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Home - National School Library Standards. Scschoollibraries [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Achieving Exemplary School Libraries. Position Statements. Skip to main content Position Statements The following position statement is currently under review to align with the National School Library Standards:

Position Statements

Reconsideration of Materials - Athens High School Library. Requests for Reconsideration of Materials Censorship leaves students with an inadequate and distorted picture of the ideals, values, and problems of their culture.

Reconsideration of Materials - Athens High School Library

Despite a sound book selection policy for the selection of worthwhile books for students to read, occasional objections to a work will undoubtedly be made. Books are potentially open to criticism in one or more of these general areas: treatment of minorities, ideologies of love and sex, and use of language not acceptable to some people as well as other concerns. Suggestion for adding resources or reconsidering resources will be made in writing. A person requesting reconsideration of materials must read, listen and/or view the entire item to lessen the possibility that something is taken out of context. See Appendix H: Request for Reconsideration of Challenged Materials Request for Informal Reconsideration 1. 2. 3. Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries.

"The library is a growing organism" S.R.

Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries

Ranganathan (1931) Home | IntroductionWhy Do I Need a Policy? Home » Asian Pacific American Librarians Association. We Need Diverse Books – Rainbow Book Lists « Rainbow Book List. Rainbow Book List Rainbow Book Lists The Rainbow Book List is released every January.

Rainbow Book Lists « Rainbow Book List

Books on the list are published within the assigned calendar year or between July 1 and December 31 of the previous calendar year. 44 Responses to "Rainbow Book Lists" 1 | The Rainbow Project | Dear Bully: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories September 19, 2011 at 5:15 pm […] Here’s their bibliography of their top recommendations for young people interested in the topic for the past four years. Reply 2 | That GayYA Thing | Memoranda November 2, 2011 at 7:54 am […] American Library Association’s Rainbow Books lists for […] Reply 3 | Queer Romance | BlogTown February 17, 2012 at 2:50 pm […] are a few books that feature queer romance. Reply 4 | Rainbow Book List: LGBTQ books for teens « Erinn Batykefer, MLIS May 3, 2012 at 9:56 am […] a great tool for collection development and readers’ advisory for LGBTQ teens. Click HERE to access the list archives.

Reply Reply. 1000 Black Girl Books Resource Guide – GrassROOTS Community Foundation. This resource guide was created in direct response to the multiple requests made by educators, parents and students. Like Marley Dias, so many of you have asked for books with black girls as the main characters. And because of you, we have received thousands of books. Here we are sharing with you the first 700 book titles. We have not yet catalogued all the books. As a small organization with only two full-time staff, our resources are limited. This resource includes words of welcome from Marley Dias, Creator of the #1000BlackGirlBooks campaign. As the President and Co-Founder of GrassROOTS Community Foundation, I have added a few words and call to action to the guide.

We have reviewed the titles and descriptions of books to ensure that they fit the criterion of having a black girl as the main characters. Inside Board Books: Representations of People of Color. The Virtuous Circle Revisited: Injecting Diversity, Inclusion, Rights, Justice, and Equity into LIS from Education to Advocacy* The TL Toolkit for Student Success Home. Think you don’t?

The TL Toolkit for Student Success Home

Yes you do! Teacher-librarians can and do make a difference. There is a considerable body of documented evidence that proves that schools having a good school library and program have a positive impact on student achievement. Although the data is mounting globally it is also clear that school administrators need to have evidence at the local school level when planning for school improvement and making tough financial decisions.

Look how far we’ve come (already) in Ontario. Evidence-Based Practice is not complicated. WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide. Overview School libraries differ from most other types of libraries because they are contained within school buildings, which, in addition to library space, may include classrooms, auditoriums, circulation space, administrative offices, cafeterias, and the like.

WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

As a result, school libraries, or library media centers (LMCs) as they are commonly called, are smaller than their counterparts. Appropriate space planning for present needs and future expansion is imperative in the school library program. According to a study by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, computer and video technology, in addition to other forms of media including print material, is an important part of education. Use of technology in classrooms and in the library must include design aspects that support learning, including adjustable lighting, ample electrical connections, sound control, and space for expansion. Robert J. Building Attributes A. #NCSLMA14 MacGyver Librarianship. Learning Space Toolkit.

Design Thinking, and a Library Update, With Third Graders. When It's Not Just About the Money: Reasons Behind Grant Writing. Last week, I was asked the question, “If you aren’t competitive, then why are you a grant writer?”

When It's Not Just About the Money: Reasons Behind Grant Writing

Reason after reason flooded my mind. In fact, so many surfaced that I could barely articulate them in the conversation. And, as I talked, I could tell that my excitement level, volume, and pitch range grew and grew. Sometimes our passions are just plain obvious. In Dave Letterman style, here’s why I am a grant writer: 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. One more thing: I believe in teacher action research. Laura Bush: $13 Million in School Library Grants and Counting. Funding Opportunities Abound. Here’s Where to Find, Apply for, and Get Grants for Libraries. On Libraries: Leadership – There Is No Other Option. Reposted with permission from Hilda K.

On Libraries: Leadership – There Is No Other Option

Weisburg’s blog. On Saturday, June 25, I was honored at the AASL Awards Program to receive the 2016 Distinguished Service Award. As part of the presentation, I had the opportunity to speak and I addressed a topic I have been writing about for years. This is something you know I am passionate about, so I am sharing that brief speech as my blog for the week. My deepest thanks to AASL, Baker & Taylor, and to everyone who had a part in nominating me for this incredible honor.

Although it is called the “Distinguished Service Award,” it is truly one that recognizes leadership in the profession and leadership has been a soap box I have been on for decades. Unfortunately there are too many librarians who have yet to step out of the comfort zone of their libraries and accept the fact that leadership is no longer an option.

AASL can provide resources. Demystifying Librarian Leadership: Five Ways to Find Your Leadership Voice. We keep saying it amongst ourselves: librarians are leaders.

Demystifying Librarian Leadership: Five Ways to Find Your Leadership Voice

But, midyear, when we are up to our necks in winter routine, an ambiguous word like “leadership” can intimidate the most confident of us. I mean, let’s face it: we don’t have administrative or departmental titles, and quite often, nobody has really *asked* us to lead, so some days it is hard to raise our hands and say, “Yes, I am a leader.”

It is important to remember that the most impactful leadership is often the kind that grows from grass roots, that the best leaders are those who lead by example, and that the most effective leaders are not always the ones who are appointed. The best leadership is the kind that recognizes and addresses the specific needs of colleagues. It does not look like everybody else’s–it looks like you, but there are some things that every aspiring librarian should consider when defining his or her leadership style. Act with confidenceYou are an expert. Login. Advocacy and Engagement: A Conversation with American Library Association President Jim Neal. For the past year, Jim Neal has served as president of the American Library Association, the oldest and largest library association in the world.

Advocacy and Engagement: A Conversation with American Library Association President Jim Neal

He has focused on making the organization more accessible to its members. “We are working on changing the annual and midwinter conferences to make them richer and programmatic and responsive to our users,” says Neal. During a recent visit to Georgia, we sat down with Jim at the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library to talk about advocacy, community engagement, and the importance of libraries. Georgia Public Library Service: Why are libraries important? JN: Libraries have an important role in helping people be successful in their lives. Professional development 2.0 for librarians: developing an online personal learning network (PLN)

Your PLN: Source of Inspiration or Thief of Joy? Long before Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” The more recent phrase that expresses this idea, especially as it relates to social media, is “Compare and Despair.” When we see pictures of our friends’ fabulous vacations or beautiful new homes, we feel despondent because we don’t travel as much and our perfectly nice homes are smaller and less beautifully decorated.

If you have a personal learning network (PLN) — as many educators do — you might occasionally suffer from professional “compare and despair.” Perhaps you follow one or more rock star librarians (RSLs) on social media. These RSLs might be nationally known names or they might be librarians in your district or region you know and admire. It happens to all of us.

Grant Writing for Libraries

Library Grants. Grants for Librarians. Institute of Museum and Library Services. Awards, Grants and Scholarships. Every year, the American Library Association and its member units honor people and institutions through an awards program that recognizes distinguished service to librarians and librarianship. Award seals are available for some winners. Book, Print & Media Awards ALA and its member units honor books, print and other forms of media through a variety of awards. These awards are given to publications, and the authors, illustrators, and publishers who create them. General Award Information Includes the ALA Awards Manual and instructions about how to establish a new award. Grants & Fellowships A variety of grants and fellowships that provide funding or material support for present or future activities.

Professional Recognition Awards Given to individuals, groups or organizations that have shown outstanding leadership in one of the many areas of great importance to the mission and goals of the ALA. Awards, Grants and Scholarships. Login. Take Time for a Thoughtful Implementation of the New Standards. By Jeanie Phillips, standards implementation task force member If you are at all like me, you may be feeling like you should already be implementing the new AASL Standards. “After all, they were released a full month ago,” says my inner taskmaster. Standards Crosswalks. Bendy, Twisty, Flexible Scheduling! 3impact revision. Position Statements. IIA R 1 D1. Reconsideration of Materials - Athens High School Library. Reconsideration of Library Materials Policy Forms.

Dealing with Challenged Materials. Selection & Reconsideration Policy Toolkit for Public, School, & Academic Libraries. We Need Diverse Books – Rainbow Book Lists « Rainbow Book List. 1000 Black Girl Books Resource Guide – GrassROOTS Community Foundation. Position Statements. 3impact revision. Standards Crosswalks.