – “pays comme les autres”, – que nous étions habitués à Israël comme d’un pays où les préoccupations de sécurité, jusqu’aux emportements messianiques et prophétiques, passaient tout le reste et mobilisaient une population et sa direction autour d’une ardente perspective. Bob Carr was right to start a debate on the influence of the Zionist lobby.

To have a prominent political figure challenging the power and message of the Israel lobby is almost unheard of in most western nations – which is precisely what makes the just released diaries of former Australian foreign minister Bob Carr all the more remarkable.

Bob Carr was right to start a debate on the influence of the Zionist lobby

Across 500 pages, Carr catalogues his intense exercise regime, friendships with Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger and hectic schedule of meetings and first-class travel. Carr’s more eccentric quotes certainly makes it tempting to dismiss the book, but to do so would be missing the vital importance of his remarks on the Israel/Palestine conflict and Zionism’s most aggressive advocates. Carr explains, in compelling detail, how Melbourne’s Zionist lobby pressures, romances, bullies and cajoles politicians to tow the most fundamentalist position over illegal Israeli colonies, Palestinian recognition at the UN, and even the language used to describe Israeli actions. Quotation quiz: Bob Carr or American Psycho's Patrick Bateman – who said what?


Quotation quiz: Bob Carr or American Psycho's Patrick Bateman – who said what?

"I take a bran muffin, a decaffeinated herbal tea bag and a box of oat-bran cereal. A bowl of oat-bran cereal with wheatgerm and soy milk follows; another bottle of Evian water and a small cup of decaf tea after that. " 2. "Got up at 6am and did 40 minutes on the crosstrainer. France, Britain likely to recall their envoys from Israel.

Jerusalem: Britain and France are thinking over to take action, possibly including the unprecedented step of recalling their ambassadors from Israel, in response to Israel’s announcement of settlement expansion, a report said on Monday.

France, Britain likely to recall their envoys from Israel

Israel continued with retaliatory measures against the Palestinian Authority (PA) following their successful bid at the United Nations to win a non-member state observer status, the Reuters quoted daily Heeratz. A day after PA’s successful bid at the UN, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision on Friday to move ahead with plans for E1 and to build 3,000 housing units in East Jerusalem and West Bank settlements has apparently “shocked” the foreign ministries and the leaders in London and Paris. On November 29 Israel should vote for two states.


Humour. Israel vs Palestine [RAP NEWS 24] White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama. Israël: le fils de Netanyahou créé la polémique. Favori ?

Israël: le fils de Netanyahou créé la polémique

2014. Position du CFR (2012) Why Iran Should Get the Bomb. LDJ. Ulcan. Couvrir Gaza, sous les insultes : journaliste, je ne me tairai pas. Israel's soldiers speak out about brutality of Palestinian occupation. The young soldier stopped to listen to the man reading on the stage in Tel Aviv's Habima Square, outside the tall façade of Charles Bronfman Auditorium. The reader was Yossi Sarid, a former education and environment minister. His text is the testimony of a soldier in the Israel Defence Forces, one of 350 soldiers, politicians, journalists and activists who on Friday – the anniversary of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land in 1967 – recited first-hand soldiers' accounts for 10 hours straight in Habima Square, all of them collected by the Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence.

When one of the group's researchers approached the soldier, they chatted politely out of earshot and then phone numbers were exchanged. Perhaps in the future this young man will give his own account to join the 950 testimonies collected by Breaking the Silence since it was founded 10 years ago.